dgl edges

tech2023-02-27  138

dgl edges

In September, we discussed whether the browser wars are over. October’s StatCounter browser statistics provide further evidence for a slow-down …

9月,我们讨论了浏览器之战是否已经结束 。 十月份的StatCounter浏览器统计数据为速度下降提供了进一步的证据……

2016年8月至9月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, August to September 2016)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past month.


BrowserAugustSeptemberchangerelativeChrome58.44%58.89%+0.45%+0.80%Firefox13.96%13.66%-0.30%-2.10%IE117.52%7.68%+0.16%+2.10%oldIE2.30%2.13%-0.17%-7.40%Edge2.88%2.78%-0.10%-3.50%Safari4.23%4.30%+0.07%+1.70%iPad Safari5.38%5.30%-0.08%-1.50%Opera1.76%1.72%-0.04%-2.30%Others3.53%3.54%+0.01%+0.30% 浏览器 八月 九月 更改 相对的 Chrome 58.44% 58.89% + 0.45% + 0.80% 火狐浏览器 13.96% 13.66% -0.30% -2.10% IE11 7.52% 7.68% + 0.16% + 2.10% 老IE 2.30% 2.13% -0.17% -7.40% 边缘 2.88% 2.78% -0.10% -3.50% 苹果浏览器 4.23% 4.30% + 0.07% + 1.70% iPad Safari 5.38% 5.30% -0.08% -1.50% 歌剧 1.76% 1.72% -0.04% -2.30% 其他 3.53% 3.54% + 0.01% + 0.30%

2015年9月至2016年9月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, September 2015 to September 2016)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past twelve months:


BrowserSeptember 2015September 2016changerelativeChrome53.24%58.89%+5.65%+10.60%Firefox15.87%13.66%-2.21%-13.90%IE119.88%7.68%-2.20%-22.30%oldIE5.83%2.13%-3.70%-63.50%Edge0.96%2.78%+1.82%+189.60%Safari9.14%9.60%+0.46%+5.00%Opera1.76%1.72%-0.04%-2.30%Others3.32%3.54%+0.22%+6.60% 浏览器 2015年9月 2016年9月 更改 相对的 Chrome 53.24% 58.89% + 5.65% + 10.60% 火狐浏览器 15.87% 13.66% -2.21% -13.90% IE11 9.88% 7.68% -2.20% -22.30% 老IE 5.83% 2.13% -3.70% -63.50% 边缘 0.96% 2.78% + 1.82% + 189.60% 苹果浏览器 9.14% 9.60% + 0.46% + 5.00% 歌剧 1.76% 1.72% -0.04% -2.30% 其他 3.32% 3.54% + 0.22% + 6.60%

(The tables show market share estimates for desktop browsers. The ‘change’ column is the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates the proportional change, i.e. 7.4% of oldIE users migrated elsewhere last month. There are several caveats so I recommend you read How Browser Market Share is Calculated and StatCounter vs NetMarketShare.)

(这些表格显示了台式机浏览器的市场份额估计值。“更改”列是市场份额的绝对增加或减少。“相对”列表示成比例的变化,即7.4%的oldIE用户上个月迁移到其他地方。注意事项,所以我建议您阅读如何计算浏览器市场份额以及StatCounter与NetMarketShare 。)

It’s another month of minimal movement in the charts. Most browsers fluctuated in their normal direction, i.e. Chrome grew at the expense of others. There was a small increase for IE11, but I suspect a statistical blip rather than a resurgence.

这是图表中最小移动量的又一个月。 大多数浏览器都朝着正常方向波动,例如,Chrome的增长是以其他浏览器为代价的。 IE11的增长很小,但我怀疑是统计上的增长而不是死灰复燃。

The most surprising fall was Microsoft Edge. “Fall” is a little over-dramatic — “wobble” may be more appropriate — but it’s the first time the browser has dropped. Currently, usage is similar to oldIE, and around a third of IE11’s.

最令人惊讶的下降是Microsoft Edge。 “掉落”有点过分夸张-“摇摆”可能更合适-但它是浏览器第一次掉线。 当前,用法类似于oldIE,约为IE11的三分之一。

Edge has been with us for more than a year, but is yet to make a significant impact on the chart. The browser evolved from IE, but the Trident engine was radically overhauled. The result has been positive:

Edge与我们在一起已有一年多了,但尚未对图表产生重大影响。 该浏览器是从IE演变而来的,但是Trident引擎得到了彻底的改进。 结果是肯定的:

the interface is simple and attractive


Edge starts and runs as fast — if not faster — than competing browsers

Edge的启动和运行速度比竞争对手的浏览器还要快( 如果不是更快的话)

the browser integrates well with Windows 10

该浏览器与Windows 10完美集成 it offers some novel features, such as Web Notes, to annotate and share pages

它提供了一些新颖的功能(例如Web Notes)来注释和共享页面 the Developer Tools are similar to those available elsewhere

开发人员工具与其他地方的工具相似 HTML5 support is good. Edge has fewer cutting-edge features, but you’re unlikely to miss many.

HTML5支持很好。 Edge的尖端功能较少,但是您不太可能错过许多功能。 extensions were added in the Windows 10 Anniversary update. These are mostly advertising blockers, shopping and service assistants, but more will come.

Windows 10周年更新中添加了扩展。 这些主要是广告拦截器,购物和服务助手,但还会有更多。

Windows still accounts for at least 80% of the desktop OS market and has a higher percentage in the business world. So why has Edge’s adoption remained comparatively low?

Windows仍然至少占据台式机OS市场的80%,并且在商业领域中所占的比例更高。 那么,为什么Edge的采用率仍然较低?

旧版操作系统支持 (Legacy OS Support)

Edge is only available on Windows 10. The launch was reasonably successful and, after a year, almost 25% of desktop users run the OS. However, Windows 7 still accounts for almost 40% of the market and is likely to remain high for several years. Microsoft will not release Edge for older editions of the OS, but they will eventually be upgraded or disappear as hardware breaks down.

Edge仅在Windows 10上可用。启动相当成功,一年后,将近25%的桌面用户运行该操作系统。 但是,Windows 7仍然占据了近40%的市场份额,并且有可能在未来几年保持高位。 微软不会为旧版的操作系统发布Edge,但是随着硬件故障,它们最终将被升级或消失。

Other vendors have no problem supporting older versions of Windows. Chrome could be installed on the 15-year-old Windows XP until April 2016. Admittedly, Microsoft has a more complex task since they must ensure backward compatibility across their whole product range. For example, they could have difficulty updating a web component which was required in Office or Visual Studio. The legacy OS problem will continue unless Microsoft can separate Windows and browser development.

其他供应商在支持Windows的较早版本方面没有问题。 Chrome可能会安装在使用15年的Windows XP上,直到2016年4月。不可否认,Microsoft必须承担更复杂的任务,因为他们必须确保整个产品范围的向后兼容性。 例如,他们可能难以更新Office或Visual Studio中所需的Web组件。 除非Microsoft可以将Windows和浏览器开发分开,否则旧版OS问题将继续存在。

行动支援 (Mobile Support)

Users work on multiple devices: they expect tabs and bookmarks to be synchronized across their desktops, phones and tablets. Chrome is the obvious choice for Android users, and Safari is the only real browser on iOS. Third-party mobile browsers such as Firefox retain a niche appeal.

用户在多种设备上工作:他们希望标签和书签可以在其台式机,手机和平板电脑之间同步。 Chrome是Android用户的不二之选,而Safari是iOS上唯一的真正浏览器。 第三方移动浏览器(例如Firefox)保留了适当的吸引力。

Microsoft abandoned the mobile market and never produced a browser for Android. There are rumors of a Surface smartphone, but Edge will continue to struggle against cross-platform options.

微软放弃了移动市场,从未生产出用于Android的浏览器。 有关于Surface智能手机的传言,但Edge将继续与跨平台选择抗争。

蓝色的“ e”图标 (That Blue ‘e’ Icon)

When Edge was announced, I thought that keeping the blue ‘e’ icon was a good idea, since existing IE users would recognize it. There’s a downside: many users think IE is awful. The browser radically improved from version 9, but mud sticks, and developers continued to berate the application. Users who have never heard of Edge think the blue ‘e’ icon is IE.

宣布Edge时,我认为保留蓝色的“ e”图标是个好主意 ,因为现有的IE用户会意识到这一点。 有一个缺点: 许多用户认为IE太糟糕了 。 该浏览器从版本9进行了根本改进,但泥泞不堪,开发人员继续对应用程序感到be惜。 从未听说过Edge的用户认为蓝色的“ e”图标是IE。

Perhaps it’s time to have a completely clean break from IE’s past?


用户越来越了解浏览器 (Users are Increasingly Browser-Aware)

Few users knew what a browser was a decade ago. Most retained their OS default, and this helped IE’s usage figures remain high (even some EU intervention had a negligible impact).

很少有用户知道十年前的浏览器。 大多数人保留了其操作系统的默认设置,这有助于IE的使用率保持较高水平(即使某些欧盟干预措施的影响也可以忽略不计 )。

Google’s Chrome marketing push helped change perceptions. Users still may not know or care about differences between applications, but they’re regularly advised to switch to Chrome while browsing the web.

Google的Chrome市场营销推动力改变了人们的看法。 用户可能仍然不知道或不在乎应用程序之间的差异,但是通常建议他们在浏览网络时切换到Chrome。

IE6 usage also remained artificially while businesses relied on legacy web/intranet applications which targeted the browser. They were written in the early 2000s when few other competitors existed. Those systems have been retired or upgraded, leaving IT departments free to impose whichever browser they choose.

当企业依靠针对浏览器的旧版Web / Intranet应用程序时,IE6的使用也仍然人为地保留了下来。 它们写于2000年代初,当时几乎没有其他竞争对手存在。 这些系统已经淘汰或升级,使IT部门可以自由选择他们选择的浏览器。

Microsoft can no longer rely on Windows to push browser adoption. Stronger marketing could help, especially if users can be persuaded that Edge:

微软不再能够依靠Windows来推动浏览器的采用。 加强营销可能会有所帮助,特别是如果可以说服用户Edge:

is a modern browser unshackled from IE

是从IE轻松掌握的现代浏览器 does not collate or retain your browsing activities


is as fast and uses fewer resources than competitors.

与竞争对手一样快,并且使用更少的资源 。

Perhaps Microsoft is not concerned about Edge’s adoption? We demanded a better browser, Windows needed one and Edge is more than capable. It’s just a shame few people will use Edge for anything more than downloading Chrome.

也许微软并不担心Edge的采用? 我们需要一个更好的浏览器,Windows需要一个更好的浏览器,而Edge的功能不胜枚举。 除了下载Chrome之外,很少有人会使用Edge做任何事情,这只是一个耻辱。

2016年8月至9月全球移动浏览器统计数据 (Worldwide Mobile Browser Statistics, August to September 2016)

Mobile browser use regained August’s drop and increased by 0.87% during September. It now accounts for 47.18% of all web activity. The historical chart illustrates how agonizingly close desktop and mobile usage has become over the past few years.

移动浏览器的使用恢复了八月份的跌幅,九月份增长了0.87%。 现在,它占所有网络活动的47.18% 。 历史图表说明了过去几年中台式机和移动设备使用量的惊人增长情况。

The top mobile browsing applications for the month were:


Mobile BrowserAugustSeptemberchangerelativeChrome39.02%39.09%+0.07%+0.20%iPhone18.77%17.90%-0.87%-4.60%UC Browser14.28%17.04%+2.76%+19.30%Opera Mini/Mobile10.91%9.77%-1.14%-10.40%Samsung Internet6.95%6.86%-0.09%-1.30%Android6.81%6.33%-0.48%-7.00%IEMobile1.38%1.26%-0.12%-8.70%Others1.88%1.75%-0.13%-6.90% 手机浏览器 八月 九月 更改 相对的 Chrome 39.02% 39.09% + 0.07% + 0.20% 苹果手机 18.77% 17.90% -0.87% -4.60% UC浏览器 14.28% 17.04% + 2.76% + 19.30% Opera Mini /手机 10.91% 9.77% -1.14% -10.40% 三星上网 6.95% 6.86% -0.09% -1.30% 安卓系统 6.81% 6.33% -0.48% -7.00% IEMobile 1.38% 1.26% -0.12% -8.70% 其他 1.88% 1.75% -0.13% -6.90%

Like the desktop chart, there’s no significant change other than a 20% increase in UC Browser users. StatCounter adjusted the browser’s figures recently, owing to pre-rendering and other caching activities, so I suspect this is a similar anomaly.

像桌面图表一样,除了UC浏览器用户增加了20%外,没有其他重大变化。 由于预渲染和其他缓存活动,StatCounter最近调整了浏览器的数据,因此我怀疑这是类似的异常情况。

See you next month.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/browser-trends-october-2016-microsoft-edges-downward/

dgl edges
