
tech2023-05-18  146


If you’re happy and you know it, syntax error! In a week of misplaced semicolons and forgotten commas, we had a lot to talk about.

如果您快乐并且知道,语法错误! 在分号放错位置和逗号被遗忘的一周里,我们有很多话要说。

在我们的雷达上 (On Our Radar)

mikey_w, regularly featured in this series, is excited to be learning more about responsive web design (and adaptive design, but that’s another matter entirely). They want to know more about going from a 3-column design website to general responsive design on mobile. Answers to Mikey’s question ranged from reducing the font size (thanks John_Betong!) and avoiding excessive scrolling (thanks SamA74)

mikey_w是本系列的定期主题,很高兴能学习更多有关响应式Web设计(以及自适应设计,但这完全是另一回事)。 他们想了解更多有关从3列设计网站到移动响应式设计的更多信息 。 对Mikey问题的回答范围包括减小字体大小(感谢John_Betong!)和避免过度滚动(感谢SamA74)。

mikey_w also got us thinking about how transparent publication dates for websites should be. Should websites include a ‘written on’ or ‘published on’ date? The consensus was that most people want to know when something was posted to the web, given how quickly information is updated and changed in the web dev world.

mikey_w还让我们考虑了网站的发布日期应该透明。 网站应包含“写于”或“发布于”日期吗? 共识是,鉴于Web开发人员世界中信息的更新和更改速度很快,大多数人都想知道什么东西发布到Web上。

tosta wants information on bringing PHP outside variables to PHP class. Suggestions include a complete re-write of the class (thanks SpacePhoenix!) and changing the mysqli_functions (thanks Mittineague!)

tosta需要有关将PHP外部变量带入PHP类的信息 。 建议包括完全重写该类(感谢SpacePhoenix!)和更改mysqli_functions(感谢Mittineague!)。

简而言之 (In Short)

Ricardo was confused about a specific snippet of code, and Mittineague came to the rescue. Turns out it’s a legacy IE7 thing, but with the release of Microsoft Edge, hopefully web developers won’t be burdened with special rules for IE.

里卡多(Ricardo)对特定的代码片段感到困惑,米蒂涅(Mittineague)进行了救援。 事实证明,这是IE7的遗留问题,但是随着Microsoft Edge的发布,希望Web开发人员不会因IE的特殊规则而负担重。

We also talk about whether Facebook pages can hurt a small business; our favorite sans-serif fonts; uncontrollable grid images; and creating a one-use footer without needing to compromise individual pages.

我们还讨论了Facebook页面是否会损害小企业 ; 我们最喜欢的sans-serif字体 ; 不可控制的网格图像 ; 并且创建一个一次性使用的页脚,而无需破坏各个页面。

Don’t forget our amazing weekly round-ups of JavaScript, .Net and the Front-End.

不要忘了我们每周都会令人惊讶的JavaScript , .Net和Front-End汇总 。

您的两个比特币 (Your Two Bitcoins)

We’ve got a great competition this month, where you can tell us all about the #DevLife and the #DesignLife. Just tag us on Facebook or Twitter, or reply on our forums thread, and you can be in the running to win a SitePoint t-shirt and branded products, with a ton of spot prizes up for grabs.

本月我们的比赛非常激烈,您可以在此向我们介绍#DevLife和#DesignLife 。 只需在Facebook或Twitter 上为我们添加标签,或者在我们的论坛主题中回复我们 ,您就可以在竞选中赢得SitePoint T恤和品牌产品,并获得大量现货奖励。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/on-our-radar-time-responsive-design-and-misplaced-commas/

