
tech2023-02-25  131


In October, we discussed reasons why Edge has struggled to gain momentum. Are November’s StatCounter browser statistics better for Microsoft’s flagship browser? …

在10月,我们讨论了Edge努力获得动力的原因 。 11月的StatCounter浏览器统计信息是否比Microsoft的旗舰浏览器更好? …

2016年9月至10月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, September to October 2016)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past month.


BrowserSeptemberOctoberchangerelativeChrome58.89%59.39%+0.50%+0.80%Firefox13.66%13.28%-0.38%-2.80%IE117.68%6.95%-0.73%-9.50%oldIE2.13%1.94%-0.19%-8.90%Edge2.78%2.82%+0.04%+1.40%Safari4.30%4.79%+0.49%+11.40%iPad Safari5.30%5.42%+0.12%+2.30%Opera1.72%1.91%+0.19%+11.00%Others3.54%3.50%-0.04%-1.10% 浏览器 九月 十月 更改 相对的 Chrome 58.89% 59.39% + 0.50% + 0.80% 火狐浏览器 13.66% 13.28% -0.38% -2.80% IE11 7.68% 6.95% -0.73% -9.50% 老IE 2.13% 1.94% -0.19% -8.90% 边缘 2.78% 2.82% + 0.04% + 1.40% 苹果浏览器 4.30% 4.79% + 0.49% + 11.40% iPad Safari 5.30% 5.42% + 0.12% + 2.30% 歌剧 1.72% 1.91% + 0.19% + 11.00% 其他 3.54% 3.50% -0.04% -1.10%

2015年10月至2016年10月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, October 2015 to October 2016)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past twelve months:


BrowserOctober 2015October 2016changerelativeChrome53.78%59.39%+5.61%+10.40%Firefox15.52%13.28%-2.24%-14.40%IE1110.00%6.95%-3.05%-30.50%oldIE5.28%1.94%-3.34%-63.30%Edge1.10%2.82%+1.72%+156.40%Safari9.12%10.21%+1.09%+12.00%Opera1.78%1.91%+0.13%+7.30%Others3.42%3.50%+0.08%+2.30% 浏览器 2015年10月 2016年十月 更改 相对的 Chrome 53.78% 59.39% + 5.61% + 10.40% 火狐浏览器 15.52% 13.28% -2.24% -14.40% IE11 10.00% 6.95% -3.05% -30.50% 老IE 5.28% 1.94% -3.34% -63.30% 边缘 1.10% 2.82% + 1.72% + 156.40% 苹果浏览器 9.12% 10.21% + 1.09% + 12.00% 歌剧 1.78% 1.91% + 0.13% + 7.30% 其他 3.42% 3.50% + 0.08% + 2.30%

(The tables show market share estimates for desktop browsers. The ‘change’ column is the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates the proportional change, i.e. 9.5% of oldIE users migrated elsewhere last month. There are several caveats so I recommend you read How Browser Market Share is Calculated and StatCounter vs NetMarketShare.)

(这些表格显示了台式机浏览器的市场份额估计值。“更改”列是市场份额的绝对增加或减少。“相对”列表示成比例的变化,即,9.5%的oldIE用户上个月迁移到其他地方。注意事项,所以我建议您阅读如何计算浏览器市场份额以及StatCounter与NetMarketShare 。)

Chrome continued upward at the expense of Firefox and IE, but it was also a good month for underdog browsers:


Edge increased. Not by much, admittedly, but at least it was the right direction.

边缘增加。 诚然,这不是很多,但是至少这是正确的方向。 Opera experienced its highest jump for several years. The browser is increasingly impressive and fast when compared with Chrome, despite using the same Blink rendering engine.

歌剧经历了几年来最高的跳跃。 尽管使用了相同的Blink渲染引擎,但与Chrome相比,该浏览器越来越令人印象深刻且速度更快。

Safari had the best month of all, despite continued venom from the development community about Apple’s lackluster attitude to the web. It’s possible this was achieved following new OS and device releases, but the mobile chart did not record similar gains?

尽管开发界对苹果对网络的态度呆滞不前,但Safari表现最好。 这可能是在新的操作系统和设备发布之后实现的,但是移动图表没有记录类似的收益吗?

While it’s tempting to think there are only five main browsers, the situation is considerably more diverse. More than one in thirty web users surf with one of the ‘others’. Alternative applications have been rising steadily since early 2014 and can have a strong impact in specific countries or markets. Here is a shortlist of new and existing options you may want to consider.

尽管很容易想到只有五个主要的浏览器,但情况却要多样化得多。 超过三分之一的网络用户与“其他”用户中的一个一起冲浪。 自2014年初以来,替代应用一直在稳步增长,并可能在特定国家或市场产生巨大影响。 这是您可能要考虑的新选项和现有选项的清单。


Ghost is a new Blink-based browser which has a unique selling point: multi-session browsing. The application allows you to set up colored tab groups which have their own set of private cookies. This allows you to log into a single website with more than one account in the same browser window. The option could be especially useful for developers.

Ghost是一种新的基于Blink的浏览器,具有独特的卖点: 多会话浏览 。 该应用程序允许您设置彩色选项卡组,这些选项卡组具有其自己的私人cookie集。 这样,您可以在同一浏览器窗口中使用多个帐户登录一个网站。 该选项可能对开发人员特别有用。

Ghost is still in beta, but you can register for an invite.

Ghost仍处于测试阶段,但您可以注册邀请 。


If you think browsers provide too much cruft, Min strips the web back to absolute basics. Features include tab management, ad-blocking and little else. Currently available for MacOS and Ubuntu, Min is an Electron application developed in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

如果您认为浏览器提供了太多的问题,那么Min会将网络归结为绝对基础。 功能包括标签管理,广告拦截等。 Min是目前可用于MacOS和Ubuntu的用HTML,CSS和JavaScript开发的Electron应用程序 。

漩涡计划 (Project Maelstrom)

Modestly titled “the future of the web is here”, Project Maelstrom renders standard HTTP-served pages as well as those packaged as torrents. Files can then be downloaded from multiple peers rather than a single server, which increases network bandwidth and reliability. The beta Blink-based browser can be downloaded today.

简洁的标题为“网络的未来就在这里” ,Project Maelstrom呈现标准的HTTP服务页面以及打包为torrent的页面。 然后可以从多个对等方而不是单个服务器下载文件,从而增加了网络带宽和可靠性。 现在可以下载基于beta Blink的浏览器。

UC浏览器 (UC Browser)

UC Browser has overtaken the iPhone to reach second place in the mobile chart, but is available for a range of desktop, tablet, smartphone and feature phone devices. The application is owned by the Chinese Alibaba Group (a cross between Amazon and eBay but considerably bigger than both). It uses its own U3 rendering engine.

UC浏览器已超越iPhone,在移动图表中排名第二,但可用于一系列台式机,平板电脑,智能手机和功能电话设备。 该应用程序归中国阿里巴巴集团所有(亚马逊和eBay之间有一个交叉点,但两者之和要大得多)。 它使用自己的U3渲染引擎。

Other popular Chinese applications include Qihoo 360 Secure, Sogou Explorer and QQ Browser.

其他流行的中文应用程序包括Qihoo 360 Secure , Sogou Explorer和QQ Browser 。

傲游 (Maxthon)

Perhaps the only Chinese browser to achieve western appeal, Maxthon offers both the Trident (IE) and WebKit rendering engine. This was useful in the early years of the century when many sites were “best viewed in IE”.

Maxthon也许是唯一获得西方吸引力的中文浏览器,它同时提供了Trident(IE)和WebKit渲染引擎。 在本世纪初许多站点“在IE中最佳浏览”时,这很有用。

月神 (Lunascape)

If two rendering engines isn’t enough, Lunascape provides three in a single browser: Trident, Gecko and WebKit. Developers can view the same page in a three-way cascade view to ensure pixel-perfect alignment. The application is available for Windows and Android, with Mac OS coming soon. There is also an iOS edition, but it’s a Safari clone owing to Apple’s restrictions.

如果两个渲染引擎还不够,Lunascape可以在一个浏览器中提供三个:Trident,Gecko和WebKit。 开发人员可以在三级层叠视图中查看同一页面,以确保像素完美对齐。 该应用程序适用于Windows和Android,即将推出Mac OS。 还有一个iOS版本,但是由于苹果的限制,它是Safari的克隆版本。

苍白的月亮浏览器 (Pale Moon Browser)

Pale Moon is open-source browser fork of Firefox which uses its own Goanna rendering engine. It is available for Windows, Linux and Android (MacOS in development). The browser will continue to support XUL and XPCOM add-ons despite Mozilla’s future intentions for the technologies.

Pale Moon是Firefox的开源浏览器分支,它使用自己的Goanna渲染引擎。 它适用于Windows,Linux和Android(正在开发MacOS)。 尽管Mozilla未来打算使用该技术,但该浏览器将继续支持XUL和XPCOM插件。

Yandex (Yandex)

Yandex is the first alternative browser to appear in the StatCounter figures. The free desktop, tablet and smartphone Blink-based browser is provided by Russian web search corporation Yandex. The application currently holds 9% of the Russian market, despite strong competition from Google.

Yandex是第一个出现在StatCounter图形中的替代浏览器。 免费的台式机,平板电脑和智能手机基于Blink的浏览器由俄罗斯网络搜索公司Yandex提供。 尽管有来自Google的激烈竞争,该应用程序目前仍占据俄罗斯市场9%的份额。

可可 (Coc Coc)

Another Blink-based option, Coc Coc is aimed at the Vietnamese market but also provides an English translation. The browser is the second most popular browser in Vietnam with a 24% market share.

另一个基于眨眼的选项,Coc Coc面向越南市场,但也提供英语翻译。 该浏览器是越南第二受欢迎的浏览器,市场份额为24%。

Would you prefer something a little more mainstream? Why not consider the Blisk development browser or see How Do Chrome’s Rivals Stack Up?

您是否想要一些主流的东西? 为什么不考虑使用Blisk开发浏览器,或查看Chrome的竞争对手如何堆叠?

2016年10月全球移动浏览器统计 (Worldwide Mobile Browser Statistics, October 2016)

Mobile browser use increased by a significant 1.66% during October. It now accounts for 48.84% of all web activity. The long-promised mobile/desktop parity could be upon us shortly.

十月份,移动浏览器的使用量显着增加了1.66%。 现在,它占所有网络活动的48.84% 。 长期以来承诺的移动/桌面奇偶校验可能很快就会出现。

The top mobile browsing applications for the month were:


Mobile BrowserSeptemberOctoberchangerelativeChrome39.09%40.64%+1.55%+4.00%UC Browser17.04%17.90%+0.86%+5.00%iPhone17.90%16.69%-1.21%-6.80%Opera Mini/Mobile9.77%8.64%-1.13%-11.60%Samsung Internet6.86%6.52%-0.34%-5.00%Android6.33%5.83%-0.50%-7.90%IEMobile1.26%1.13%-0.13%-10.30%Others1.75%2.65%+0.90%+51.40% 手机浏览器 九月 十月 更改 相对的 Chrome 39.09% 40.64% + 1.55% + 4.00% UC浏览器 17.04% 17.90% + 0.86% + 5.00% 苹果手机 17.90% 16.69% -1.21% -6.80% Opera Mini /手机 9.77% 8.64% -1.13% -11.60% 三星上网 6.86% 6.52% -0.34% -5.00% 安卓系统 6.33% 5.83% -0.50% -7.90% IEMobile 1.26% 1.13% -0.13% -10.30% 其他 1.75% 2.65% + 0.90% + 51.40%

Chrome continues to grow rapidly, but the main news is that UC Browser knocked the iPhone from the #2 spot. UC has been in that position before, but its five-month stint ended in May 2016. Strangely, the iPhone dropped considerably compared to the increases for Safari on the iPad and Mac OS? Perhaps the situation will settle next month.

Chrome继续快速增长,但主要新闻是UC浏览器使iPhone从第二名跌落。 UC之前一直处于这一位置,但其五个月的工作期限于2016年5月结束。奇怪的是,与iPad和Mac OS上Safari的增长相比,iPhone的下降幅度很大? 情况可能在下个月解决。


