
tech2023-03-04  130

Eigenclasses (or singleton classes) are probably one of the most mysterious parts of the Ruby object model. Some beginner programmers think that working with eigenclasses is like performing a magic ritual, I admit I used to think the same way however it appears that eigenclasses are not as difficult as they seem. Moreover, understanding them is crucial to fully understanding Ruby object model and so in this video we will try to reveal the mystery of eigenclasses.

特征类(或单例类)可能是Ruby对象模型中最神秘的部分之一。 一些初学者程序员认为使用本征类就像执行魔术仪式一样,我承认我曾经以同样的方式思考,但是本征类似乎并不像看起来那样困难。 此外,了解它们对于充分理解Ruby对象模型至关重要,因此在本视频中,我们将尝试揭示本征类的奥秘。

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如果您勇敢,请点击播放 !

This is the second video of Ruby Metaprogramming Revealed series.

这是Ruby Metaprogramming Revealed系列的第二个视频。

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翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/watch-mysteries-of-eigenclasses-in-ruby/
