
tech2023-05-18  130


Good SEO might be the very reason you’re reading this article. As its name implies, SEO is the process of optimizing a website or web page to maximize visibility in search engine results, and it is hugely important for any business that maintains a web presence.

好的SEO可能就是您阅读本文的原因。 顾名思义,SEO是优化网站或网页以最大程度地提高搜索引擎结果的可见性的过程,这对于保持网站形象的任何企业都至关重要。

If you're thinking about pursuing a career as an SEO freelancer, you first need to price your services. Unfortunately, there is no magic formula or online calculator to generate an accurate dollar amount. And if there is, it must not have very good SEO because it just ain’t coming up on the old Google.

如果您正在考虑从事SEO自由职业者的职业,则首先需要对服务定价。 不幸的是,没有魔术公式或在线计算器可以生成准确的美元金额。 如果有的话,它也不一定要有很好的SEO,因为它不会出现在旧版Google上。

Instead, you need to evaluate a number of important factors.


定价模型 (Pricing Model)

For the purposes of this article, we’re going to focus on two of the most popular pricing models: hourly and project-based.


Hourly: According to a study conducted by the software as a service company Moz, the most common hourly rate for SEO professionals worldwide is between $76 and $200.


Project-based: The most common per-project rate for SEO professionals worldwide is between $1,000 and $7,500.

基于项目的费用:全球SEO专业人员最常见的单项目费用在$ 1,000到$ 7,500之间。

Many people prefer charging by the project rather than by the hour. One way to think of it is that if you charge hourly you're selling labor, but if you charge per-project you're selling value. There is more profit in selling value than labor.

许多人更喜欢按项目收费,而不是按小时收费。 一种思考的方法是,如果按小时收费,您就是在卖人工,但是如果按项目收费,则是在卖价值。 出售价值比劳动获得的利润更多。

But hourly rates are fixed, and project-based rates are not. Or at least they shouldn't be. Before pricing a project, you need to understand the scope of the project.

但是每小时的费率是固定的,基于项目的费率不是固定的。 或者至少不应该如此。 在为项目定价之前,您需要了解项目的范围。

For simple projects, it's alright to charge a one-time fee. For more complex projects, consider dividing the project into stages and charge for each stage.

对于简单的项目,可以收取一次性费用。 对于更复杂的项目,请考虑将项目分为多个阶段,并为每个阶段收费。

服务 (Services)

The price ranges listed above are quite broad. How do you pinpoint where you fit within the spectrum?

上面列出的价格范围很广。 您如何确定适合您的频谱范围?

To help narrow it down, first establish what services you're going to offer. These can include one or more of the following:

为了缩小范围,请首先确定要提供的服务。 这些可以包括以下一项或多项:

Website Consultation

网站咨询 Front Page Content Consultation

头版内容咨询 Meta Data Alterations

元数据变更 Keyword Research

关键字研究 Review of Internal Text Links

审查内部文字链接 Content Writing

内容写作 Review of and Implementation of Google Analytics/Google

审查和实施Google Analytics / Google Webmaster Tools

网站管理员工具 Ranking / Status Reports


If you provide more services, you provide more value.


质量 (Quality)

Next, have an honest conversation with yourself, and evaluate the quality of your services. Can you rank a client's website on the first page of Google within a month? In three? How much is that extra traffic worth to your client?

接下来,与您自己进行一次诚实的交谈,并评估您的服务质量。 您可以在一个月内在Google网站的首页上排名客户的网站吗? 三分 对您的客户来说,这些额外的流量值多少钱?

What if you calculate that your client can earn an extra $5,000 per month with your help? How much is that work worth?

如果您计算出您的客户在您的帮助下每月可以额外赚取$ 5,000,该怎么办? 那工作值多少钱?

You don't want to make promises with your prices that you cannot deliver.


兼职每小时收费 (Freelance Hourly Rate)

Understanding the value of your services is only part of the equation. Another part of that equation is, well, an actual equation.

了解服务的价值只是其中的一部分。 该方程式的另一部分是一个实际方程式。

Every freelancer, regardless of profession, needs to calculate their freelance hourly rate. Yes, even if you choose a project-based pricing model.

每个自由职业者,无论其职业如何,都需要计算其自由职业时薪。 是的,即使您选择基于项目的定价模型。

The process of establishing your hourly rate will help you understand, in general terms, how much money you need to be making.


There are a number of online calculators to help you with this process, but Motivapp is one of the most comprehensive.


Motivapp takes into account a number of factors, including hours worked per week, weeks worked per year, percentage of billable hours, personal expenses, business expenses and days off.


The last piece of the Motivapp pie is your desired salary. How much do you want to make a year? To get an idea of what SEO professionals make on average, check out Indeed’s salary trends. SEO Specialists, for example, make an average salary of $61,000. SEO Analysts make $71,000. SEO Strategists make $74,000.

Motivapp饼的最后一块是您所需的薪水。 你想赚多少钱? 要了解SEO专业人员的平均收入,请查看确实的薪资趋势。 例如,SEO专家的平均工资为61,000美元。 SEO分析师的薪水为$ 71,000。 SEO策略师的年薪为$ 74,000。

How do those numbers sit with you?


Consider your experience level, your track record, the quality of your services and the quantity of services you offer.


Are you in an expensive city or relatively inexpensive small town? Do you have a family to support? A mortgage? A secret Canadian family?

您是在昂贵的城市还是相对便宜的小镇? 您有家人支持吗? 抵押? 一个秘密的加拿大家庭?

Let's say you settle on a salary goal of $71,000. Depending on the other factors, Motivapp's formula might come up with $72 per hour.

假设您设定的薪水目标为$ 71,000。 取决于其他因素,Motivapp的公式可能会得出每小时$ 72的费用。

If you're charging by project, either as a whole or in stages, estimate the amount of time you will have to put into the project. Then take your hourly rate and do some basic math. Is this project going to take twenty hours? At $72 per hour, that equals a rate of $1,440 for the whole project.

如果您是按项目收费,无论是整体收费还是分阶段收费,请估算您必须投入该项目的时间。 然后,按小时收费,并做一些基本的数学运算。 这个项目要花20个小时吗? 每小时72美元,相当于整个项目的1,440美元。

竞争 (Competition)

Lastly, scope out your competitors. Find other SEO freelancers with similar qualifications and service offerings. How do your rates compare? What are clients saying about your competitors? Does it seem like they're getting a lot of work? If not, why? Do they have a good track record? Maybe they're priced too high, or maybe they're priced too low.

最后,找出竞争对手。 查找其他具有类似资格和服务产品的SEO自由职业者。 您的价格如何比较? 客户对您的竞争对手怎么说? 看来他们正在做很多工作吗? 如果没有,为什么? 他们有良好的记录吗? 也许它们的价格太高,或者它们的价格太低。

While important, comparing yourself to your competitors should come at the end of this process so it doesn't adulterate your initial calculations. A small alteration here and there is alright, but after seeing what other people charge, you might be persuaded to price yourself down, and that would be a mistake. If you value yourself and your services, so will the client. If you undervalue yourself and your services, so will the client.

尽管很重要,但将自己与竞争对手进行比较应该在此过程结束时进行,这样才不会使您的初始计算受到干扰。 到处都是小小的改动,但是在看到其他人收取的费用之后,可能会说服您降低价格,这将是一个错误。 如果您珍视自己和您的服务,那么客户也会如此。 如果您低估了自己和服务的价值,那么客户也会如此。

结论 (Conclusion)

To accurately price you SEO services as a freelancer, there are a number of important factors to consider, such as your skill and experience level, your preferred pricing model, which services you offer and your desired salary. By weighing those against the average price range of other SEO professionals, you should be able to come up with a rate that fits your lifestyle and reflect your value as a worker.

要为自由职业者准确地为SEO服务定价,需要考虑许多重要因素,例如您的技能和经验水平,首选定价模型,提供的服务以及所需的薪水。 通过将其与其他SEO专业人员的平ASP格范围进行权衡,您应该能够得出适合您的生活方式并反映您作为工人的价值的费率。


