
tech2023-03-02  129


We are ‘creative types’. We like to create stuff.

我们是“创意类型”。 我们喜欢创造东西。

That usually means starting with nothing – an empty page, a blank screen, a new notepad – and slowing adding new stuff to it. Typically we might add elements like:

这通常意味着从一无所有开始-空页,空白屏幕,新的记事本-并减慢向其中添加新内容的速度。 通常,我们可能会添加以下元素:


话 Colors

色彩 Shapes

形状 Photos

相片 Code

Eventually we have a blend of new items that we like.


But that’s not the only way to create something new. You can also create by removing items. If you think about it, a sculptor’s great talent is just knowing exactly which pieces of rock to throw away. We like their leftovers.

但这不是创造新事物的唯一方法。 您也可以通过删除项目来创建。 如果您考虑一下,雕刻家的才华横溢,只是确切地知道要扔掉哪一块岩石。 我们喜欢他们的剩菜。

This approach can work really well with visual imagery too. Here are two of my favorite examples where ‘taking away’ parts of an image tells a new story.

这种方法也可以很好地与视觉图像配合使用。 这是我最喜欢的两个示例,其中“取走”图像的一部分讲述了一个新故事。

世界自然基金会 (WWF (World Wildlife Fund))

(See full size)

( 查看原图 )

WWF took a brave approach by choosing to avoid the usual cute and endearing pandas, lion cubs and seals pups commonly used in their ads.


If you can’t quite work out the text – I had to scale it down for this email – the first image with the shark fin is labelled:




The second image simply ‘photoshops out’ the shark fin and adds the label:


‘More horrifying.’


Given the PR beating that sharks have taken since Jaws was released, it’s impressive that WWF are able to generate a sense of sadness by removing a shark. WWF used this theme with other animals including a vulture, but think this one is the most effective.

鉴于自从《大白鲨》获释以来,鲨鱼受到了PR的殴打,令人印象深刻的是WWF能够通过去除鲨鱼来产生悲伤感。 世界自然基金会将这一主题与包括秃ul在内的其他动物一起使用,但认为这是最有效的。

谱系 (Pedigree)

Pedigree Dog Food has made a name for itself creating simple but effective visuals, but I think this one is a particularly poignant idea. Rather than trying to sell dog food, they’re selling dogs – or at least the idea of adopting a dog.

家谱狗粮以其简单但有效的视觉效果而闻名,但我认为这是一个特别令人讨厌的想法。 他们不是在卖狗食,而是在卖狗,或者至少是养狗的想法。

For Pedigree, the math is easy: More dog owners = more dog food sales.


(See full size)

( 查看原图 )

Removing the dog from the first frame leaves us watching a forlorn, lonely-looking man on a gray, wintery beach. There’s a sense of loss and the leaden sky seems to be bearing down on him.

从第一帧中删除狗只剩下我们在一个灰色的冬天海滩上看着一个孤独而孤独的人。 有一种失落感,满天飞舞的天空似乎正在压在他身上。

Add the dog back into frame two and everything changes. The guy isn’t downcast – he’s simply playing with his dog. Even the clouds seem more invigorating and exciting. It’s crazy how our brains automatically paint in the stories.

将狗重新放入第二帧,一切都会改变。 这家伙并不沮丧-他只是和他的狗一起玩。 甚至乌云似乎也更令人振奋和激动。 我们的大脑如何自动在故事中描绘,这很疯狂。

The text simply says:


‘A dog makes your life happier. Adopt.’

``狗让你的生活更快乐。 采用。'

This was (I think) the best in a series of ads that Pedigree created for this campaign.


And both examples use relatively small, simple Photoshop changes to completely rewrite the story.


Very clever.


Republished from the SitePoint Design Newsletter.

从SitePoint设计新闻稿重新发布 。


