vs2015 chrome

tech2023-05-07  111

vs2015 chrome

In last month’s browser chart, Chrome had been struggling to jump above 50% usage. The browser fares better in July’s StatCounter statistics …

在上个月的浏览器图表中 ,Chrome一直在努力将使用率提高到50%以上。 该浏览器在7月的StatCounter统计信息中表现更好……

2015年6月至2015年7月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, June to July 2015)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past month.


BrowserJuneJulychangerelativeIE (all)18.49%17.18%-1.31%-7.10%IE1111.33%10.84%-0.49%-4.30%IE101.83%1.73%-0.10%-5.50%IE92.20%1.95%-0.25%-11.40%IE6/7/83.13%2.66%-0.47%-15.00%Edge0.00%0.05%+0.05%n/aChrome49.77%51.89%+2.12%+4.30%Firefox16.09%15.68%-0.41%-2.50%Safari5.41%4.20%-1.21%-22.40%iPad Safari5.14%5.54%+0.40%+7.80%Opera1.62%1.81%+0.19%+11.70%Others3.48%3.65%+0.17%+4.90% 浏览器 六月 七月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 18.49% 17.18% -1.31% -7.10% IE11 11.33% 10.84% -0.49% -4.30% IE10 1.83% 1.73% -0.10% -5.50% IE9 2.20% 1.95% -0.25% -11.40% IE6 / 7/8 3.13% 2.66% -0.47% -15.00% 边缘 0.00% 0.05% + 0.05% 不适用 Chrome 49.77% 51.89% + 2.12% + 4.30% 火狐浏览器 16.09% 15.68% -0.41% -2.50% 苹果浏览器 5.41% 4.20% -1.21% -22.40% iPad Safari 5.14% 5.54% + 0.40% + 7.80% 歌剧 1.62% 1.81% + 0.19% + 11.70% 其他 3.48% 3.65% + 0.17% + 4.90%

2014年7月至2015年7月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, July 2014 to July 2015)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past twelve months:


BrowserJuly 2014July 2015changerelativeIE (all)21.36%17.18%-4.18%-19.60%IE119.08%10.84%+1.76%+19.40%IE103.34%1.73%-1.61%-48.20%IE93.30%1.95%-1.35%-40.90%IE6/7/85.64%2.66%-2.98%-52.80%Chrome45.39%51.89%+6.50%+14.30%Firefox17.50%15.68%-1.82%-10.40%Safari10.57%9.74%-0.83%-7.90%Opera1.34%1.81%+0.47%+35.10%Others3.84%3.70%-0.14%-3.60% 浏览器 2014年7月 2015年7月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 21.36% 17.18% -4.18% -19.60% IE11 9.08% 10.84% + 1.76% + 19.40% IE10 3.34% 1.73% -1.61% -48.20% IE9 3.30% 1.95% -1.35% -40.90% IE6 / 7/8 5.64% 2.66% -2.98% -52.80% Chrome 45.39% 51.89% + 6.50% + 14.30% 火狐浏览器 17.50% 15.68% -1.82% -10.40% 苹果浏览器 10.57% 9.74% -0.83% -7.90% 歌剧 1.34% 1.81% + 0.47% + 35.10% 其他 3.84% 3.70% -0.14% -3.60%

(The tables show market share estimates for desktop browsers. The ‘change’ column is the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates the proportional change, i.e. 22.4% of OS X Safari users switched browsers last month. There are several caveats so I recommend you read How Browser Market Share is Calculated and StatCounter vs NetMarketShare.)

(这些表格显示了桌面浏览器的市场份额估计值。“更改”列是市场份额的绝对增加或减少。“相对”列表示成比例的变化,即22.4%的OS X Safari用户上个月切换了浏览器。有几个警告,所以我建议您阅读如何计算浏览器市场份额以及StatCounter与NetMarketShare 。)

Congratulations Google. Chrome leaped more than 2% in July and is now used by half of all desktop users — a figure not seen since IE’s “glory” days. While there’s little difference between the top browsers, Chrome is almost as good or slightly better than others in most areas. That said, there’s a new competitor on the block …

恭喜Google。 Chrome在7月份跃升了2%以上,现在有一半的台式机用户使用过,这是IE 辉煌时期以来的最高水平 。 顶级浏览器之间几乎没有什么区别,但Chrome在大多数方面几乎与其他浏览器一样好或稍好。 也就是说,有一个新的竞争者……

Microsoft’s new Edge browser was released with Windows 10 on July 29, 2015. It’s had minimal impact on the charts so far but that will change:

微软的新Edge浏览器于2015年7月29日随Windows 10一起发布。到目前为止,它对图表的影响很小,但会有所改变:

Initial indications are promising. Edge is unobtrusive, very fast, looks good and has some interesting features.

最初的迹象是有希望的。 Edge不引人注目,非常快,看起来不错并且具有一些有趣的功能。 Edge will become your default browser in Windows 10 unless you change settings during the update or after installation.

除非您在更新期间或安装后更改设置,否则Edge将成为Windows 10中的默认浏览器。 Legal restrictions have ended. Microsoft has served time, paid the fines and satisfied the US and EU regulators. Google and Apple now pose a bigger threat.

法律限制已经结束。 微软已经准时了,付了罚款,并使美国和欧盟的监管机构满意。 谷歌和苹果现在构成了更大的威胁。

Look out for a full review of Edge on SitePoint soon.


The only other browser to increase market share this month was Opera. 0.19% may not sound much and the figures can fluctuate but the browser has reached a level not seen since 2012. I find myself turning to Opera regularly. It’s not the browser it once was, but it’s faster than Chrome and ideal for testing. Opera is reporting a 70% speed increase for version 31.

本月唯一增加市场份额的浏览器是Opera。 0.19%的声音听起来可能并不多,并且数字可能会波动,但浏览器的水平已达到2012年以来的最高水平。我发现自己经常转向Opera。 它不是以前的浏览器,但是它比Chrome更快,并且是测试的理想选择。 Opera报告说版本31的速度提高了70% 。

It was grim news for other vendors. All versions of IE dropped, Firefox slipped below 16% and Safari on OS X lost more than a fifth of users. The iPad version of Safari increased a little but it still lost 0.8% overall.

对于其他供应商而言,这是一个严峻的消息。 IE的所有版本均下降,Firefox降至16%以下,OS X上的Safari失去了超过五分之一的用户。 iPad版本的Safari略有增加,但总体上仍下降了0.8%。

2015年6月至7月全球移动浏览器统计数据 (Worldwide Mobile Browser Statistics, June to July 2015)

Mobile usage grew by a massive 3.2% last month to reach 39.48% of all web activity. That’s a huge leap. The summer months in the Northern hemisphere may be partly responsible but mobile usage rarely drops.

上个月,移动设备使用量增长了3.2%,达到了所有网络活动的39.48% 。 那是一个巨大的飞跃。 北半球的夏季可能是部分原因,但移动设备的使用量很少下降。

The top mobile browsing applications:


Mobile BrowserJuneJulychangerelativeChrome32.97%33.82%+0.85%+2.60%iPhone18.84%18.96%+0.12%+0.60%Android15.71%15.16%-0.55%-3.50%UC Browser14.91%14.93%+0.02%+0.10%Opera Mini/Mobile11.93%11.63%-0.30%-2.50%IEMobile2.06%2.11%+0.05%+2.40%Others3.58%3.39%-0.19%-5.30% 手机浏览器 六月 七月 更改 相对的 Chrome 32.97% 33.82% + 0.85% + 2.60% 苹果手机 18.84% 18.96% + 0.12% + 0.60% 安卓系统 15.71% 15.16% -0.55% -3.50% UC浏览器 14.91% 14.93% + 0.02% + 0.10% Opera Mini /手机 11.93% 11.63% -0.30% -2.50% IEMobile 2.06% 2.11% + 0.05% + 2.40% 其他 3.58% 3.39% -0.19% -5.30%

The numbers may have risen but the browser share proportions remained mostly static. Chrome increase is offset by the drop in Android usage but it’s rapidly gaining on its desktop counterpart.

人数可能有所增加,但浏览器的份额比例基本上保持不变。 Chrome的增长被Android使用率的下降所抵消,但它在台式机上的增长Swift。

There is a large variety of mobile browsers but choice remains fairly limited. iPhone users are forced to use Safari (regardless of what they think they’re using). Chrome beats most competitors by a significant margin on Android. Windows users have few alternatives to IE Mobile and those with a feature phone won’t find better than Opera. Only UC Browser has made an impact — it’s owned and promoted by Alibaba which is huge in China and India (think Amazon, but 50% bigger!)

移动浏览器种类繁多,但选择仍然相当有限。 iPhone用户被迫使用Safari (无论他们认为使用的是什么) 。 在Android上,Chrome击败了大多数竞争对手。 Windows用户几乎没有IE Mobile的替代品,拥有功能手机的用户不会比Opera更好。 只有UC Browser产生了影响-它是由阿里巴巴拥有和推广的, 阿里巴巴在中国和印度都很庞大(想想亚马逊,但要大50%!)

Those who upgrade regularly tend to stick with the OS they love and few try alternative browsers. However, the market is not kind to those who let their systems and browsers stagnate. Apple: do you really want to be the next Nokia or Blackberry? …

那些定期升级的人倾向于坚持自己喜欢的操作系统,很少尝试使用其他浏览器。 但是,对于那些让其系统和浏览器停滞不前的人来说,市场并不好。 苹果: 您真的想成为下一个诺基亚或黑莓吗? …

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/browser-trends-august-2015-chrome-exceeds-50/

vs2015 chrome
