微软rms 2016

tech2023-02-24  128

微软rms 2016

Mozilla finally overtook Microsoft during April 2016. Do the latest StatCounter browser statistics hold any cheer for IE and Edge? …

Mozilla最终在2016年4月取代了Microsoft 。 最新的StatCounter浏览器统计信息是否对IE和Edge有所帮助? …

2016年4月至5月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, April to May 2016)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past month.


BrowserAprilMaychangerelativeChrome56.89%57.07%+0.18%+0.30%Firefox14.24%14.50%+0.26%+1.80%IE119.02%8.65%-0.37%-4.10%oldIE3.11%2.73%-0.38%-12.20%Edge2.10%2.29%+0.19%+9.00%Safari4.20%4.32%+0.12%+2.90%iPad Safari5.26%5.35%+0.09%+1.70%Opera1.83%1.80%-0.03%-1.60%Others3.35%3.29%-0.06%-1.80% 浏览器 四月 可能 更改 相对的 Chrome 56.89% 57.07% + 0.18% + 0.30% 火狐浏览器 14.24% 14.50% + 0.26% + 1.80% IE11 9.02% 8.65% -0.37% -4.10% 老IE 3.11% 2.73% -0.38% -12.20% 边缘 2.10% 2.29% + 0.19% + 9.00% 苹果浏览器 4.20% 4.32% + 0.12% + 2.90% iPad Safari 5.26% 5.35% + 0.09% + 1.70% 歌剧 1.83% 1.80% -0.03% -1.60% 其他 3.35% 3.29% -0.06% -1.80%

2015年5月至2016年5月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, May 2015 to May 2016)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past twelve months:


BrowserMay 2015May 2016changerelativeChrome49.36%57.07%+7.71%+15.60%Firefox16.39%14.50%-1.89%-11.50%IE1110.83%8.65%-2.18%-20.10%oldIE7.45%2.73%-4.72%-63.40%Safari10.82%9.67%-1.15%-10.60%Opera1.62%1.80%+0.18%+11.10%Others3.53%5.58%+2.05%+58.10% 浏览器 2015年5月 2016年五月 更改 相对的 Chrome 49.36% 57.07% + 7.71% + 15.60% 火狐浏览器 16.39% 14.50% -1.89% -11.50% IE11 10.83% 8.65% -2.18% -20.10% 老IE 7.45% 2.73% -4.72% -63.40% 苹果浏览器 10.82% 9.67% -1.15% -10.60% 歌剧 1.62% 1.80% + 0.18% + 11.10% 其他 3.53% 5.58% + 2.05% + 58.10%

(The tables show market share estimates for desktop browsers. The ‘change’ column is the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates the proportional change, i.e. Edge’s userbase grew 9% last month. There are several caveats, so I recommend you read How Browser Market Share is Calculated and StatCounter vs NetMarketShare.)

(这些表格显示了桌面浏览器的市场份额估计值。“更改”列是市场份额的绝对增加或减少。“相对”列表示成比例的变化,即Edge的用户群上个月增长了9%。有几个警告,因此,我建议您阅读如何计算浏览器市场份额以及StatCounter与NetMarketShare 。)

I’ve rearranged the statistics into approximate usage order. Edge and IE11 are counted separately, but IE10 and below are wrapped into the increasingly irrelevant oldIE category, which now accounts for less than 3% of the market.

我已将统计信息重新排列为大致的使用顺序。 Edge和IE11分别进行计数,但IE10及以下版本已被包含在越来越不相关的oldIE类别中,该类别现在仅占不到市场的3%。

Edge is growing its user base by up to 10% per month, but it’s not gaining users at the rate IE is dropping. IE11 remains a capable browser, but development has been abandoned and usage is falling accordingly. Edge is solid competitor to Chrome and Firefox, but it only runs on Windows 10 — and not everyone is able or willing to migrate yet.

Edge的用户基础每月增长高达10%,但它并没有以IE下降的速度获得用户。 IE11仍然是一个功能强大的浏览器,但是开发已被放弃,使用率也相应下降。 Edge是Chrome和Firefox的坚强竞争对手,但它只能在Windows 10上运行- 并不是每个人都能够或不愿意迁移 。

Ironically, Microsoft is doing everything we ask of them. They:

具有讽刺意味的是,微软正在做我们要求他们做的所有事情。 他们:

hire great people

聘请优秀人才 actively embrace the web and engage with the community — even on non-Microsoft platforms such as PHP and Node.js


reveal their future browser intentions


give away good development software and resources


admit their shortcomings (see mobile below …)


The Microsoft ecosystem still feels a little disjointed when compared to Google: online login can be painful, collaboration isn’t as slick, Outlook’s HTML email view is poor, Office does not support SVG, Edge extensions are yet to arrive, and non-Windows OS software can be patchy. Google and Apple need strong competitors, but Microsoft are playing catch-up and it’s not been enough to stem the flow of users. They can succeed, but innovation will be the only way to win.

与Google相比,微软的生态系统仍然感觉有些脱节:在线登录可能会很痛苦,协作并不那么顺畅,OutlookHTML电子邮件视图不佳,Office不支持SVG,Edge扩展尚未到来,以及非Windows操作系统软件可能不完整。 谷歌和苹果需要强大的竞争者,但微软正在追赶,这还不足以阻止用户流。 他们可以成功,但是创新将是唯一的取胜方法。

As for the other browsers, Firefox’s small jump during April consolidated its position at #2, with a 0.83% advantage over IE/Edge. Chrome increased slightly, and it was a relatively good month for Safari, given the recent drop in form.

至于其他浏览器,Firefox在四月份的小幅上升巩固了其排名第二的位置,与IE / Edge相比优势为0.83%。 Chrome略有增加,鉴于最近形式的下降,对于Safari来说,这是一个相对较好的月份。

2016年4月至5月全球移动浏览器统计数据 (Worldwide Mobile Browser Statistics, April to May 2016)

Mobile usage jumped by a huge 2.25% during May and now accounts for 45.81% of all web activity. Warmer weather in the northern hemisphere may account for some of that increase, but we’re within reach of the promised 50:50 split.

5月份,移动设备的使用量猛增了2.25%,目前占所有网络活动的45.81% 。 北半球较温暖的天气可能是造成这种增长的原因之一,但我们已实现了承诺的50:50的分配比例。

The top mobile browsing applications for the month were:


Mobile BrowserAprilMaychangerelativeChrome34.17%34.44%+0.27%+0.80%UC Browser19.75%20.49%+0.74%+3.70%iPhone17.48%17.36%-0.12%-0.70%Opera Mini/Mobile10.90%10.98%+0.08%+0.70%Android8.30%7.68%-0.62%-7.50%Samsung Internet5.71%5.46%-0.25%-4.40%IEMobile1.60%1.52%-0.08%-5.00%Others2.09%2.07%-0.02%-1.00% 手机浏览器 四月 可能 更改 相对的 Chrome 34.17% 34.44% + 0.27% + 0.80% UC浏览器 19.75% 20.49% + 0.74% + 3.70% 苹果手机 17.48% 17.36% -0.12% -0.70% Opera Mini /手机 10.90% 10.98% + 0.08% + 0.70% 安卓系统 8.30% 7.68% -0.62% -7.50% 三星上网 5.71% 5.46% -0.25% -4.40% IEMobile 1.60% 1.52% -0.08% -5.00% 其他 2.09% 2.07% -0.02% -1.00%

Application usage remained similar to April, although it seems the Samsung surge has ended. Perhaps people have stopped using their shiny new S7s every few minutes?!

应用程序的使用情况与4月份相似 ,尽管三星的热潮似乎已经结束 。 也许人们每隔几分钟就停止使用他们闪亮的新S7吗?!

The main mobile news is Microsoft’s disposal of the Nokia brand just two years after their $7.2 billion takeover. Nokia’s aging feature phone business has been sold to FIH Mobile Ltd for $350 million and 1,000 jobs were cut. Ouch. Nokia’s old models still rank as the most popular ever sold, but the brand is set to disappear into obscurity.

移动的主要新闻是微软在以72亿美元的价格收购诺基亚公司仅两年后就将其出售。 诺基亚老化的功能电话业务已以3.5亿美元的价格卖给了FIH Mobile Ltd,裁员了1000人。 哎哟。 诺基亚的旧机型仍然是有史以来销量最高的机型,但该品牌将逐渐消失。

Rumors remain about a new Surface Phone, but Microsoft has struggled in the mobile arena. Windows phones are generally well made, fast and intuitive, but they arrived too late on the market and struggle from a lack of native apps. I suspect Microsoft will shelve their mobile ambitions.

关于新的Surface Phone的谣言仍然存在,但是微软在移动领域一直苦苦挣扎。 Windows手机通常制作精良,快速且直观,但它们在市场上推出时为时已晚,并且由于缺乏本机应用程序而苦苦挣扎。 我怀疑微软会搁置他们的移动野心。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/browser-trends-june-2016-microsoft-misfortune/

微软rms 2016

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