
tech2023-05-19  123

In August we discussed a few of Chrome’s rivals. Did it encourage you to try another browser? The latest StatCounter browser statistics provide the facts …

8月,我们讨论了Chrome的一些竞争对手 。 是否鼓励您尝试其他浏览器? 最新的StatCounter浏览器统计信息提供了事实……

2016年7月至2016年8月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, July to August 2016)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past month.


BrowserJulyAugustchangerelativeChrome58.40%58.44%+0.04%+0.10%Firefox13.96%13.96%+0.00%+0.00%IE117.38%7.52%+0.14%+1.90%oldIE2.38%2.30%-0.08%-3.40%Edge2.79%2.88%+0.09%+3.20%Safari4.15%4.23%+0.08%+1.90%iPad Safari5.60%5.38%-0.22%-3.90%Opera1.75%1.76%+0.01%+0.60%Others3.59%3.53%-0.06%-1.70% 浏览器 七月 八月 更改 相对的 Chrome 58.40% 58.44% + 0.04% + 0.10% 火狐浏览器 13.96% 13.96% + 0.00% + 0.00% IE11 7.38% 7.52% + 0.14% + 1.90% 老IE 2.38% 2.30% -0.08% -3.40% 边缘 2.79% 2.88% + 0.09% + 3.20% 苹果浏览器 4.15% 4.23% + 0.08% + 1.90% iPad Safari 5.60% 5.38% -0.22% -3.90% 歌剧 1.75% 1.76% + 0.01% + 0.60% 其他 3.59% 3.53% -0.06% -1.70%

2015年8月至2016年8月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, August 2015 to August 2016)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past twelve months:


BrowserAugust 2015August 2016changerelativeChrome52.97%58.44%+5.47%+10.30%Firefox15.60%13.96%-1.64%-10.50%IE119.94%7.52%-2.42%-24.30%oldIE6.05%2.30%-3.75%-62.00%Edge0.74%2.88%+2.14%+289.20%Safari9.30%9.61%+0.31%+3.30%Opera1.79%1.76%-0.03%-1.70%Others3.61%3.53%-0.08%-2.20% 浏览器 2015年8月 2016年八月 更改 相对的 Chrome 52.97% 58.44% + 5.47% + 10.30% 火狐浏览器 15.60% 13.96% -1.64% -10.50% IE11 9.94% 7.52% -2.42% -24.30% 老IE 6.05% 2.30% -3.75% -62.00% 边缘 0.74% 2.88% + 2.14% + 289.20% 苹果浏览器 9.30% 9.61% + 0.31% + 3.30% 歌剧 1.79% 1.76% -0.03% -1.70% 其他 3.61% 3.53% -0.08% -2.20%

(The tables show market share estimates for desktop browsers. The ‘change’ column is the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates the proportional change, i.e. Edge’s user base grew 3.2% last month. There are several caveats so I recommend you read How Browser Market Share is Calculated and StatCounter vs NetMarketShare.)

(下表显示了桌面浏览器的市场份额估计值。“更改”列是市场份额的绝对增加或减少。“相对”列表示成比例的变化,即Edge的用户群上个月增长了3.2%。有几点警告因此,我建议您阅读如何计算浏览器市场份额以及StatCounter与NetMarketShare 。)

The middle of the year rarely provides big browser news given vacations and the lack of big OS and software releases. However, I do not recall a month when less happened! There was barely any movement in the charts.

考虑到假期以及缺乏大型OS和软件版本,今年中旬很少提供大型浏览器新闻。 但是,我不记得一个月发生的事情少了! 图表上几乎没有任何动静。

Even the twelve-month figures have begun to stabilize. Chrome gained almost 5.5% and Edge usage has grown since its release this time last year. Unsurprisingly, oldIE usage has more than halved but the other browsers are mostly static.

甚至十二个月的数字也开始稳定。 自去年同期发布以来,Chrome增长了近5.5%,Edge的使用量也有所增长。 毫不奇怪,oldIE的使用量减少了一半以上,但其他浏览器大多是静态的。

Have the browser wars ended?


浏览器大战 (Browser War I)

The first and most bloody browser war raged between Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator between 1996 and 2001. The web was new and the applications evolved rapidly from one month to the next. CSS and JavaScript arrived and the browsers competed on innovative features.

Internet Explorer和Netscape Navigator在1996年至2001年之间爆发了第一场也是最血腥的浏览器大战。Web是新的,应用程序从一个月到下一个月Swift发展。 CSS和JavaScript出现了,浏览器在创新功能上展开了竞争。

Microsoft was fined for questionable business practices, but IE eventually won because it was better. By 2001, IE6 had a seemingly unassailable 95% market share.

微软因可疑的商业行为而被罚款,但IE最终因为表现更好而获胜。 到2001年,IE6拥有95%的市场份额。

浏览器大战二 (Browser War II)

Microsoft had a few competitors:


Opera. The browser had a passionate following, but few people were willing to pay a $50 license fee when IE and other options were free.

歌剧。 该浏览器拥有热情的追随者,但是当IE和其他选项免费时,很少有人愿意支付50美元的许可费。 The Mozilla Suite. The Gecko rendering engine was a ground-up rewrite of the old Netscape HTML parser, but it was stuck in a slow and bloated set of browser, email, newsgroups, editor, IRC client and address book applications.

Mozilla套件。 Gecko渲染引擎是对旧的Netscape HTML解析器的完全重写,但是它陷入了缓慢而又肿的浏览器,电子邮件,新闻组,编辑器,IRC客户端和通讯录应用程序中。

An experimental Mozilla browser which adopted Gecko was launched as “Phoenix” in September 2002. The application became an immediate hit with developers who had become frustrated with Microsoft’s complacency. Trademark disputes led to the name being changed to “Firebird” and ultimately “Firefox” in February 2004.

2002年9月,采用Gecko的实验性Mozilla浏览器作为“ Phoenix”启动。该应用程序立即引起了开发人员的欢迎,这些开发人员对Microsoft的自满情绪感到沮丧。 商标纠纷导致该名称在2004年2月更改为“ Firebird”,并最终更改为“ Firefox”。

Another skirmish ensued and Microsoft was forced back into the browser market. Firefox eventually gained around one third of the market in 2010 but IE held the dominant top spot.

随后又发生了一场小冲突,微软被迫重新进入浏览器市场。 Firefox最终在2010年获得了约三分之一的市场份额,但IE占据了主导地位。

浏览器大战III (Browser War III)

Google released Chrome in 2008. The name was adopted because Google wanted to minimize the chrome (outer interface) of the browser so users could concentrate on page content. Google stated they were reluctant to create their own application, but it quickly became evident their online commercial clout could beat Microsoft — especially when IE had become an in-joke for all that was wrong in the industry.

Google于2008年发布了Chrome。之所以使用这个名称,是因为Google希望最小化浏览器的镶边(外部界面),以便用户可以专注于页面内容。 谷歌表示,他们不愿创建自己的应用程序,但是很快他们的在线商业影响力就可以击败微软,尤其是当IE成为行业中所有错误的笑话时。

Chrome overtook IE in June 2012 and has been there ever since. The other vendors took note and, rather than competing on features, began to simplify and streamline their applications. (Only the recently released Vivaldi is attempting to buck the trend).

Chrome于2012年6月取代IE,此后便一直存在。 其他供应商注意到了这一点,而不是在功能上展开竞争,而是开始简化和简化其应用程序。 (只有最近发布的Vivaldi试图逆势发展) 。

In 2016, few people would notice the differences between Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari and Opera. They’re all excellent applications with capable rendering engines. The market has matured and stabilized. New features are more infrequent, but users are happy regardless of their choice.

在2016年,很少有人会注意到Chrome,Firefox,Edge,Safari和Opera之间的差异。 它们都是具有强大渲染引擎的出色应用程序。 市场已经成熟稳定。 新功能很少见,但无论选择如何,用户都很满意。

Like any product, the diminished browser differentiation was inevitable. An application can only survive if it appeals to the masses, so the most successful traits are duplicated while lesser-used features are dropped. Life may be less colorful, but we finally have what we’ve been demanding for twenty years: good cross-browser compatibility.

像任何产品一样,减少浏览器差异是不可避免的。 只有吸引大众,应用程序才能生存,因此,最成功的特征将被复制,而较少使用的功能将被删除。 生活可能没有那么丰富多彩,但是我们终于有了二十年来一直要求的: 良好的跨浏览器兼容性 。

2016年7月至8月全球移动浏览器统计数据 (Worldwide Mobile Browser Statistics, July to August 2016)

Mobile browser use has been edging closer to 50%, but dropped 0.88% in August, and now accounts for 46.31% of all web activity. The long-term trend is clear and mobile should overtake desktop usage at some point in the next twelve months.

移动浏览器的使用率已接近50%,但在8月份下降了0.88%,目前占所有网络活动的46.31% 。 长期趋势很明显 ,移动设备将在未来十二个月内超过台式机的使用量。

The top mobile browsing applications for the month were:


Mobile BrowserJulyAugustchangerelativeChrome38.56%39.02%+0.46%+1.20%iPhone18.53%18.77%+0.24%+1.30%UC Browser14.39%14.28%-0.11%-0.80%Opera Mini/Mobile11.22%10.91%-0.31%-2.80%Samsung Internet6.55%6.95%+0.40%+6.10%Android7.29%6.81%-0.48%-6.60%IEMobile1.47%1.38%-0.09%-6.10%Others1.99%1.88%-0.11%-5.50% 手机浏览器 七月 八月 更改 相对的 Chrome 38.56% 39.02% + 0.46% + 1.20% 苹果手机 18.53% 18.77% + 0.24% + 1.30% UC浏览器 14.39% 14.28% -0.11% -0.80% Opera Mini /手机 11.22% 10.91% -0.31% -2.80% 三星上网 6.55% 6.95% + 0.40% + 6.10% 安卓系统 7.29% 6.81% -0.48% -6.60% IEMobile 1.47% 1.38% -0.09% -6.10% 其他 1.99% 1.88% -0.11% -5.50%

There’s little change other than the stock Android browser falling behind the Samsung Internet browser. Activity often fluctuates more than the desktop market:

除了现有的Android浏览器落后于三星Internet浏览器外,没有什么变化。 活动通常比台式机市场波动更大:

The mobile market is younger and innovations continue to occur. Features such as Progressive Web Applications are blurring the line between native and web apps.

移动市场更年轻,创新不断发生。 诸如渐进式Web应用程序之类的功能正在模糊本机应用程序与Web应用程序之间的界限。 Smart-phone vendors can have a significant impact. Users often stick with the default browser, so successful phones rapidly push applications up the chart.

智能手机厂商可能会产生重大影响。 用户通常会使用默认浏览器,因此成功的手机会Swift将应用程序推上榜首。

That said, mobile OSs have converged to just Android and iOS. Alternatives such Windows Mobile, Blackberry, webOS, Firefox OS, Symbian and others have all but disappeared. There’s less choice, but the market has streamlined as people rejected the less-popular options.

也就是说,移动操作系统已经融合到仅Android和iOS。 Windows Mobile,Blackberry,webOS,Firefox OS,Symbian等替代软件几乎消失了。 可供选择的选项较少,但是随着人们拒绝了人气较低的选项,市场变得精简了。

Perhaps it’s a shame, but I doubt we’ll encounter another significant browser war until the web itself changes dramatically.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/browser-trends-september-2016-browser-wars/
