软件开发项目启动 资料

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软件开发项目启动 资料

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本文由Codester赞助。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的赞助商。

Starting a new website or app from scratch is exciting, even if the road ahead is a long one. We can take a different route though, one that involves sourcing ready-made code assets and building upon them, cutting development times, and better yet, development costs. Let’s take a look at 10 development assets from Codester that can help you kickstart your next venture.

从头开始创建新的网站或应用程序很令人兴奋,即使前面的路途很漫长。 但是,我们可以采取另一种方法,其中涉及采购现成的代码资产并在其上进行构建,从而缩短了开发时间,并且更好地降低了开发成本。 让我们看一下Codester的 10项开发资产, 这些资产可以帮助您启动下一次冒险。

Codester is an online marketplace that sells ready-to-use web development assets to developers and designers who are looking for the advantages outlined above. Codester sells PHP scripts, app templates, WordPress themes, PrestaShop themes, logo templates and graphics.

Codester是一个在线市场,向寻求上述优点的开发人员和设计师出售现成的Web开发资产。 Codester销售PHP脚本 , 应用程序模板 , WordPress主题 , PrestaShop主题 , 徽标模板和图形 。

WebApp –高级Android Webview应用程序模板 (WebApp – Premium Android Webview App Template)

Ever wanted to build an Android app but don’t know how? With WebApp you’ll code your app with HTML and CSS as normal, then configure a few settings in WebApp so that the app displays the website in an app frame, without the browser interface, and with an app icon.

曾经想构建一个Android应用程序但不知道如何吗? 使用WebApp时,您将照常使用HTML和CSS编写应用程序代码,然后在WebApp中配置一些设置,以便该应用程序在应用程序框架中显示网站,没有浏览器界面,并带有应用程序图标。

Since you won’t be using native Android code, you’ll need to make sure that your “app” runs fast. Performance is the key, otherwise the app will only look like an app, but it’ll feel like a sluggish website — your users will know the difference. If you make your HTML website feel like an app, using Website to Android can drastically cut your app development costs.

由于您将不会使用本机Android代码,因此需要确保“应用程序”快速运行。 性能是关键,否则该应用程序看起来只会像一个应用程序,但是却感觉像是一个呆滞的网站-您的用户会知道其中的区别。 如果您使HTML网站看起来像一个应用程序,那么将Website转换为Android可以大大降低您的应用程序开发成本。

Videogator —视频共享PHP脚本 (Videogator — Video Sharing PHP Script)

Video is one of the most digestible types of media — it’s fun, informative, and the level of engagement is usually higher than other types of media. Videogator is a PHP script that offers a barebones social video-sharing network in the style of Google’s “Material Design”, and with an easy-to-use CMS to help manage video imports from YouTube, Vimeo and Dailymotion.

视频是最易消化的媒体类型之一,它很有趣,内容丰富,而且参与度通常高于其他类型的媒体。 Videogator是一个PHP脚本,以Google的“材料设计”风格提供准系统的社交视频共享网络,并具有易于使用的CMS,可帮助管理从YouTube,Vimeo和Dailymotion导入的视频。

单词搜索游戏— Android源代码 (Word Search Game — Android Source Code)

Word Search: Malay is a hugely successful 4-star word-search app for Android with over 500,000 downloads. You can build your own version of the application (in a different language or with different a design) using the source code as a base.

单词搜索:马来语是一款非常成功的四星级单词搜索应用程序,适用于Android,下载量超过500,000。 您可以使用源代码作为基础来构建自己的应用程序版本(使用其他语言或设计)。

四个–商业WordPress主题 (TheFour – Business WordPress Theme)

If you need a responsive website design with beautiful typography and a tonne of flexible options, built with clean HTML and LESS-compiled CSS, then this WordPress theme is for you. Better yet, it has social sharing buttons built-in and two stunning (and highly customisable) “big header” components — one for the homepage, and another for the blog layout.

如果您需要一个响应式的网站设计,漂亮的字体和大量灵活的选项,并使用干净HTML和LESS编译CSS构建,那么此WordPress主题非常适合您。 更好的是,它具有内置的社交共享按钮和两个令人惊叹(且高度可自定义)的“大标题”组件-一个用于主页,另一个用于博客布局。

WordPress Mobile Pack专业版 (WordPress Mobile Pack PRO)

WordPress Mobile Pack allows you to run a different version of your website on mobile devices. Instead of offering a complete responsive solution you’ll repurpose your content for the mobile web and style it to look like a cross-platform mobile app. You can even add it to the home screen of your device and view the “app” in full-screen. It’s still HTML, but without all of the desktop-version markup that a mobile website really doesn’t need.

WordPress Mobile Pack允许您在移动设备上运行网站的其他版本。 无需提供完整的响应式解决方案,而是将您的内容重新定位到移动网络,并将其设置为跨平台移动应用程序的样式。 您甚至可以将其添加到设备的主屏幕,然后全屏查看“应用程序”。 它仍然是HTML,但是没有移动网站真正不需要的所有桌面版本标记。

塔咖啡厅–餐厅PrestaShop主题 (Tower Cafe – Restaurant PrestaShop Theme)

PrestaShop is used by 250,000 e-commerce stores worldwide, an ideal choice for anybody wanting to setup shop in the online world. While aimed at restaurant-themed websites, this easy-to-install PrestaShop theme can be adapted for any inventory, and with it’s dark visual aesthetic and sidebar navigation you can sport something both minimal and trendy.

PrestaShop已在全球250,000个电子商务商店中使用,对于任何希望在在线世界中开设商店的人来说都是理想的选择。 虽然针对餐厅主题的网站,但易于安装的PrestaShop主题可适用于任何广告资源,并且具有深色视觉美感和侧边栏导航,您可以玩些简约时尚的东西。

杀死僵尸-Unity游戏源代码 (Kill The Zombies — Unity Game Source Code)

If word-searches aren’t your style, maybe a 24-level zombie killer mobile app will be more your speed. In-App Purchases (to remove ads) and Unity Ads are both supported, and since the app is built with Unity, it works across iOS, Android and even Windows devices. If you’re not sure how to re-skin or edit the source code, there’s a handy video that can help you do that.

如果您不喜欢用词搜索,那么24级僵尸杀手级移动应用可能会更适合您。 应用内购买(删除广告)和Unity Ads均受支持,并且由于该应用是使用Unity构建的,因此可在iOS,Android甚至Windows设备上使用。 如果您不确定如何重新设置外观或编辑源代码,则有一个方便的视频可以帮助您做到这一点。

Celice –多功能WordPress主题 (Celice – Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme)

Celice is a flexible, multi-purpose WordPress theme for both individuals and corporate teams. It uses Google Fonts, jQuery and the Bootstrap CSS framework — all of the code assets you know and love. Better yet, the CSS and JavaScript code is minified so you can still ensure fast loading times, which is essential for any website with sleek scrolling animations.

Celice是针对个人和企业团队的灵活,多功能的WordPress主题。 它使用Google字体,jQuery和Bootstrap CSS框架-您知道和喜欢的所有代码资产。 更好的是,CSS和JavaScript代码已精简,因此您仍然可以确保快速加载,这对于任何具有流畅滚动动画的网站都是必不可少的。

长方体–即将发布HTML模板 (Cuboid – Coming Soon HTML Template)

Cuboid is an urban-themed “coming soon” template that uses (aside from the usual Google Fonts, jQuery and Bootstrap) CircleType.js and Lettering.js to create the most stunning web typography — that’s right, that awesome circular “coming soon” badge is made entirely of HTML — no heavy images required.

Cuboid是一个以城市为主题的“即将到来”模板,使用(除了常用的Google字体,jQuery和Bootstrap之外) CircleType.js和Lettering.js来创建最令人惊叹的Web排版-没错,很棒的圆形“即将到来”徽章完全由HTML制成-不需要笨拙的图像。

Planax响应式WordPress主题 (Planax Responsive WordPress Theme)

Planax is a responsive WordPress theme aimed towards agencies, blogs, e-commerce stores and almost everything else. It also comes with a range of WordPress extras such as Drag & Drop Page Builder, Visual Composer and Revolution Slider, not to mention the theme is also SEO and retina-ready with a bundle of flexible layout options; a theme that you can make your own.

Planax是响应式WordPress主题,旨在代理,博客,电子商务商店以及几乎所有其他内容。 它还带有一系列WordPress附加功能,例如“拖放页面生成器”,“ Visual Composer”和“ Revolution Slider”,更不用说主题也是SEO和视网膜就绪了,并提供了一系列灵活的布局选项; 您可以自己制作一个主题。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/10-development-assets-to-help-you-kickstart-your-next-project/

软件开发项目启动 资料
