quora ios

tech2023-03-03  125

quora ios

Got questions? Well, Quora has the answers.

有问题吗? 好吧,Quora有答案。

This Q&A site has 500,000-plus topics and millions of threads, and thanks to its highly engaged, knowledgeable user base, it’s garnered a reputation as a “knowledge market,” “an extended family, a virtual salon, a potential revolution in knowledge.”

这个问答站点有500,000多个主题和数百万个线程 ,并且由于其高度参与,知识渊博的用户基础,它赢得了“知识市场”,“ 大家庭,虚拟沙龙,潜在的知识革命 ”的美誉。 ”

And it’s fantastic for entrepreneurs.


As Wired reporter Gary Rivlin writes, “It’s hard to think of any website that has ever inspired this level of personal ardor among entrepreneurs and investors, not just as admirers or enviers but as users.”

正如《 连线》杂志记者加里·里夫林(Gary Rivlin)写道 :“很难想到有任何网站曾激发过企业家和投资者这种程度的个人热情,不仅是仰慕者或羡慕者,而且是用户。”

However, most users aren’t taking advantage of Quora to growing their business. So here’s a comprehensive guide to doing just that.

但是,大多数用户没有利用Quora来发展业务。 因此,这是执行此操作的综合指南。

开立账户 (Making an Account)

Let’s start with the basics. You can sign up via Twitter, Facebook, Google, or email address; for maximum credibility, we recommend using the social media platform on which you have the greatest following.

让我们从基础开始。 您可以通过Twitter,Facebook,Google或电子邮件地址进行注册; 为了获得最大的信誉,我们建议使用拥有最多关注者的社交媒体平台。

完善您的个人资料 (Enhancing Your Profile)

Once you’ve logged in, we suggest immediately filling out your profile.


Every time you interact with other users on the site—whether you’re answering a question, starting a discussion, or following another person—they’ll see your name, picture, and title.


Use your full legal name for maximum credibility. In addition, we’d suggest using a headshot rather than, say, your business’s logo. Quora is a platform for people, not companies.

请使用您的全名来获得最大的信誉。 此外,我们建议您使用头像而不是您公司的徽标。 Quora是面向人员而非公司的平台。

Your title is probably the most important element. As an entrepreneur, you’ll want to make your title: “Founder/CEO of [company name]”; by doing this, you’ll be marketing your start-up with each post.

您的标题可能是最重要的元素。 作为企业家,您需要打上自己的头衔:“ [公司名称]的创始人/首席执行官”; 通过这样做,您将在每篇文章中营销您的初创企业。

Every user also has a description. These can range from a couple words to a couple paragraphs, but the most effective ones are short and snappy.

每个用户也都有描述。 这些范围可以从几个单词到几个段落,但最有效的是简短明快的。

For example, yours might read:


I’m the founder of New Beats, a start-up changing the way musical talent finds agents.

我是New Beats的创始人,New Beats是一家初创公司,它改变了音乐才华寻找代理商的方式。

[Link to New Beats website.]


If you need inspiration, think back to your elevator pitch.


Finally, fill out the rest of your profile: your areas of expertise (we suggest starting with the ones that relate to your business), your interests (again, bring it back to your business if possible), your educational history, where you’ve lived, and where you’ve worked.


确定目标 (Determining Your Goals)

You’ll have different goals for Quora depending on where in the growth process your start-up is and what challenges you’re facing.


Here are five primary reasons to be on Quora:


You need funding, so you’re looking for angels and VCs.

您需要资金,因此您正在寻找天使和风投。 You’re looking for a co-founder or early-stage employees.

您正在寻找联合创始人或早期员工。 You could really use more tech talent.

您确实可以使用更多的技术人才。 You’d like to bring on some advisors or at least find a mentor.

您想聘请一些顾问或至少找到一名导师。 You need to put your start-up on important people’s radar.


All five all of these may apply to you (and a couple more not listed), and that’s completely fine. However, it’s crucial to identify your needs so that you can craft the appropriate strategy.

所有这五个都可能适用于您(还有几个未列出),这完全可以。 但是,确定您的需求至关重要,以便您可以制定适当的策略。

Which brings us to…


寻找主题 (Finding Your Topics)

Once you’ve got your goals, you’ll have a much better idea of where on the site you should focus.


As of 2014, there were 500,000 topics on Quora, ranging from “Current Events in Entertainment” to “U.S. Foreign Policy.”

截至2014年,Quora上有500,000个主题 ,范围从“娱乐时事”到“美国外交政策”。

Obviously, you’ll quickly be overwhelmed if you try posting in every topic that interests you or looks relevant.


That’s where having goals is so helpful.


For example, if you’re looking for tech talent, you’ll want to maintain a presence in “Software Engineering”. Whereas if you want feedback on your product, “Startup Feedback” would be a better fit.

例如,如果您正在寻找技术人才,则需要在“软件工程”中保持一席之地。 如果您想对产品提供反馈, “启动反馈”将是一个更好的选择。

There are topics for everything, so keep searching until you find four to six that would attract the type of people you need to accomplish your goals.


To keep track of the activity in these topics (including what people are asking, answering, and discussing), click “Follow Topic” underneath each one’s title.


执行“用户细分” (Performing “User Segmentation”)

You’ve probably heard about user segmentation: the practice of dividing your users into groups based on key characteristics (age, gender, profession, etc.) so that you can deliver a tailored experience to each group.


Well, Quora is actually set up for user segmentation. The platform gives you the option of changing which title appears next to your name for each topic you follow—which means you should customize it based on to whom you’re trying to appeal.

好吧,实际上是为用户细分设置了Quora。 该平台为您提供了一个选项,可以更改您关注的每个主题的名称旁边出现的标题,这意味着您应根据要吸引的对象对其进行自定义。

For example, if you’re following “Growth Hacking” so that you can meet other founders to potentially partner with, your title could be “CEO/Director of Partnerships at [company name].”

例如,如果您正在关注“ Growth Hacking”,以便可以结识其他创始人并可能与之合作,则标题可以是“ [公司名称]的首席执行官/合伙人总监”。

Whereas if you’re in the “Technology Companies” thread to promote your business, “Founder of [name], a company that [insert purpose]” would be better-suited to your purposes.

而如果您在“技术公司”主题中推广您的业务,那么“ [名称]的创始人,一家[插入目的]的公司”将更适合您的目的。

建立关系 (Making Relationships)

It doesn’t matter what you’re trying to get out of Quora, the most effective way to do so is to develop a reputation as a knowledgeable, polite, respectful user.


Sub-communities on Quora are essentially self-run: users “upvote” (i.e. like) or “downvote” each other’s comments, which decides which answers and replies are shown first. You should aim to become one of the first three posters on any given thread.

Quora上的子社区本质上是自营的:用户“赞成”(即喜欢)或“反对”对方的评论,这决定了首先显示哪些答案和答复。 您应该努力成为任何给定主题的前三张海报之一。

To do that, limit yourself to only contributing when you can add value. It’s better to reply to one post about a subject in which you’ve got expertise than three posts about things with which you’re only vaguely familiar.

为此,将自己限制为只有在可以增加价值时才做出贡献。 最好回答一篇关于您拥有专业知识的帖子,而不是回答三篇关于您只是模糊地熟悉的事情的帖子。

In the right-hand column of your profile, you can view who’s looked at your posts. This is akin to LinkedIn’s “See Who Viewed Your Profile,” and you should use it similarly. When people look at your answers, check out their profiles and decide if they’d be “good to know.” For potentially valuable connections, you can either message them and introduce yourself, or start contributing to the topics they follow.

在个人资料的右侧列中,您可以查看谁在看您的帖子。 这类似于LinkedIn的“查看谁查看了您的个人资料”,您应该类似地使用它。 当人们查看您的答案时,请查看他们的个人资料,并确定他们是否“很了解”。 对于潜在的有价值的联系,您可以向他们发送消息并进行自我介绍,或者开始为他们关注的主题做出贡献。

Both techniques will help you lay the groundwork for a strong professional relationship. After you’ve built the connection, you can ask them for advice, a referral, an introduction, and so on.

两种技术都将帮助您奠定牢固的专业关系的基础。 建立连接后,可以要求他们提供建议,引荐,简介等。

问问题 (Asking Questions)

You can also receive lots of help and resources on Quora just by asking questions. To do this, click the blue “Ask Question” button on the upper right corner of the screen.

您也可以通过提问来获得有关Quora的大量帮助和资源。 为此,请单击屏幕右上角的蓝色“问问题”按钮。

One user recently asked for productivity tool recommendations in a startup-related topic. He received over 50 comments—not only did he get some awesome suggestions, but he also got lots of eyeballs on his profile.

最近,一个用户在与启动相关的主题中询问有关生产力工具的建议。 他收到了50多个评论-不仅得到了一些很棒的建议,而且在个人资料上也引起了很多关注。

It doesn’t matter whether you’re posting an answer or a question: your main goal should be to add to the Quora ecosystem. So if you ask a question that someone else asked yesterday, your community reputation will suffer. However, if you ask a thoughtful, relevant question that’s applicable to other people as well, you’ll see good results.

发布答案或问题都没有关系:您的主要目标应该是添加到Quora生态系统中。 因此,如果您问别人昨天问的一个问题,您的社区声誉将受到损害。 但是,如果您提出一个也适用于其他人的深思熟虑的相关问题,您会看到很好的结果。

建立您的业务 (Establishing Your Business)

Many companies, from Squarespace to Stripe, have their own topics on Quora. But you don’t have to have Squarespace’s status to make your own.

从Squarespace到Stripe的许多公司都有关于Quora的主题。 但是您不必拥有Squarespace的身份即可拥有自己的身份。

First, search your company’s name. After the results pop up, go to the right column and click “Create Topic.”

首先,搜索您的公司名称。 弹出结果后,转到右列,然后单击“创建主题”。

You’ll be given the option to describe your topic, so write a brief explanation of your company and what it does.


Once it’s been created, you can share your company’s topic. We recommend sending the link to your network, posting it on your site and LinkedIn, and sharing it on social media.

创建主题后,您可以共享公司的主题。 我们建议将链接发送到您的网络,将其发布在您的网站和LinkedIn上,并在社交媒体上进行共享。

The more followers you have, the more activity your topic will generate, which will raise the profile of your actual business! In addition, once your startup grows, you can use this Quora topic to answer product questions, get feedback, develop a personal relationship with your customers, and more.

您拥有的追随者越多,您的主题就会产生更多的活动,从而提高您的实际业务形象! 此外,一旦您的初创企业发展壮大,您就可以使用Quora主题回答产品问题,获取反馈,与客户建立个人关系等等。

Using Quora to grow your business is a non-traditional approach—and as an entrepreneur, that means it’s right up for your alley. Good luck, and may the upvotes be in your favor.

使用Quora来发展业务是一种非传统的方法-作为企业家,这意味着它适合您的小巷。 祝你好运,并祝您投票赞成。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/guide-to-quora/

quora ios
