
tech2023-05-22  103


Have we reached equilibrium point in the browser market? The latest StatCounter statistics indicates little movement …

我们在浏览器市场是否达到平衡点? StatCounter的最新统计数据表明移动不大……

2016年1月至2月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, January to February 2016)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past month.


BrowserJanuaryFebruarychangerelativeIE (all)14.62%13.38%-1.24%-8.50%IE1110.19%9.78%-0.41%-4.00%IE101.29%1.02%-0.27%-20.90%IE91.29%1.03%-0.26%-20.20%IE6/7/81.85%1.55%-0.30%-16.20%Edge1.69%1.83%+0.14%+8.30%Chrome54.33%55.47%+1.14%+2.10%Firefox14.58%14.66%+0.08%+0.50%Safari4.17%4.20%+0.03%+0.70%iPad Safari5.27%5.24%-0.03%-0.60%Opera1.92%1.97%+0.05%+2.60%Others3.42%3.25%-0.17%-5.00% 浏览器 一月 二月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 14.62% 13.38% -1.24% -8.50% IE11 10.19% 9.78% -0.41% -4.00% IE10 1.29% 1.02% -0.27% -20.90% IE9 1.29% 1.03% -0.26% -20.20% IE6 / 7/8 1.85% 1.55% -0.30% -16.20% 边缘 1.69% 1.83% + 0.14% + 8.30% Chrome 54.33% 55.47% + 1.14% + 2.10% 火狐浏览器 14.58% 14.66% + 0.08% + 0.50% 苹果浏览器 4.17% 4.20% + 0.03% + 0.70% iPad Safari 5.27% 5.24% -0.03% -0.60% 歌剧 1.92% 1.97% + 0.05% + 2.60% 其他 3.42% 3.25% -0.17% -5.00%

2015年2月至2016年2月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, February 2015 to February 2016)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past twelve months:


BrowserFebruary 2015February 2016changerelativeIE (all)18.89%13.38%-5.51%-29.20%IE1110.53%9.78%-0.75%-7.10%IE101.90%1.02%-0.88%-46.30%IE92.39%1.03%-1.36%-56.90%IE6/7/84.07%1.55%-2.52%-61.90%Chrome48.83%55.47%+6.64%+13.60%Firefox16.53%14.66%-1.87%-11.30%Safari10.21%9.44%-0.77%-7.50%Opera1.60%1.97%+0.37%+23.10%Others3.94%5.08%+1.14%+28.90% 浏览器 2015年2月 2016年二月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 18.89% 13.38% -5.51% -29.20% IE11 10.53% 9.78% -0.75% -7.10% IE10 1.90% 1.02% -0.88% -46.30% IE9 2.39% 1.03% -1.36% -56.90% IE6 / 7/8 4.07% 1.55% -2.52% -61.90% Chrome 48.83% 55.47% + 6.64% + 13.60% 火狐浏览器 16.53% 14.66% -1.87% -11.30% 苹果浏览器 10.21% 9.44% -0.77% -7.50% 歌剧 1.60% 1.97% + 0.37% + 23.10% 其他 3.94% 5.08% + 1.14% + 28.90%

(The tables show market share estimates for desktop browsers. The ‘change’ column is the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates the proportional change, i.e. Edge’s user base grew 8.3% last month. There are several caveats so I recommend you read How Browser Market Share is Calculated and StatCounter vs NetMarketShare.)

(下表显示了桌面浏览器的市场份额估计值。“更改”列是市场份额的绝对增加或减少。“相对”列表示成比例的变化,即Edge的用户群上个月增长了8.3%。有几点警告因此,我建议您阅读如何计算浏览器市场份额以及StatCounter与NetMarketShare 。)

Chrome made another standard leap of 1.14%, mostly at the expense of Internet Explorer. IE now accounts for just 13.38% of the market, with 73% of those users on version 11. Edge is growing at a sedate pace. It’s a good browser, but is only available for Windows 10, and few people other than IE users have switched from their preferred application.

Chrome浏览器又一次实现了1.14%的标准飞跃,主要是以Internet Explorer为代价。 IE现在仅占市场的13.38%,其中73%的用户使用版本11。Edge的增长步伐稳健。 这是一个很好的浏览器,但仅适用于Windows 10,除IE用户外,几乎没有人从其首选应用程序切换到其他应用程序。

操作系统统计 (Operating System Statistics)

There’s little movement in the browser market, so let’s examine Operating Systems:


Operating SystemMarket shareWindows47.31%Android27.51%iOS11.04%OS X5.20%Other mobile3.87%Unknown3.61%Linux1.00%Chrome OS0.30%Playstation0.09%Xbox0.03%Other0.04% 操作系统 市场份额 视窗 47.31% 安卓系统 27.51% 的iOS 11.04% OS X 5.20% 其他手机 3.87% 未知 3.61% 的Linux 1.00% Chrome OS 0.30% 游戏机 0.09% 的Xbox 0.03% 其他 0.04%

The statistics are collated from OS fingerprints gathered when a person browses to one of StatCounter’s three million monitored websites. They highlight web activity on those platforms rather than installations. Key observations:

这些统计信息是根据一个人浏览StatCounter的三百万个受监视网站之一时收集的OS指纹进行整理的。 它们突出显示了那些平台上的网络活动,而不是安装。 关键观察:

The second, third and fifth places are held by mobile Operating Systems.

第二,第三和第五名由移动操作系统占据。 If you remove smartphone devices, Windows holds 75% of the market. Windows 7 accounts for 54.3% of installations, followed by Windows 10 (17.5%), Windows 8.x (17.1%) and Windows XP (still at 9.0% despite Microsoft ceasing support two years ago). One in every thousand of those visitors had Windows 98!

如果删除智能手机设备,则Windows占有75%的市场。 Windows 7占安装的54.3%,其次是Windows 10(17.5%),Windows 8.x(17.1%)和Windows XP(尽管两年前微软停止支持,但仍为9.0%)。 每千名访问者中就有一个使用Windows 98!

Linux seems a little low, although there is a large number of ‘unknowns’ which could include some distros. The majority of the world’s web servers run Linux, but those devices are rarely used for web browsing (except by a handful of Lynx masochists!).

Linux似乎有些不足,尽管有很多“未知数”,其中可能包括一些发行版。 世界上大多数Web服务器都运行Linux,但是这些设备很少用于Web浏览(少数Lynx受虐狂除外!)。

Chrome OS is surprisingly small given Google’s promotional clout. That said, Chrome OS devices often cost as much as more powerful Windows, Mac and Linux PCs.

鉴于Google的促销影响力,Chrome操作系统小得令人惊讶。 也就是说,Chrome操作系统设备的价格通常与功能更强大的Windows,Mac和Linux PC一样多。

Sales figures indicate the Playstation 4 is selling twice as fast as the Xbox One, but web browsing on a Playstation is three times more prevalent.

销售数字表明,Playstation 4的销售速度是Xbox One的两倍 ,但在Playstation上进行网络浏览的速度是Xbox的三倍。

Operating Systems have become increasingly diverse. The reason: mobile devices …

操作系统变得越来越多样化。 原因: 移动设备 …

2016年1月至2月全球移动浏览器统计数据 (Worldwide Mobile Browser Statistics, January to February 2016)

February’s mobile usage barely changed and now stands at 41.11% of all web activity.

2月份的移动使用量几乎没有变化,现在占所有网络活动的41.11% 。

The top mobile browsing applications for February 2016 were:


Mobile BrowserJanuaryFebruarychangerelativeChrome37.69%35.92%-1.77%-4.70%UC Browser18.63%20.10%+1.47%+7.90%iPhone18.31%18.21%-0.10%-0.50%Opera Mini/Mobile10.91%10.74%-0.17%-1.60%Android10.24%9.49%-0.75%-7.30%IEMobile1.90%1.83%-0.07%-3.70%Others2.32%3.71%+1.39%+59.90% 手机浏览器 一月 二月 更改 相对的 Chrome 37.69% 35.92% -1.77% -4.70% UC浏览器 18.63% 20.10% + 1.47% + 7.90% 苹果手机 18.31% 18.21% -0.10% -0.50% Opera Mini /手机 10.91% 10.74% -0.17% -1.60% 安卓系统 10.24% 9.49% -0.75% -7.30% IEMobile 1.90% 1.83% -0.07% -3.70% 其他 2.32% 3.71% + 1.39% + 59.90%

There was an uncharacteristic drop for Chrome. This may be partly explained by the appearance of the Samsung Internet for Android browser at #7 with a 1.41% market share. The application is provided for Samsung Galaxy mobiles, tablets and smart TVs. It’s lightweight, features advert blocking and provides device-specific capabilities such as fingerprint scanning for ID/password authentication. As far as I’m aware, the current version recently moved from WebKit to the Blink rendering engine, although Servo is a future option.

Chrome出现了异常的下降。 三星互联网用于Android浏览器的互联网以1.41%的市场份额排在第7位,可以部分解释这一点。 该应用程序适用于Samsung Galaxy手机,平板电脑和智能电视。 它轻巧,具有广告拦截功能,并提供特定于设备的功能,例如用于ID /密码验证的指纹扫描。 据我所知,尽管Servo是将来的选择,但当前版本已从WebKit移至Blink渲染引擎。

Mobile web browsing can be painful and costly, owing to increased page weight and overcrowded networks. Vendors have responded with advert-blocking options which can drastically reduce download times and improve responsiveness:

由于页面重量增加和网络拥挤,移动Web浏览可能会很痛苦且成本很高。 供应商已经对广告拦截选项做出了回应,这些选项可以大大减少下载时间并提高响应速度:

Apple introduced advert blocking in iOS 9.

苹果在iOS 9中引入了广告拦截功能 。

The new Brave browser offers advert blocking and replacement options.


Flynx for Android provides a reading-list-like view by default and enables background loading.

Flynx for Android默认情况下提供类似于阅读列表的视图并启用后台加载。

Many third-party browsers such as Firefox and Dolphin offer advert blocking options or extensions.


Unsurprisingly, Google is yet to implement similar blocking technologies, since it is one of the web’s biggest advertisers. However, the path is clear. If you neglect to address heavy or intrusive advertising, browsers will do the job for you.

毫不奇怪,由于Google是网络上最大的广告商之一,因此尚未实施类似的阻止技术。 但是,路径是明确的。 如果您忽略了沉重的广告或侵入性广告,浏览器将为您完成这项工作。

I’ll discuss advert blocking implications and options in greater depth next month.



