
tech2023-02-25  118

In October 2015, we introduced Sourcehunt in the PHP Channel. The goal of Sourcehunt here at SitePoint was to help open source projects find new contributors, while also helping contributors gain experience and street cred by getting involved in an open source project. With this same goal, we launched Sourcehunt on the Design channel 2 months later. In this article, we’re bringing it to a whole new area that is growing here at SitePoint — emerging tech!

2015年10月,我们在PHP Channel中引入了Sourcehunt 。 SitePoint上Sourcehunt的目标是帮助开源项目找到新的贡献者,同时也通过参与开源项目来帮助贡献者获得经验和街头信誉。 为了实现这个目标,两个月后,我们在设计频道上启动了Sourcehunt 。 在本文中,我们将其带入SitePoint不断发展的全新领域- 新兴技术 !

Synergy is the keyword here. Leaving a mark on an open source project can have a great impact on future projects. I’ve personally been very fortunate to volunteer and contribute to projects like Mozilla or Fedora. Contributing to these projects prepared me for other more demanding projects, which would pay my bills at the end of the day. If you are able to set a few hours aside to work on side projects like these, you will see the advantages in no time!

协同是这里的关键词。 在开源项目上留下痕迹会对未来的项目产生重大影响。 我个人非常幸运能够志愿服务并为Mozilla或Fedora等项目做出贡献。 对这些项目的贡献使我为其他要求更高的项目做好了准备,这些项目将在一天结束时支付我的账单。 如果您能够腾出几个小时来从事此类副项目,您将很快看到优势!

In this edition, we will be focusing on open source projects in the Emerging Tech sector. Specifically, 3 projects from the fields of virtual reality, the Internet of Things and augmented reality. We will present a short introduction to the project, how you can contribute and conclude each with the main programming languages and license used in each project. Ready? Let’s dive in.

在此版本中,我们将重点关注新兴技术领域的开源项目。 具体而言,来自虚拟现实,物联网和增强现实领域的3个项目。 我们将简要介绍该项目,介绍如何使用每个项目中使用的主要编程语言和许可证来做出贡献和总结。 准备? 让我们潜入。


OSVR is an open-source software platform for virtual and augmented reality. It allows discovery, configuration and operation of hundreds of VR/AR devices and peripherals. OSVR supports multiple game engines, and operating systems and provides services such as asynchronous time warp and direct mode in support of low-latency rendering.

OSVR是用于虚拟现实和增强现实的开源软件平台。 它允许发现,配置和操作数百个VR / AR设备和外围设备。 OSVR支持多个游戏引擎和操作系统,并提供异步时间扭曲和直接模式等服务,以支持低延迟渲染。

The name says it — Open Source Virtual Reality. Pretty damn exciting for gamers and open source lovers alike! It is especially exciting as it’s maintained by Razer, a gaming hardware manufacturer that is quite popular among gamers. Another maintainer of OSVR is Sensics.

顾名思义,它就是“ 开源虚拟现实” 。 令游戏玩家和开放源代码爱好者们都非常激动! 特别令人兴奋的是,它由游戏硬件制造商Razer维护,在游戏玩家中颇受欢迎。 OSVR的另一个维护者是Sensics 。

The project is relatively complex, with a lot of development, discussions and tracking not happening in a central place. However, when looking for help, a way to contribute, or how to dive into development, the first place to check out is the OSVR GitHub repo. Check out the repo’s issue list if you want to help out in any specific ways. They are neatly labelled for easy inspection:

该项目相对复杂,没有一个集中的地方进行大量的开发,讨论和跟踪。 但是,在寻求帮助,做出贡献的方式或如何投入开发时,首先要检查的地方是OSVR GitHub repo 。 如果您想以任何特定方式提供帮助,请查看回购的问题列表。 它们的标签整齐,便于检查:

The OSVR developer portal is the hub for getting involved in the project. To get started, check out the following:

OSVR开发人员门户是参与项目的中心。 首先,请查看以下内容:

Slides & Presentations


List of Compatible Devices / Systems / Frameworks


Gitter Chat Rooms


Newsletter & Mailing Lists


If you want to work on your first bug, you should look out for the red “bug” labels and start working on them.


奖金 (Bonus)

If you have some spare funds, have a look at the OSVR HDK (Hacker Development Kit). It is fully open source, and the hardware schematics are free for anyone to download and tweak. If you want to go a step further, have a look.

如果您有剩余资金,请查看OSVR HDK(Hacker开发套件) 。 它是完全开源的,并且任何人都可以免费下载和调整硬件原理图。 如果您想更进一步,请看一看。

编程语言和许可 (Programming Languages & License)

Over 69.3% of the code is written in C++, 21.4% in CMake and 4.4% C.

超过69.3%的代码是用C ++编写的, 21.4%的CMake和4.4%的 C编写的。

The code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. Check out my article explaining open source licenses as well, if you are interested to know more about that license.

该代码已获得Apache 2.0许可的许可 。 如果您有兴趣进一步了解开放源代码许可证,请查看我的文章,其中也介绍了开放源代码许可证 。

a (Kaa)

With the rise of the Internet of Things, concerns of security and privacy flaws have emerged as well. A certain project named Kaa aims to change that.

随着物联网的兴起, 对安全性和隐私漏洞的担忧也随之出现。 一个名为Kaa的项目旨在改变这一现状 。

Kaa is a production-ready, multi-purpose middleware platform for building complete end-to-end IoT solutions, connected applications, and smart products. The Kaa platform provides an open, feature-rich toolkit for the IoT product development and thus dramatically reduces associated cost, risks, and time-to-market.

Kaa是一个可投入生产的多功能中间件平台,用于构建完整的端到端IoT解决方案,连接的应用程序和智能产品。 Kaa平台为IoT产品开发提供了一个开放的,功能丰富的工具包,从而显着降低了相关的成本,风险和上市时间。

Sounds promising, right? Kaa is completely open source and free (free as in freedom and free beer). It offers both community support and commercial support. In this article, we will focus on the community aspect and how you can get involved.

听起来很有前途吧? Kaa是完全开源的,并且是免费的(与自由和啤酒一样免费)。 它提供社区支持和商业支持。 在本文中,我们将重点关注社区方面以及如何参与其中。

To get started with Kaa, check out this overview of the Kaa project. It is very rich with information and explanations you should have before diving in. The Kaa Getting Started page is the next place you should stop by. It should give you an impression of the project pretty quickly.

要开始使用Kaa, 请查看Kaa项目的概述 。 潜水之前,您应该获得的信息和说明非常丰富。下一个应该去的地方是Kaa入门页面。 它应该使您很快就对该项目有印象。

If you feel ready enough and finally want to get your hands dirty, migrate over to the Kaa GitHub repo. However, it is mostly a mirror of the Kaa JIRA instance. You can create a pull request from GitHub for the corresponding JIRA ticket. The Contribute page on the Kaa website explains it pretty well.

如果您有足够的准备并最终想要弄脏您的手,请迁移到Kaa GitHub repo 。 但是,它主要是Kaa JIRA实例的镜像。 您可以从GitHub为相应的JIRA故障单创建拉取请求。 Kaa网站上的“ 贡献”页面对此进行了很好的解释。

In a nutshell, these are the core meeting places the project revolves around:






Forum/Mailing List


编程语言和许可 (Programming Languages & License)

Over 69.8% of the code is written in Java, 9.5% in C, 9% C++ and 9% Objective-C.

超过69.8%的代码是用Java编写的, 9.5%的C语言编写, 9%的 C ++语言编写和9%的 Objective-C 语言编写。

The code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

该代码已获得Apache 2.0许可的许可 。

ARToolKit (ARToolKit)

Remember when augmented reality was the newest shiny tool? Although a good part of the industry has overshadowed AR in the mainstream sense, with more catchy technologies like IoT or VR, AR still has many use cases nowadays and continues to thrive. One of the latest examples is Pokemon Go, which has been hyped in the gaming news outlets in the past months.

还记得增强现实是最新的闪亮工具吗? 尽管行业中很大一部分已经在主流意义上使AR黯然失色,但随着诸如IoT或VR之类的更引人注目的技术,AR在当今仍然有很多用例,并且将继续蓬勃发展。 最新的例子之一是《 口袋妖怪Go》 ,它在过去的几个月中被游戏新闻媒体大肆宣传。

ARToolKit offers a complete framework which empowers programmers to develop AR applications. The company prides itself that they have been around as an open source project since 2001 and their tools have been deployed in thousands of commercial and community projects ever since. Sounds definitely not like the side project one would tweak in your dad’s garage. Let’s have a look.

ARToolKit提供了一个完整的框架,使程序员能够开发AR应用程序。 该公司以自2001年就开始作为开源项目而自豪,并且自此以来,其工具已在数千个商业和社区项目中部署。 听起来绝对不像是副项目会在您父亲的车库中进行调整。 我们来看一下。

Unsurprisingly, considering ARToolKit’s 15 year long history, the project uses a phpBB powered forum. However, the action happens in the ARToolKit GitHub repo. You can get involved via the GitHub issue list to get a sense for the project. The project also encourages you to reach out to the project maintainers directly to get involved:

毫不奇怪,考虑到ARToolKit已有15年的历史,该项目使用了一个由phpBB驱动的论坛 。 但是,该操作发生在ARToolKit GitHub存储库中 。 您可以通过GitHub问题列表参与进来,以对该项目有所了解。 该项目还鼓励您直接与项目维护者联系,以参与进来: 。

编程语言和许可 (Programming Languages & License)

Over 58.7% of the code is written in C++, 34.3% in C and 2.8% Java.

在58.7%的代码是用C ++,在C 34.3%和2.8% 的Java。

The code is (mostly) licensed under the LGPLv3. There are some exceptions, so head over to the Licensing page to find out more.

该代码(大部分)是根据LGPLv3许可的。 有一些例外,因此请转到“ 许可”页面以了解更多信息。

Sourceh(a)尚未解决? (Sourceh(a)unted yet?)

If (apart from bad puns) this interests you as well, give it a try and let us know how it goes in the comments below. If you are stuck at some point, feel free to reach out to me as well. You can also check out all SitePoint Sourcehunt posts here.

如果您除了对双关语感兴趣之外,还可以尝试一下,并在下面的评论中告诉我们它的运行方式。 如果您遇到困难,请随时与我联系。 您也可以在此处查看所有SitePoint Sourcehunt帖子 。

Happy hunting!


