In this lesson, you will learn about how JavaScript lets you group statements, and why that can be useful. You will be introduced to the syntax of statement groups, and get an overview of how statement groups can be used for conditional logic as well as for control flow. This is only one small section of a course that takes beginners from simple variables and types all the way through the fundamentals of functions and scope in JavaScript.
在本课程中,您将学习JavaScript如何使您对语句进行分组,以及为什么这样做很有用。 将向您介绍语句组的语法,并概述如何将语句组用于条件逻辑以及控制流。 这只是一门课程的一小部分,它将初学者从简单的变量和类型中引入,并贯穿JavaScript的函数和作用域的基础。
My course Introduction to Programming with JavaScript was designed for people who may never have coded, or may have copied and pasted other people’s scripts into a web page without really understanding how they worked. It’s a good general introduction to the concepts of programming in JavaScript, and the features of the language.
我的课程《 JavaScript编程概论》是为那些可能从未编写过代码,或者可能在没有真正理解他们的工作原理的情况下将其他人的脚本复制并粘贴到网页中的人员设计的。 它很好地介绍了JavaScript编程的概念以及该语言的功能。
If you like what you see here, and want to learn more, please sign up for SitePoint Premium to gain access to the entire course.
如果您喜欢在这里看到的内容,并想了解更多信息,请注册SitePoint Premium,以访问整个课程 。
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