
tech2023-05-22  127


Growth hacking is one of those phrases that feels like an annoying buzzword – until you take advantage of its power and become a full-strength convert.


We’ve discovered the secret of easy growth hacking thanks to our friends at SumoMe. They know how to turn a website into something epic. Over 200,000 websites use their tools every day to grow their traffic, get more email subscribers, see vital real-time stats, and more. They’re loved by some of the world’s biggest websites (think Airbnb, 4-Hour WorkWeek and Wait But Why) and now they want to help SitePoint readers and their projects become the Next Big Thing.

感谢SumoMe的朋友,我们发现了轻松增长黑客的秘密。 他们知道如何将网站变成史诗般的东西。 每天有超过200,000个网站使用其工具来增加流量 ,吸引更多的电子邮件订阅者 ,查看重要的实时统计信息等等。 他们受到一些世界上最大的网站的喜爱(例如Airbnb,4小时工作周刊和Wait But Why),现在他们想帮助SitePoint读者及其项目成为下一个大事件。

For one week only, SitePoint fans can get this exclusive deal: 6 months of the SumoMe Starter Pack, valued at $60, for free. As in, completely free. You don’t even need a credit card.

仅一个星期,SitePoint粉丝即可获得这一独家优惠 : 免费赠送6个月的SumoMe入门包,价值60美元。 如,完全免费。 您甚至不需要信用卡。

The SumoMe Starter Plan gives you 12+ free tools to optimize your website and grow traffic, along with branding removed and VIP support. Set it up on your own site and watch your traffic, shares, and email subscribers take off. Here’s just some of the success people have seen:

SumoMe入门计划为您提供12多种免费工具,以优化您的网站并增加流量,并去除商标和VIP支持。 在您自己的站点上进行设置,并观察您的流量,共享和电子邮件订阅者的身影。 这只是人们看到的一些成功案例:

Robbie Richards used SumoMe to get 19,011 social shares

罗比·理查兹(Robbie Richards)使用SumoMe获得了19,011社交份额

Teachable installed SumoMe and boosted their landing page conversion by 70%


And SumoMe’s latest app, Discover, is getting all kinds of websites 2-8% extra traffic, completely hands off


We want you to have results like these for your own projects, which is why we’re thrilled to offer you this exclusive deal. Get your free 6 months of SumoMe and fall in love with growth hacking.

我们希望您在自己的项目中获得这样的结果,这就是为什么我们很高兴为您提供这项独家交易的原因。 免费获得6个月的SumoMe,并爱上增长黑客。

This deal will go away at 9am PST on Thursday 5 November though, so grab it today!


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/growth-hacking-made-easy-with-exclusive-sumome-offer/

