idm 假冒

tech2023-05-23  131

idm 假冒

According to Wikipedia, impostor syndrome is a psychological phenomenon in which people are unable to internalize their accomplishments.

根据维基百科 ,冒名顶替综合症是一种心理现象,人们无法内化自己的成就。

In short, people who are good or successful at something sometimes become sure that they are really not worthy of their job, any positive attention or bonuses that they are getting, etc.


They downplay success, and constantly worry that they're not adequate to meet the task at hand — despite consistent and often self-evident proof to the contrary.


They sometimes even go so far as to think they are actively misleading their superiors and peers in this regard.


冒名顶替综合症和开发商 (Imposter Syndrome and Developers)

This phenomenon is particularly common in developers. It's more of a personality trait than a circumstantial thing, and it may very well be something about the nature of our industry that attracts people who are fighting with this issue. Although not a mental illness or anything so severe, it can certainly affect your life, education, and work.

这种现象在开发人员中尤为常见。 它更多的是一种人格特质,而不是偶然的事情,这很可能与我们行业的性质有关,吸引着与这个问题作斗争的人们。 尽管不是精神疾病或任何严重的疾病,它肯定会影响您的生活,教育和工作。

So how do we deal with it? First, we have to recognize it for what it is.

那么我们如何处理呢? 首先,我们必须认识到它的本质。

It's a horrible thing to sit working every day with the constant worry that any moment, someone will discover that you're really a farce, that you're not a good enough developer for this job, or this pay, or this level of seniority or autonomy. And those feelings often persist through multiple levels of promotion, education, certification, reward, even peer and superior acknowledgements. For some reason, it's a feeling that just cannot be shaken, even when the facts disprove it.

每天都坐着工作,这是一件可怕的事情,总是担心有人会发现你确实是个闹剧,或者你不够出色,无法胜任这份工作,这份薪水或这份资历或自治。 这些情感通常会通过多个层次的晋升,教育,认证,奖励,甚至同行和上等的认可而持续存在。 出于某种原因,即使事实不能证明这种感觉,也无法动摇。

识别冒名顶替综合症 (Recognizing Impostor Syndrome)

Recognizing impostor syndrome is about more than just listing some symptoms. It's also about differentiating the worries and doubts we have internally from our actual performance and abilities.

认识冒名顶替综合症不仅仅是列出一些症状。 这也是关于将我们内部的担忧和疑惑与实际表现和能力区分开来。

There are people in our field who are impostors — who masquerade at a role and can't actually perform it. There are also many, many people who are regularly a little insecure or doubtful about themselves.

在我们这个领域中, 有些人是冒名顶替者,他们伪装成一个角色,实际上无法发挥作用。 也有很多人经常对自己有些不安全或怀疑。

But impostor syndrome goes beyond a little self-esteem problem. It's particularly hard as a developer, because we can often find ourselves working in relative isolation. Even developers working full-time in teams do their actual work alone, submitting it to some repository or similar arrangement, where it's then reviewed or integrated with the work of others. That situation is very conducive to impostor syndrome.

但是,冒名顶替综合症不只是一个自尊心问题。 作为开发人员,这尤其困难,因为我们经常会发现自己处于相对隔离的状态。 即使是全职工作在团队中的开发人员,也要独自完成他们的实际工作,将其提交到某个存储库或类似的安排中,然后在其中进行审查或与其他人的工作集成。 这种情况非常有利于冒名顶替综合症。

社会情境线索 (Social Context Clues)

If you're one of the many developers who suffer from impostor syndrome, you may already be getting feedback from others that should clue you in.


Often, people who feel this way are full of self doubt and under-accomplishment, and yet when others are approached about their performance, work ethic, or general productivity, they'll often answer with a relatively satisfactory — and sometimes, even exemplary — judgement.


Other people are constantly surprising you with their good opinions of you and your work. You may compare results of a test or a similar task to a co-worker and find that you have out-performed them, just before dismissing that.

其他人对您和您的工作的好感不断使您感到惊讶。 您可以将测试或类似任务的结果与同事进行比较,然后发现自己的表现要好于即将被解雇的结果。

态度与发展过程 (Attitude and Development Processes)

Here are some useful questions to reflect on.


您对自己的工作持否定意见? (Negative opinions of your own work?)

Take a reality check for a moment. Ignore the question of what your work deserves, and just be honest.

进行一下现实检查。 忽略您的工作应得的问题,说实话。

Do you have a negative opinion of your own work, overall?

总体而言,您对自己的工作是否有负面意见? Do you doubt your ability to perform to job requirements?

您是否对自己的工作能力表示怀疑? Are you worried about your grasp of the languages and tools of your trade, compared with that of your teammates or colleagues?


对上级的态度 (Attitude towards superiors)

What is your general attitude when dealing with superiors?


Are you normally worried or nervous?

您通常担心还是紧张? Do you assume that interactions will be negative, or positive?


Are you worried that your superiors will discover at any moment that you don't really belong?

你是否担心你的上司会在任何时刻,你真的不属于发现 ?

您的开发过程 (Your development process)

Do you waste more time than your peers with checks and testing after having already satisfied requirements?

在满足要求之后,您是否比同伴浪费了更多的时间进行检查和测试? Are you extremely thorough in this regard, especially when programing in a team or with direct oversights?

您在这方面是否非常周到,尤其是在团队编程或直接监督下? When you submit code to a shared repository or test environment, are you worried about what others will think of your work — enough to impact your working day?


These can all point to impostor syndrome (if not other equally negative states of mind). It's worth engaging in this kind of self assessment, and really thinking about your behavior and thought processes.

这些都可能表明冒名顶替综合症(如果不是其他同样消极的心理状态)。 进行这种自我评估并真正考虑您的行为和思维过程是值得的。

If nothing else, impostor syndrome can significantly wear on you mentally and emotionally, making you less efficient at your job.


该怎么办 (What to Do about It)

Dealing with impostor syndrome can be a life-long undertaking. There are a few ways that you can tackle the problem, though, and I'd like to share a few of them.

处理冒名顶替综合症可能是毕生的事业。 但是,有几种方法可以解决该问题,我想分享其中的一些方法。

自我提升 (Self Improvement)

One way you can tackle both the worries that come with impostor syndrome and the ongoing struggle to keep current as a developer is simply to constantly educate yourself and improve your skills, adding on new technologies and methods as you grow as a developer.


Impostor syndrome can be a particularly harmful thing when you're in a more autonomous job, or one where you're in the company of very well-reputed peers, or even in senior positions. Bettering your education and your skill set can go a long way towards calming those insecurities, and provide a logical basis on which to refute the inadequate feelings of impostor syndrome.

当您从事更加自主的工作时,或者在声誉卓著的同伴的陪伴下,甚至在高级职位上,Impostor综合征可能是特别有害的事情。 改善您的教育水平和技能水平可以大大缓解这些不安全感,并为驳斥冒名顶替综合症的不适感提供逻辑依据。

自我评估 (Self Assessment)

Look back over your career (or your education if your career is in its infancy). Think about your performance, reviews, scores, grades, interviews. Who have you worked with? Has a lead developer ever stood slack-jawed and asked how someone with your lack of talent possibly got hired to her team? Do your peers daily look over your shoulder at your code, smirk, and make disparaging remarks? For most people, the answer to those questions is no.

回顾一下您的职业(如果您的职业还处于起步阶段,则可以接受教育)。 考虑一下您的表现,评论,分数,成绩,面试。 你和谁一起工作? 首席开发人员有没有曾张口大笑过,问如何将缺乏您才能的人录用到她的团队中? 同事每天都在看着您的代码,假笑并发表贬低的言论吗? 对于大多数人来说,这些问题的答案是否定的 。

Sometimes, it helps to simply remove the glasses of self-doubt and take a logical, analytical look at your development career. What technologies have you invested in? Are you proficient with them? Can you do your job? If so, chances are reasonable that you're at least adequate, if not more than that.

有时,它有助于简单地消除自我怀疑的范围,并从逻辑上分析您的发展职业。 您投资了哪些技术? 你精通它们吗? 你能做你的工作吗? 如果是这样,那么您至少有足够的机会是合理的。

开发者社区参与 (Developer Community Involvement)

Getting involved with the development community is an excellent way to help with impostor syndrome. Asking questions or solving problems in communities like SitePoint Forums, Stack Overflow, and others can help you both learn and teach others — and in doing so, boost your confidence.

参与开发社区是解决冒名顶替综合症的绝佳方法。 在SitePoint论坛 ,Stack Overflow之类的社区中提问或解决问题可以帮助您学习和教别人,并且可以增强自己的信心。

You can also get involved with community meetups or even national and international level conferences, which are great places to network, learn, and interact with peers in your field, often without the pressure that a workplace environment brings.


Do you think you might be experiencing or have experienced impostor syndrome? How have you managed to deal with it? Tell us in the comments!

您认为您可能正在经历或经历过冒名顶替综合症吗? 您如何处理呢? 在评论中告诉我们!


idm 假冒
