
tech2023-03-04  130


You might have noticed that WordPress.org lists the most popular plugins in the right sidebar in the plugins directory. As we’re nearing the end of 2014, I thought it would be interesting to not only provide a quick explanation of each of these plugins, but to also explore some of the other popular alternatives. Just because a plugin is listed in the most popular list, doesn’t always mean it’s the best fit for your project.

您可能已经注意到WordPress.org在plugins目录的右侧栏中列出了最受欢迎的插件。 快到2014年年底时,我认为不仅要对这些插件中的每一个进行快速说明,而且还要探索其他一些受欢迎的替代品,将是一件很有趣的事情。 仅仅因为插件在最受欢迎列表中列出,并不总是意味着它最适合您的项目。

Last week we talked about selecting the best WordPress theme, many of the same rules apply when selecting a plugin. Be ruthless and only use quality plugins. I haven’t included the star rating because all of them (apart from WordPress Importer) rate 4 stars or 5 stars.

上周我们讨论了选择最佳WordPress主题 ,选择插件时也适用许多相同的规则。 要狠,只能使用优质的插件。 我没有列出星级,因为除WordPress导入程序外,所有其他星级均评定为4星级或5星级。

It’s not a definitive list, only based on my experiences. Hopefully you’ll come across a few new plugins that you might not yet have heard of!

仅根据我的经验,这不是确定的清单。 希望您会遇到一些您可能尚未听说过的新插件!

These numbers are taken from WordPress.org (https://wordpress.org/plugins/browse/popular/), current as of the 26th November, 2014. As you will probably notice, the ranking isn’t based on downloads alone. Automattic has their own criteria to determine this list based on other factors.

这些数字取自WordPress.org(https://wordpress.org/plugins/browse/popular/),当前有效期为2014年11月26日 。 您可能会注意到,排名并非仅基于下载量。 Automattic有自己的标准,可以根据其他因素确定此列表。

1)Akismet:下载25,653,482次 (1) Akismet: Downloaded 25,653,482 times)

Akismet comes with every WordPress installation, so it shouldn’t come as a shock that it’s in the top 12. Akismet is a highly effective anti-spam platform that you can easily integrate with WordPress to help fight comment spam. It’s nearly 10 years old and run by the team at Automattic, so if you’re looking for a good anti-spam solution for WordPress, look no further than Akismet.

Akismet随每个WordPress安装一起提供,因此它在前12名中并不令人感到震惊。Akismet是一个高效的反垃圾邮件平台,您可以轻松地与WordPress集成以帮助对抗垃圾评论。 它已有10年历史,由Automattic团队管理,因此,如果您正在寻找WordPress的良好反垃圾邮件解决方案,那么Akismet就是您的最佳选择。

Alternatives: Antispam Bee, WP-SpamShield Anti-Spam, Growmap Anti Spambot

替代方案: 反垃圾邮件蜜蜂 , WP-SpamShield反垃圾邮件 , Growmap反垃圾 邮件 机器人

Plugin URL: https://wordpress.org/plugins/akismet/

插件网址: https : //wordpress.org/plugins/akismet/

2)Yoast的WordPress SEO:下载14,232,550次 (2) WordPress SEO by Yoast: Downloaded 14,232,550 times)

A personal favorite, WordPress SEO by Yoast is the most popular WordPress SEO plugin. The handy traffic light analysis of your posts and pages helps anyone (even your clients/users) optimise their website content at a glance. There’s also a host of settings that help make SEO a much more user friendly experience. There are other great SEO plugins, but why I always recommend this one is due to the team over at Yoast. They’re prolific and well respected contributors in both the SEO and WordPress communities.

Yoast个人最喜欢的WordPress SEO是最受欢迎的WordPress SEO插件。 方便的交通信息分析您的帖子和页面可帮助任何人(甚至您的客户/用户)一目了然地优化其网站内容。 还有许多设置可帮助使SEO变得更加用户友好。 还有其他很棒的SEO插件,但是为什么我总是推荐这个插件是由于Yoast的团队。 他们在SEO和WordPress社区中都是多产且受人尊敬的贡献者。

Yoast also offers extensions to WordPress SEO including Video SEO, News SEO, WooCommerce SEO, Local SEO and WordPress SEO Premium.

Yoast还提供WordPress SEO扩展,包括视频SEO,新闻SEO,WooCommerce SEO,本地SEO和WordPress SEO Premium。

Alternatives: All in One SEO Pack

替代方案: 一站式SEO包

Plugin URL: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-seo/

插件网址: https : //wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-seo/

3)联系表7:下载21,783,281次 (3) Contact Form 7: Downloaded 21,783,281 times)

Nearly every site needs to capture data at some point. Be it a general enquiry, lead, quote or to collect feedback, most sites require basic forms. Contact Form 7 is a robust form creation plugin and does the job of creating forms, storing and displaying the submitted data. There are also several plugins that work with Contact Form 7 that add features such as CAPTCHA, CSV export and email list integration. Some of the commercial alternatives (listed below) are more polished, with drag and drop interfaces and more features, but for simple forms, Contact Form 7 is suitable.

几乎每个站点都需要在某个时刻捕获数据。 无论是一般的查询,线索,报价还是收集反馈,大多数站点都需要基本表格。 Contact Form 7是一个功能强大的表单创建插件,可以完成创建表单,存储和显示提交的数据的工作。 还有一些与Contact Form 7一起使用的插件,这些插件添加了诸如CAPTCHA,CSV导出和电子邮件列表集成之类的功能。 一些商业替代产品(下面列出)更精美,具有拖放界面和更多功能,但是对于简单形式,Contact Form 7是合适的。

Alternatives: Gravity Forms, Formidable Forms, Ninja Forms, Jetpack

替代方案: 重力形式 , 强大形式 , 忍者形式 , Jetpack

Plugin URL: https://wordpress.org/plugins/contact-form-7/

插件网址: https : //wordpress.org/plugins/contact-form-7/

4)Google XML网站地图:下载15,736,464次 (4) Google XML Sitemaps: Downloaded 15,736,464 times)

XML Sitemaps are important for helping the search engines efficiently crawl your site. By using an XML Sitemap you can specify what content to index and what to ignore, as well as priorities and timeframes that search engines should visit. Google XML Sitemaps is an easy way of automatically generating XML Sitemaps, however it’s worth mentioning that WordPress SEO by Yoast also included this feature. Not everyone uses an SEO plugin, or they rely on their theme for SEO settings. Either way, they’ll benefit from this plugin.

XML Sitemap对帮助搜索引擎有效地爬网站点很重要。 通过使用XML Sitemap,您可以指定要索引的内容和要忽略的内容,以及搜索引擎应访问的优先级和时间范围。 Google XML Sitemaps是自动生成XML Sitemaps的一种简便方法,但是值得一提的是Yoast的WordPress SEO也包含了此功能。 并非每个人都使用SEO插件,或者他们依赖主题进行SEO设置。 无论哪种方式,他们都会从此插件中受益。

Alternatives: WordPress SEO by Yoast

替代方案: Yoast的WordPress SEO

Plugin URL: https://wordpress.org/plugins/google-sitemap-generator/

插件网址: https : //wordpress.org/plugins/google-sitemap-generator/

5)由WordPress.com提供的Jetpack:下载13,029,996次 (5) Jetpack by WordPress.com: Downloaded 13,029,996 times)

Jetpack is not your typical plugin, it’s a plugin on steroids! It brings the best features from WordPress.com to your self-hosted WordPress.org site. Contact forms, CDN, social sharing, stats, Markdown support and too many other features to list, if you haven’t yet looked into Jetpack I’d recommend Jacco Blankenspoor’s guide to Jetpack to learn more.

Jetpack不是您的典型插件,它是类固醇的插件! 它将WordPress.com的最佳功能带到您自托管的WordPress.org网站。 联系表格,CDN,社交共享,统计信息,Markdown支持和太多其他功能要列出,如果您尚未研究Jetpack,我建议您使用Jacco Blankenspoor的Jetpack指南以了解更多信息。

Alternatives: Nothing comes close to covering what Jetpack offers, it’s one of a kind

替代方案: 几乎没有什么可以涵盖Jetpack所提供的,这是其中的一种

Plugin URL: https://wordpress.org/plugins/jetpack/

插件网址: https : //wordpress.org/plugins/jetpack/

6)Wordfence安全性:下载3,930,420次 (6) Wordfence Security: Downloaded 3,930,420 times)

Wordfence is an extremely popular security plugin that boasts a very comprehensive list of features covering hardening, core file scanning, scanning content for bad URLs, scanning for known malware and backdoors, limiting crawlers/bots, blocking brute force attacks and much more.


On a high traffic site, Wordfence may need some tuning. But luckily, due to it’s popularity, there are lots of people in the WordPress community that can help, as well as the option of premium support directly from Wordfence if you need it. Security is such an important topic, I’d recommend not only checking out the alternatives, but also taking the time to read the official WordPress documentation on hardening WordPress to understand the overall concepts. It will help you use these plugins much more effectively.

在人流量大的网站上,Wordfence可能需要进行一些调整。 但幸运的是,由于它的受欢迎程度,WordPress社区中有很多人可以提供帮助,如果需要,可以直接从Wordfence中选择高级支持。 安全性是一个非常重要的主题,我不仅建议您检查替代方法,还建议您花些时间阅读有关加强WordPress的正式WordPress文档,以了解整体概念。 它将帮助您更有效地使用这些插件。

Alternatives: Sucuri, iThemes Security (formerly Better WP Security)

替代方案: Sucuri , iThemes安全性 (以前更好的WP Security)

Plugin URL: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordfence/

插件网址: https : //wordpress.org/plugins/wordfence/

7)Yoast的Google Analytics(分析):下载6,863,451次 (7) Google Analytics by Yoast: Downloaded 6,863,451 times)

Google Analytics tracking code can easily be added in numerous ways without using a plugin, however this is a quick and easy way for anyone to do it without modifying templates. Also, many themes will come with a script section perfect for tracking code. I’ve come across users that aren’t keen on adding plugins (and I understand why), but I think it comes down to your preference.

无需使用插件即可轻松地以多种方式添加Google Analytics(分析)跟踪代码,但这是任何人无需修改模板即可轻松实现的快捷方式。 另外,许多主题都将带有一个脚本部分,非常适合跟踪代码。 我遇到了不热衷于添加插件的用户(我理解为什么),但是我认为这取决于您的偏好。

There are additional features you get when using this plugin, such as tagging outbound links, downloads, 404s and filtering specified WordPress user levels to name a few – so it’s not only convenient, but attractive for those who care about their analytics.


Alternatives: Google Analyticator, GA Google Analytics

替代方案: Google Analyticator , GA Google Analytics

Plugin URL: https://wordpress.org/plugins/google-analytics-for-wordpress/

插件网址: https : //wordpress.org/plugins/google-analytics-for-wordpress/

8)NextGEN Gallery:下载11,305,580次 (8) NextGEN Gallery: Downloaded 11,305,580 times)

With over 11 million downloads, it’s safe to say that NextGEN is the most popular image gallery plugin. It offers features such as managing multiple galleries, displaying images in a slideshow or thumbnail format as well as a variety of additional options like lightbox effects, transitions and size controls.

可以肯定地说NextGEN是最受欢迎的图片库插件,下载量超过1100万。 它提供的功能包括管理多个画廊,以幻灯片或缩略图格式显示图像以及各种其他选项,例如灯箱效果,过渡和大小控件。

It’s also worth mentioning that there’s a legacy version of NextGEN called ‘NextCellent‘ that gives users the option to use a supported, older version.

还值得一提的是,NextGEN有一个旧版本,称为“ NextCellent ”,它使用户可以选择使用受支持的旧版本。

Alternatives: NextCellent Gallery, WordPress native galleries

替代方案: NextCellent Gallery ,WordPress本机画廊

Plugin URL: https://wordpress.org/plugins/nextgen-gallery/

插件网址: https : //wordpress.org/plugins/nextgen-gallery/

9)WooCommerce –出色的电子商务:下载5,235,160次 (9) WooCommerce – excelling eCommerce: Downloaded 5,235,160 times)

There’s no doubt that WooCommerce is currently the king of WordPress eCommerce. WooCommerce is a very intuitive eCommerce platform, with a range of powerful features – either native or easily added by extensions. Just like WordPress has plugins, WooCommerce has extensions. These give you more options than the default offering, for example checkout add-ons, shipping calculators and wish lists.

毫无疑问,WooCommerce当前是WordPress电子商务之王。 WooCommerce是一个非常直观的电子商务平台,具有一系列强大的功能-本机功能或易于扩展的功能。 就像WordPress具有插件一样,WooCommerce也具有扩展名。 与默认产品相比,这些产品为您提供了更多选择,例如结帐插件,运输计算器和愿望清单。

Also worth mentioning, WooCommerce just recently held their first annual WooConf, which is a good sign of a healthy future.


Alternatives: WP eCommerce, MarketPress, Cart66

替代方案: WP eCommerce , MarketPress , Cart66

Plugin URL: https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce/

插件网址: https : //wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce/

10)WordPress导入程序:下载8,866,300次 (10) WordPress Importer: Downloaded 8,866,300 times)

Whenever you’re importing content from another platform, an older version or WordPress or even from WordPress-to-WordPress, you’ll need this plugin. WordPress Importer can import posts, pages, tags, categories and custom fields. WordPress can export content natively (Tools > Export), but you need to install WordPress Importer to import this content.

每当您从另一个平台,旧版本或WordPress甚至从WordPress到WordPress导入内容时,都将需要此插件。 WordPress Importer可以导入帖子,页面,标签,类别和自定义字段。 WordPress可以本机导出内容(“工具”>“导出”),但是您需要安装WordPress Importer才能导入此内容。

Alternatives: WP Advanced Importer Plugin

替代方案: WP Advanced Importer插件

Plugin URL: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-importer/

插件网址: https : //wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-importer/

11)多合一SEO包:下载20,600,499次 (11) All in One SEO Pack: Downloaded 20,600,499 times)

As a die-hard Yoast fan, I’m biased, but I must say I still like All in One SEO Pack. I’ve used it myself if it’s already installed on a site and although there are differences between All in One and WordPress SEO by Yoast, the average user is unlikely to notice or even care – and advanced users have all they need to tweak things.

作为顽固的Yoast粉丝,我有偏见,但我必须说我仍然喜欢All in One SEO Pack。 我已经亲自使用过它(如果它已经安装在网站上),尽管Yoast的All in One和WordPress SEO之间存在差异,但普通用户不太可能注意到或什至不在乎–高级用户拥有调整内容所需的一切。

Alternatives: WordPress SEO by Yoast

替代方案: Yoast的WordPress SEO

Plugin URL: https://wordpress.org/plugins/all-in-one-seo-pack/

插件网址: https : //wordpress.org/plugins/all-in-one-seo-pack/

12)BackWPup Free – WordPress备份插件:下载1,526,281次 (12) BackWPup Free – WordPress Backup Plugin: Downloaded 1,526,281 times)

A good backup process, be it a plugin or service, is critical. It’s not surprising that a backup plugin takes place in the top 12 downloads. BackWPup Free is a free plugin, and they also have a ‘pro’ version called BackWPup PRO that also offers many more advanced backup features such as additional backup destinations, differential backups and MySQL backup options.

一个好的备份过程,无论是插件还是服务,都至关重要。 备份插件出现在前12个下载中也就不足为奇了。 BackWPup Free是一个免费插件,它们还有一个称为BackWPup PRO的“专业”版本,该版本还提供了许多高级备份功能,例如附加的备份目标,差异备份和MySQL备份选项。

There are lots of great alternatives in this category, some free and some paid – but there’s something to suit even the most sophisticated requirements.


Alternatives: WordPress Backup to Dropbox, UpdraftPlus Backup and Restoration, VaultPress, BackupBuddy

替代方案: WordPress备份到Dropbox , UpdraftPlus备份和还原 , VaultPress , BackupBuddy

Plugin URL: https://wordpress.org/plugins/backwpup/

插件网址: https : //wordpress.org/plugins/backwpup/

结论 (Conclusion)

Every WordPress user and developer has their own favorite plugins (just check out the collections over at WPCore), it’s what suits your projects, your clients/users and your own personal preferences.


If you’ve come across a good alternative to any of the above plugins that’s not included, please feel free to list them in the comments below.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wordpress-orgs-most-popular-plugins-for-2014/

