
tech2023-03-04  107


*knock knock* who’s there? (long pause) “Java” ;)

*敲门*谁在那里? (长时间停顿)“ Java”;)

在我们的雷达上 (On Our Radar)

SitePoint editor, writer, ambassador and all-round PHP expert Bruno finally showed us his coolest pet project yet, our very own Google, SitePoint Search. We also talk about how we feel using Discourse’s native search. What are your thoughts? The meta guys are looking into it, so we’re in for a treat.

SitePoint编辑,作家,大使和PHP全方位专家Bruno终于向我们展示了他迄今为止最酷的宠物项目,即我们自己的Google SitePoint Search 。 我们还将讨论使用Discourse的本机搜索的感觉。 你觉得呢?你有没有什么想法? 元人员正在研究它,因此我们准备请客。

NightWing is on the hunt for a pure CSS slider but has had no luck. I think NightWing should make it, personally (my motto is, ‘if it doesn’t exist, build it’). The great people of the forums came to NightWing’s rescue, who implemented the solution. Win-win!

NightWing正在寻找纯CSS滑块,但没有运气。 我认为NightWing应该亲自完成(我的座右铭是,“如果不存在,那就建造它”)。 论坛的伟人来到了NightWing的手中,他们实施了该解决方案。 双赢!

jemz opens up a whole can of worms with a simple topic: reusable code. Is it a good idea to implement reusable code? Do you? I know I’ve reused my own material in the past. It’s not always the best solution but when you’re in a jam… or when it’s a repetitive task…

jemz通过一个简单的主题: 可重复使用的代码,打开了一堆蠕虫。 实现可重用代码是一个好主意吗? 你呢? 我知道我过去曾经重复使用自己的资料。 它不一定总是最好的解决方案,但是当您遇到麻烦时…或当它是重复性任务时…

mikey_w asks if we can develop responsive sites without a smart phone. Do we just re-size our browsers? Is that all there is to responsiveness?

mikey_w询问我们是否可以在没有智能手机的情况下开发响应式站点 。 我们只是调整浏览器大小吗? 这就是响应能力吗?

Over on Facebook we wanted to know, if you had to update a website from scratch, which framework and language would you use? The creativity (and politeness) of answers was incredible, and goes to show what a great community the web developers are. We also wanted to know if you go pure vanilla with your CSS or use a preprocessor like Sass or Less, with most people favouring preprocessors for ease and simplicity.

在Facebook上,我们想知道, 如果您必须从头开始更新网站,将使用哪种框架和语言? 答案的创造力(和礼貌)令人难以置信,并且可以证明网络开发人员是一个伟大的社区。 我们还想知道您是将CSS用作纯香草还是使用诸如Sass或Less的预处理器 ,大多数人都倾向于使用预处理器来简化和简化操作。

简而言之 (In Short)

Don’t forget our weekly roundups, which is now three-times strong! Combining three forces of the internet, they are: This Week in JavaScript (thanks Paul!), This Week in .Net (thanks cpradio!) and the all new This Week on the Front End (thanks Ralph!)

别忘了我们每周的综述,现在已经是原来的三倍! 结合了Internet的三种力量,它们是: JavaScript中的本周 (感谢Paul!) 、. Net中的本周 (感谢cpradio!)和前端的全新本周 (感谢Ralph!)。

Also don’t forget to follow @SitePointJS on Twitter for all the latest JavaScript news!


您的两个比特币 (Your Two Bitcoins)

Don’t forget to post in the forums during June to win big! With 8 prizes being given away during June, chances are you’re already a winner.

别忘了在六月期间在论坛上发帖赢取大奖 ! 在6月有8个奖项被颁发,您很有可能已经是赢家了。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/on-our-radar-search-css-sliders-reusable-code-and-responsive-sites/


相关资源:HTML5 Canvas 源码实现雷达扫描动画特效