
tech2023-05-11  130

Last month, I wrote about the introduction and progression of the Ambassador Program. November also brought the introduction of the first Ambassador of the Month, and it's time to pass the torch on.

上个月, 我写了大使计划的介绍和进展。 11月还引入了本月的第一任大使,现在该传递火炬了。

The past month had seen quite an increase in quality activities, especially with the ambassadors spreading the values of SitePoint in group sessions face to face. Ladies and gentlemen, the Ambassador for December is Adrian Sandu.

在过去的一个月中,高质量的活动有所增加,尤其是当大使们在小组会议中面对面传播SitePoint的价值时。 女士们,先生们,十二月大使是阿德里安·桑杜 ( Adrian Sandu) 。

So who is Adrian? Based in Dublin, Ireland, he's a UX/UI oriented front end developer, and currently has two articles published on SitePoint.

那么谁是阿德里安? 他位于爱尔兰的都柏林,是面向UX / UI的前端开发人员,目前在SitePoint上发表了两篇文章 。

When he's not at a computer working on awesome designs, he takes to his hobby of photography, being with his wife and two cats, and enjoying a good sci-fi game.


Adrian shares a little of his SitePoint story with us:


I got my hands on the first SitePoint product back in 2005–6. It was my roommate's copy of the Web Design Business Kit, and I was fascinated by the opportunities it promised. I begged and cajoled until I got permission to study it myself, took many notes and promised myself that one day I would have my own business in this area.

我在2005-6年获得了第一款SitePoint产品。 这是我室友的《 Web设计业务工具包》的副本,我对它所承诺的机会着迷。 我乞求和逗弄,直到我自己允许自己研究它,记下很多笔记并向自己保证,有一天我会在这个领域有自己的事业。

Over the years, I returned often — especially for the CSS reference, which is sadly outdated at the moment, and also to pick up interesting articles to read. Then, last summer, I noticed the invitation to join the new Ambassador program and I was delighted to know I was accepted. Now, as the program has gained real traction and things are moving in the right direction, I'm really glad I followed my instinct to volunteer my efforts.

多年以来,我经常回国-特别是对于CSS参考 ,目前遗憾的是它已经过时了,并且还拿起了有趣的文章来阅读。 然后,去年夏天,我注意到参加新大使计划的邀请,我很高兴得知我被录取了。 现在,随着该计划获得了真正的关注,并且事情朝着正确的方向发展,我非常高兴我能遵循自己的本能志愿服务。

The part I like best about being an Ambassador is participation in offline events, where I've met some very interesting people. I look forward to continuing these activities, and hope to meet as many of my fellow Ambassadors as possible directly, rather than just over the Internet.

作为大使,我最喜欢的部分是参加离线活动,在那里我遇到了一些非常有趣的人。 我期待继续进行这些活动,并希望能直接,而不是仅通过互联网与我的许多大使大使见面。

You can find out more about Adrian on his blog and Twitter.


