
tech2023-05-08  116

Another month has passed here at SitePoint and the race for the Ambassador of the Month title was once again a heated one. Although there were a number of choice contenders, there was one Ambassador whose dedication and work ethic put him in the lead by a dozen lengths as the race came down to the home stretch. The SitePoint Ambassador I am referring to is Simon Codrington, a Sydney-based PHP developer who has finally brought the title of Ambassador of the Month of SitePoint’s home country of Australia.

在SitePoint又过了一个月,当月的“大使”之争再次激烈。 尽管有许多选择者竞争者,但有一位大使的奉献精神和职业道德使他在比赛进行到最后一站之时领先十多个地方。 我所指的SitePoint大使是总部位于悉尼PHP开发人员Simon Codrington ,他终于获得了SitePoint母国澳大利亚月份的大使称号。

Since becoming an Ambassador, Simon has become a vital asset to SitePoint’s Peer Review process, where he dedicates his time to ensuring that our readers receive nothing less than the highest quality content by analyzing upcoming posts. As a result of these efforts and more, we’re happy to announce Simon as February’s Ambassador of the month!

自从成为大使以来,Simon已成为SitePoint 同行评审流程的重要资产,在他的专心致志下,他通过分析即将发布的帖子来确保我们的读者获得的不只是最高质量的内容。 经过这些努力以及更多的努力,我们很高兴宣布西蒙为2月的本月大使!

We asked Simon to tell us about his experiences with SitePoint:


I’d been coming to SitePoint for years before I was an ambassador. I loved all of the random articles that I was seeing and really appreciated SitePoint’s effort in producing content I was keen on reading.

在担任大使之前,我已经来过SitePoint多年了。 我喜欢我所看到的所有随机文章,并且非常感谢SitePoint制作我渴望阅读的内容的努力。

I read that SitePoint were looking for new contributors, and I immediately reached out to offer them my skills. I wrote several articles for the recently formed ‘WordPress’ category, and from there started writing other pieces for several boards (JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Mobile, Web etc.). I loved the opportunity to become a part of the community, to create content that was easy to jump into, but also rewarding and useful.

我听说SitePoint正在寻找新的贡献者,所以我立即伸出援手,向他们提供自己的技能。 我为最近成立的“ WordPress”类别写了几篇文章,并从那里开始为几块板(JavaScript,HTML / CSS,Mobile,Web等)编写其他文章。 我喜欢有机会成为社区的一员,创造易于跳入但又有益又有用的内容。

After a while, I was offered an opportunity to becomes an Ambassador, to take an active role in shaping SitePoint and how it could be continually improved to everyone’s benefit.


Becoming an Ambassador was a great decision. It let me work more closely with a great group of people all over the world, who not only have awesome technical skills but personalities to match.

成为大使是一个伟大的决定。 它使我与世界各地的一大批人更加紧密地合作,他们不仅拥有出色的技术技能,而且拥有与之相匹配的个性。

In addition to his work as a SitePoint Ambassador, Simon has published over a dozen articles for various channels here at SitePoint. He’s an extremely talented developer who loves to teach readers about everything from WordPress plugins, to the intricacies of various APIs, and everything in between.

除了担任SitePoint大使外,Simon还在SitePoint上为各种渠道发表了十几篇文章。 他是一位非常有才华的开发人员,喜欢教读者有关WordPress插件,各种API的复杂性以及介于两者之间的所有内容的所有信息。

When he’s not giving back to the Web community, Simon spends his time working at Web Bird Digital where he specializes in developing WordPress themes, plug-ins, and other solutions that are needed. Simply put, Simon is a utility player: he’s a true jack of all trades who can seemingly do it all. Whether a plug-in needs to be fixed, or a website needs new layout, Simon is always eager to tackle the challenge at hand.

当他不回馈网络社区时,Simon花时间在Web Bird Digital工作,在那里他专门开发WordPress主题,插件和其他所需的解决方案。 简而言之,西蒙是一名公用事业公司:他是所有行业的真正杰作,看似可以做到。 无论是需要修复插件还是网站需要新的布局,Simon始终都渴望解决当前的挑战。

When he’s not helping out at SitePoint or Web Bird Digital, Simon loves to spend his time working on personal projects and researching new techniques regarding web design. Additionally, Simon is an avid fan of the outdoors, and holds a particular place in his heart for kayaking and a good run on the beach.

当他不在SitePoint或Web Bird Digital上提供帮助时,Simon喜欢将自己的时间用于个人项目和研究有关Web设计的新技术。 此外,西蒙(Simon)是户外运动的狂热爱好者,并且在自己的心脏中占有特殊的位置,可以进行皮划艇运动和在沙滩上跑步。

Congratulations Simon!


