
tech2023-05-18  157


“OMG I love competitions!” I hear you say. Of course you do, who doesn’t like a good win? During the month of June, you can win one of eight incredible prizes just for posting on the SitePoint forums.

“天哪,我喜欢比赛!” 我听到你说。 当然可以,谁不喜欢胜利? 在六月期间,仅通过在SitePoint论坛上发布,您就可以赢得八个不可思议的奖项之一。

You read correctly: just for posting on the SitePoint forums in June, you can win. Big.

您没有看错:只要在6月在SitePoint论坛上发帖,您就可以赢。 大 。

Every week we are giving away two prizes, one for the best new topic and one for the best reply.


Prizes are: Major: 1 printed book of your choice from the SitePoint store 1 powerbank An assortment of SitePoint and Learnable stickers, pens, and other swag


Minor: Your choice of either one ebook download or 3 month membership to Learnable.com An assortment of SitePoint and Learnable stickers, pens and other swag


To be eligible, you can post or reply anywhere in the forums except the Jobs category. With June in full swing, what are you waiting for?

为了符合资格,您可以在论坛中除“职位”类别以外的任何地方发布或回复 。 随着六月的如火如荼,您还在等什么呢?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/competition-time-post-june-win-big/

