tech2023-03-01  120

It’s Open Source Week at SitePoint! All week we’re publishing articles focused on everything Open Source, Free Software and Community, so keep checking the OSW tag for the latest updates.

这是SitePoint的开源周! 我们整周都在发布有关开源,免费软件和社区的文章,因此请继续检查OSW标签以获取最新更新。

Open source is dominating the world, as it can be found everywhere nowadays. Virtual Reality, until recently, was an exclusively proprietary technology. But not anymore — OSVR strives to change this and make a difference. Some readers may already be familiar with the tech as Elio covered it here at SitePoint briefly in one of our Sourcehunt articles on emerging tech. In this article, we’ll look at it in a bit more detail.

开源正统治着世界,因为它在当今随处可见。 直到最近,虚拟现实技术还是专有技术。 但是现在不再了-OSVR努力改变这一现状并有所作为。 当Elio在SitePoint 上关于新兴技术的文章之一中简要介绍了该技术时,有些读者可能已经熟悉该技术 。 在本文中,我们将更详细地介绍它。

OSVR stands for Open Source Virtual Reality. The lead developers for the headset and tech are Razer, a company very well known among gamers and Sensics, which focuses on manufacturing VR products. The platform is backed by more than three hundred partners, including industry leaders such as Intel.

OSVR代表开源虚拟现实。 耳机和技术的主要开发人员是Razer ,这是一家在游戏玩家和Sensics之间广为人知的公司 ,专注于制造VR产品。 该平台由三百多个合作伙伴支持 ,其中包括英特尔等行业领导者。

OSVR是什么一回事? (What is OSVR all about?)

OSVR is not just about another headset. It is a whole movement. According to its developers, the platform does not aim at competing with its competitors. OSVR is designed to work with several other head-mounted displays and is on a mission to establish an open standard so that existing devices and software can become interoperable.

OSVR不仅是另一个耳机。 这是一个整体运动。 根据其开发人员的说法,该平台并非旨在与竞争对手竞争。 OSVR旨在与其他几个头戴式显示器一起使用,其使命是建立开放标准,以使现有设备和软件可以互操作。

Developers and consumers with OSVR-compatible HMDs, can already get started by configuring their equipment. The OSVR website features a perfect showcase of their software (also called “experiences”) that are compatible and ready to run. There are already games, media players, emulators and more! There is lots of SteamVR-powered content too.

具有OSVR兼容HMD的开发人员和消费者已经可以通过配置其设备来开始使用。 OSVR网站以完美的展示了他们的软件 (也称为“体验”),这些软件兼容并且可以运行。 已经有游戏,媒体播放器,模拟器等等! 还有很多由SteamVR支持的内容。

At this time, OSVR’s supported operating systems include Android, GNU/Linux, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows.

目前,OSVR支持的操作系统包括Android,GNU / Linux,Mac OS X和Microsoft Windows。

耳机(HDK) (Headsets (HDKs))

Interested in giving OSVR a try? Right now there are two different headsets — called Hacker Development Kits (HDKs) — which you can choose from.

有兴趣尝试OSVR吗? 现在,您可以选择两种不同的耳机-称为黑客开发套件(HDK)。

OSVR HDK1 made its debut in July 2015. It features a 5.5 inch OLED display, supporting 1920 x 1080 pixels in resolution (960 x 1080 per eye). HDK1 is bundled with sensors like an accelerometer, gyroscope and compass. Three USB 3.0 ports — two internal and one external — are present. Prices start from 300 USD.

OSVR HDK1于2015年7月首次亮相。它具有5.5英寸OLED显示屏,支持1920 x 1080像素的分辨率(每只眼睛960 x 1080)。 HDK1捆绑有加速度计,陀螺仪和指南针等传感器。 存在三个USB 3.0端口-两个内部端口和一个外部端口。 价格从300美元起。

OSVR HDK2 was revealed last summer and is very similar to its predecessor but comes with an improved display. It supports 2160 x 1200 pixels in resolution (1080 x 1200 per eye) with a pixel density of 441 PPI and runs at 90 FPS compared to the 60 FPS of HDK1. The base kit costs 400 USD.

OSVR HDK2于去年夏天发布,与之前的版本非常相似,但具有改进的显示屏。 它支持2160 x 1200像素的分辨率(每只眼睛1080 x 1200),像素密度为441 PPI,运行速度为90 FPS,而HDK1为60 FPS。 基本套件的价格为400美元。

HDKs offer neither built-in audio output nor input; external gear must be used.

HDK既不提供内置音频输出,也不提供输入。 必须使用外齿轮。

As for the system requirements you’ll need — for the HDK1 you are better off with at least an Intel Core i5 3GHz or equal CPU, a NVIDIA GTX 660, and a minimum of 8GB RAM. While for the HDK2, an Intel Core i5-4590 equivalent or greater processor is being recommended as well as a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 or AMD Radeon R9 280 or equivalent graphics card bundled with at least 8GB RAM.

至于您所需要的系统要求,对于HDK1,最好至少配备Intel Core i5 3GHz或同等CPU,NVIDIA GTX 660和最少8GB RAM。 对于HDK2,建议使用Intel Core i5-4590或更高版本的处理器,以及NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970或AMD Radeon R9 280或具有至少8GB RAM的等效图形卡。

It should be noted the ecosystem is not exclusive to HDKs and is compatible with third party displays. The best part? Any software developed for the OSVR open standard is meant to work with every OSVR-compatible piece of hardware. Openness and inclusion play a key role here.

应该注意的是,该生态系统并非HDK独有,并且与第三方显示器兼容 。 最好的部分? 为OSVR开放标准开发的任何软件都旨在与OSVR兼容的每个硬件一起使用。 开放和包容在这里起着关键作用。

OSVR在哪里? (Where is OSVR?)

The project code is available on Github under the Apache License 2.0; this allows everyone to use, modify and redistribute the software for any purpose. Same goes with the design and schematics for the HDKs — anyone with a 3D printer and the right material can build their own from scratch.

在Apache许可证2.0下,可以在Github上获得项目代码。 这样,每个人都可以出于任何目的使用,修改和重新分发该软件。 HDK的设计和原理图也是如此,任何拥有3D打印机和正确材料的人都可以从头开始构建自己的产品。

Like many other open source projects, OSVR has a broad community of developers, supporters and friends. Online resources include the OSVR Forums as well as the OSVR Subreddit. There is also the Developer Section on the website and the separate Developer Portal. For communications among developers, OSVR has mailing lists too. Additionally, the community chats live using IRC at #osvr on Freenode.

像许多其他开源项目一样,OSVR具有广泛的开发人员,支持者和朋友社区。 在线资源包括OSVR论坛以及OSVR Subreddit 。 网站上还有开发人员部分 ,还有单独的开发人员门户 。 对于开发人员之间的通信, OSVR也有邮件列表 。 此外,社区聊天使用Freenode上#osvr上的IRC进行。

As long as user support is taken into account, a Support Portal exists, which can be used for submitting support tickets and connects to the documentation.

只要考虑到用户支持,就会存在一个支持门户 ,该门户可用于提交支持票证并连接到文档 。

Last but not least, OSVR is on social media. Make sure to check their profiles out on Facebook and Twitter.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,OSVR在社交媒体上。 确保在Facebook和Twitter上查看他们的个人资料。

开发者 (Developers)

When it comes to game engines, major players have jumped in. CryEngine, SteamVR, Unity, Unreal and WebVR are a few. If you wish to get started with game development, the official documentation will come in handy. Extended tutorials should be around the corner too.

当谈到游戏引擎,主要参与者已经跃升。 的CryEngine , SteamVR , 团结 , 虚幻和WebVR几个。 如果您希望开始游戏开发,可以使用官方文档 。 扩展教程也应该指日可待。

Not only developers, but also VR aficionados with different skill sets are strongly encouraged to participate in the advancement of the platform. They have a Waffle.io board with an overview of GitHub issues waiting for people to help out with. In terms of programming languages you’d need to know — the vast majority of the project code is written in C++. JSON, which mainly appears in hardware configurations, makes up another large portion.

不仅开发商,而且还具有不同技能的VR爱好者大力鼓励参与该平台的进步。 他们有一个Waffle.io董事会 ,上面有GitHub问题的概述,等待人们提供帮助。 在编程语言方面,您需要了解-绝大多数项目代码都是用C ++编写的。 JSON主要出现在硬件配置中,占了很大一部分。

Last June, the OSVR Developer Fund was launched. How much money in the pot? $5 million, and increasing! So far, Razer has invested in fifteen games out of hundreds of submissions. This fund is open to everyone and registrations are still ongoing.

去年六月,启动了OSVR开发者基金 。 锅里多少钱? 500万美元,并且还在不断增加! 到目前为止,Razer已从数百份参赛作品中投资了15款游戏 。 该基金向所有人开放,注册仍在进行中。

奖励:OpenVR (Bonus: OpenVR)

OpenVR is an API linking applications to VR equipment. The API is backed by Valve Software and is licensed under the The BSD 3-Clause License.

OpenVR是将应用程序链接到VR设备的API。 该API由Valve Software支持,并获得了BSD 3条款许可 。

Last year, Razer announced a partnership between OpenVR and OSVR which continues today.

去年,Razer 宣布了OpenVR和OSVR之间的合作关系,这一合作关系一直持续到今天。

前方的路 (The Road Ahead)

OSVR headsets go head to head with their rivals, yet cost significantly less. Furthermore, the project is not restricted to specific devices, but rather focuses on increasing collaboration among current and future technologies.

OSVR耳机与竞争对手并驾齐驱,但成本却大大降低。 此外,该项目不限于特定的设备,而是专注于增加当前和未来技术之间的协作。

There is still a long road ahead. Resources are plentiful, although they are scattered across websites which might be a bit overwhelming and discouraging for new enthusiasts trying to get started. Despite that, the true values of open source and open hardware are proudly reflected, enabling individuals to contribute and even produce their own hardware!

未来还有很长的路要走。 资源丰富,尽管它们散布在各个网站上,对于尝试入门的新发烧友来说可能有些不堪重负,令人望而却步。 尽管如此,骄傲地反映了开源和开放硬件的真正价值,使个人能够贡献甚至生产自己的硬件!

All in all, OSVR makes a very promising initiative with a great mission and huge potential. VR to the people!

总而言之,OSVR是一项非常有前途的计划,具有巨大的使命和巨大的潜力。 VR给人!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/an-introduction-to-osvr/
