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tech2023-05-16  116

listview 争夺焦点

In last month’s browser chart, Chrome was 0.03% away from the 50% milestone. Has it reached one in two users? Let’s see what StatCounter reveals …

在上个月的浏览器图表中 ,Chrome距离50%的里程碑距离为0.03%。 它是否达到了每两个用户中的一个? 让我们看看StatCounter揭示了什么……

2015年4月至5月,全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计数据 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, April to May 2015)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past month.


BrowserAprilMaychangerelativeIE (all)18.25%18.28%+0.03%+0.20%IE1110.76%10.83%+0.07%+0.70%IE101.81%1.87%+0.06%+3.30%IE92.26%2.18%-0.08%-3.50%IE6/7/83.42%3.40%-0.02%-0.60%Chrome49.97%49.36%-0.61%-1.20%Firefox16.77%16.39%-0.38%-2.30%Safari4.77%5.76%+0.99%+20.80%iPad Safari5.09%5.06%-0.03%-0.60%Opera1.61%1.62%+0.01%+0.60%Others3.54%3.53%-0.01%-0.30% 浏览器 四月 可能 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 18.25% 18.28% + 0.03% + 0.20% IE11 10.76% 10.83% + 0.07% + 0.70% IE10 1.81% 1.87% + 0.06% + 3.30% IE9 2.26% 2.18% -0.08% -3.50% IE6 / 7/8 3.42% 3.40% -0.02% -0.60% Chrome 49.97% 49.36% -0.61% -1.20% 火狐浏览器 16.77% 16.39% -0.38% -2.30% 苹果浏览器 4.77% 5.76% + 0.99% + 20.80% iPad Safari 5.09% 5.06% -0.03% -0.60% 歌剧 1.61% 1.62% + 0.01% + 0.60% 其他 3.54% 3.53% -0.01% -0.30%

2014年5月至2015年5月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, May 2014 to May 2015)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past twelve months:


BrowserMay 2014May 2015changerelativeIE (all)20.76%18.28%-2.48%-11.90%IE118.47%10.83%+2.36%+27.90%IE103.30%1.87%-1.43%-43.30%IE93.23%2.18%-1.05%-32.50%IE6/7/85.76%3.40%-2.36%-41.00%Chrome45.72%49.36%+3.64%+8.00%Firefox18.71%16.39%-2.32%-12.40%Safari10.00%10.82%+0.82%+8.20%Opera1.30%1.62%+0.32%+24.60%Others3.51%3.53%+0.02%+0.60% 浏览器 2014年5月 2015年5月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 20.76% 18.28% -2.48% -11.90% IE11 8.47% 10.83% + 2.36% + 27.90% IE10 3.30% 1.87% -1.43% -43.30% IE9 3.23% 2.18% -1.05% -32.50% IE6 / 7/8 5.76% 3.40% -2.36% -41.00% Chrome 45.72% 49.36% + 3.64% + 8.00% 火狐浏览器 18.71% 16.39% -2.32% -12.40% 苹果浏览器 10.00% 10.82% + 0.82% + 8.20% 歌剧 1.30% 1.62% + 0.32% + 24.60% 其他 3.51% 3.53% + 0.02% + 0.60%

(The tables show market share estimates for desktop browsers. The ‘change’ column is the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates the proportional change, i.e. 3.5% of IE9 users switched browsers last month. There are several caveats so I recommend you read How Browser Market Share is Calculated and StatCounter vs NetMarketShare.)

(下表显示了桌面浏览器的市场份额估计值。“更改”列是市场份额的绝对增加或减少。“相对”列表示成比例的变化,即,上个月IE9用户切换了浏览器的比例为3.5%。注意事项,所以我建议您阅读如何计算浏览器市场份额以及StatCounter与NetMarketShare 。)

So near, yet so far. Chrome slipped and couldn’t hurdle the 50% barrier. It remains the most used browser by far, but the battle for second place is becoming more interesting.

如此之近,却如此之远。 Chrome合金滑落,无法越过50%的障碍。 到目前为止,它仍然是使用最多的浏览器,但是争夺第二名的战斗变得越来越有趣。

The gap between Internet Explorer and Firefox has hovered around 1-2% for most of 2015. IE had a reasonable month and stayed mostly static, but it’s a long way from its 95% market share in 2001. Even five years ago it had more than 50% usage. The browser is in the final stages of life and will shortly be superseded by Microsoft Edge. However, many still depend on IE. It’s Windows’ default browser and corporations often rely on it for internal applications.

在2015年的大部分时间里,Internet Explorer和Firefox之间的差距一直徘徊在1-2%左右。IE的表现合理,并且基本上保持静态,但与2001年的95%的市场份额相比还有很长的路要走。即使在五年前,IE的差距也更大超过50%的使用率。 该浏览器处于生命的最后阶段,不久将被Microsoft Edge取代。 但是,许多仍然依赖IE。 它是Windows的默认浏览器,公司通常将其用于内部应用程序。

Firefox was the browser which released IE’s stranglehold. It peaked at one third of users back in 2010, but has been slowly dropping ever since. Firefox has a reputation as an application for developers and power users. While it can be used by anyone, Chrome offers an easier experience, and Mozilla will never have Google’s commercial clout. May was a tough month for Firefox, and it slipped further behind IE—though I suspect the long-term forecast is better.

Firefox是释放IE束缚的浏览器。 自2010年起,它的峰值达到了三分之一的用户,但此后一直在缓慢下降。 Firefox作为开发人员和高级用户的应用程序而享有盛誉。 虽然任何人都可以使用它,但Chrome提供了更轻松的体验,而Mozilla永远不会拥有Google的商业影响力。 对于Firefox来说,5月是艰难的一个月,它进一步落后于IE,尽管我怀疑长期预测会更好。

Both browsers are important for the industry:


Firefox is the only mainstream, open-source browser. There are no company shareholders and it is not swayed by commercial pressures. HTML5 features are added if they’re useful, rather than because a particular device or application needs it.

Firefox是唯一的主流开源浏览器。 没有公司股东,也不受商业压力的影响。 如果有用,则添加HTML5功能,而不是因为特定的设备或应用程序需要它。 Technically, IE lingers behind competitors, but Microsoft provides a stable platform for enterprise applications. Few companies go so far to maintain backward-compatibility.

从技术上讲,IE一直落后于竞争对手,但是Microsoft为企业应用程序提供了一个稳定的平台。 到目前为止,很少有公司能够保持向后兼容。

Above all, Firefox and IE are competition for Chrome, and HTML5 has thrived. It can make development more challenging, but the alternative is stagnation, complacency and an all-dominating Google.

最重要的是,Firefox和IE是Chrome的竞争者,HTML5蓬勃发展。 它可以使开发更具挑战性,但替代方案是停滞不前,自满自大,并主导Google。

The biggest gain in May was made by Safari which, bizarrely, jumped almost 1%. Impressive, but it might be a minor re-adjustment following a few lackluster months.

Safari在5月份获得了最大的收益,离奇的是跃升了近1%。 令人印象深刻,但是经过几个月的低迷之后,这可能是一个小的调整。

Finally, it’s interesting to note that both IE9 (2.18%) and IE10 (1.87%) usage has fallen behind IE8 (3.16%).


2015年4月至5月,全球移动浏览器统计数据 (Worldwide Mobile Browser Statistics, April to May 2015)

Mobile usage grew by almost 1.5% to reach 34.8% of all web activity.

移动设备使用量增长了近1.5%,达到所有网络活动的34.8% 。

The top mobile browsing applications:


Mobile BrowserAprilMaychangerelativeChrome32.30%33.17%+0.87%+2.70%iPhone19.49%18.87%-0.62%-3.20%Android17.96%17.17%-0.79%-4.40%UC Browser13.69%14.53%+0.84%+6.10%Opera Mini/Mobile9.09%9.92%+0.83%+9.10%IEMobile2.20%2.15%-0.05%-2.30%Nokia Browser2.12%1.21%-0.91%-42.90%Others3.15%2.98%-0.17%-5.40% 手机浏览器 四月 可能 更改 相对的 Chrome 32.30% 33.17% + 0.87% + 2.70% 苹果手机 19.49% 18.87% -0.62% -3.20% 安卓系统 17.96% 17.17% -0.79% -4.40% UC浏览器 13.69% 14.53% + 0.84% + 6.10% Opera Mini /手机 9.09% 9.92% + 0.83% + 9.10% IEMobile 2.20% 2.15% -0.05% -2.30% 诺基亚浏览器 2.12% 1.21% -0.91% -42.90% 其他 3.15% 2.98% -0.17% -5.40%

Chrome’s growth is starting to mirror that of its desktop cousin, and its lead looks unassailable.


UC Browser and Opera Mini/Mobile made similar gains. Part of the reason could be that mobile and tablet usage has reached parity with desktop PCs in Asia.

UC Browser和Opera Mini / Mobile取得了类似的增长。 部分原因可能是在亚洲,移动和平板电脑的使用量已达到台式PC的水平。

If you’re concerned about the 5% of users still using old versions of IE, or the 30% of mobile users adopting simpler browsers, perhaps it’s time to embrace progressive enhancement and watch your support troubles disappear!



listview 争夺焦点
