
tech2023-03-02  133

You’re never going to want to take another selfie with your iPhone camera again. Get the cutting-edge First Generation Lytro 16GB camera and prepare to have your mind blow. It’s just $69.99 at SitePoint Shop. Plus, get in the Black Friday spirit early and take an additional 10% off with code EARLY10.

您再也不会想用iPhone相机再次拍照。 获取最先进的第一代Lytro 16GB相机,并做好准备。 在SitePoint Shop只需$ 69.99。 此外,及早享受“黑色星期五”精神,并使用代码EARLY10额外享受10%的折扣。

Unlike normal cameras, which capture the position of light rays and produce a static 2D image, the Lytro is the only consumer camera to capture the entire light field, recording 11 million light rays in each scene. The result is a living picture you can adjust after taking it, changing the perspective, refocusing, and viewing in 3D. You’ll get the perfect photo every time, and you can store up to 750 of ’em at a time. Best of all, the Lytro is as travel-friendly and compact as it is powerful. We’ll even throw in a wrist strap, a micro-USB cable, a lens cap, and a cleaner cloth so you can take great shots everywhere you go.

与普通相机不同,后者捕获光线的位置并生成静态2D图像,而Lytro是唯一捕获整个光场的消费类相机,每个场景记录1100万条光线。 结果是您可以在拍摄,更改视角,重新对焦和以3D观看后调整活动图像。 您每次都会获得完美的照片,并且一次最多可以存储750张照片。 最重要的是,Lytro既强大又旅行方便,紧凑。 我们甚至会戴上腕带,微型USB电缆,镜头盖和清洁布,这样您就可以在任何地方拍摄出色的照片。

Say cheese and get the First Generation Lytro 16GB camera for $69.99 plus an extra 10% off with Black Friday code EARLY10.

说奶酪,并以69.99美元的价格购买第一代Lytro 16GB相机,再加上黑色星期五代码EARLY10可额外享受10%的折扣。

Want more Black Friday deals? Shop them here!

想要更多黑色星期五优惠吗? 在这里购物!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/black-friday-came-early-capture-perfect-shot-every-time-lytro-16gb-camera-additional-10-off/

相关资源:Lytro 光场相机 原理