SitePoint新闻:我们已经与UX Mastery合作

tech2023-05-23  129

We’re thrilled to announce our partnership with UX Mastery. This enterprising group have been educating developers worldwide about the importance of building great user experiences, and we’re pleased to welcome them as our latest publisher partner.

我们很高兴宣布与UX Mastery建立合作伙伴关系。 这个积极进取的团队一直在教育全世界的开发人员有关建立出色用户体验的重要性,我们很高兴欢迎他们成为我们的最新发布者合作伙伴。

At SitePoint, we’re all about building incredible — and beautiful — Internet things, which should by definition be free of awkward interfaces and confusing interactions. We’ve been supportive for a long time of UX Mastery’s message that people are more important than technology, and we’re proud to offer their insightful ebook range to our members.

在SitePoint上,我们致力于构建令人难以置信且美观的Internet事物,按照定义,这些事物应该没有笨拙的界面和令人困惑的交互。 长期以来,我们一直支持UX Mastery的信息,即人比技术更重要,并且我们很荣幸能为我们的会员提供他们有见地的电子书范围。

From today, UX Mastery’s three ebooks will be available on Learnable, our online learning platform. All Learnable members will be able to access the ebooks online, and annual members will also given the option to download them. If you’re not a member yet, we suggest you join to access these great titles, as well as the extensive SitePoint library. The UX Mastery titles are also available for individual purchase through Learnable.

从今天开始,UX Mastery的三本电子书将在我们的在线学习平台Learnable上提供。 所有可学习的会员都将能够在线访问电子书,并且年度会员还可以选择下载它们。 如果您还不是会员,我们建议您加入这些伟大的标题,以及广泛的SitePoint库 。 UX Mastery标题也可以通过Learnable单独购买。

Developers of all backgrounds and levels of experience can gain invaluable insight into the importance of UX with these brilliant books. Welcome to the SitePoint family, UX Mastery!

通过这些精采的书籍,各种背景和经验水平的开发人员都可以对UX的重要性获得宝贵的见解。 欢迎加入UX Mastery SitePoint系列!

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