
tech2023-05-23  123


‘Dumb’ and ‘simple’.


Sometimes these words are interchangeable. For instance, Forrest Gump might be described by either word.

有时这些词是可以互换的。 例如,“阿甘正传”可以用任何一个词来描述。

But other times they have very different meanings.


A couple of years ago the Guardian.com published a fascinating infographic titled ‘The state of our union is … dumber‘.

几年前,Guardian.com发布了一个引人入胜的信息图,标题为“ 我们的工会状况很……愚蠢 ”。

*资料来源: 《卫报》 (*Source: The Guardian)

This interactive chart (try the original – mine is just a screencap) plots changes in the U.S. President’s State of the Union (SOTU) addresses from 1790 to 2014.


Even if you have no interest in politics, State of the Union addresses are useful because they provide over two hundred years of text sample data covering broadly similar subjects and themes. This makes them a great data source for anyone studying changes in the english language over the last 200 years.

即使您对政治没有兴趣, 国情咨文的地址也是有用的,因为它们提供了200多年的文本样本数据,涵盖了广泛相似的主题和主题。 对于过去200年来研究英语变化的人来说,这使其成为一个很好的数据来源。

Our Guardian SVG shows us two types of information:

我们的Guardian SVG向我们显示了两种信息:

The size of each bubble shows the number of words in each speech (i.e. Big bubbles = long speeches)

每个气泡的大小显示每个语音中的单词数(即,大气泡=长语音) The height of each bubble gives its Flesch-Kincaid Reading Level.


The Flesch-Kincaid test estimates how difficult a passage of text is to understand – the lower the number, the easier the text is to understand.


As the graphic shows, SOTU addresses have been getting steadily easier to understand since about 1810, and generally shorter. In fact, President Obama’s recent address could be understood by an eighth-grader.

如图所示,自1810年左右以来,SOTU地址一直在逐渐变得容易理解,并且通常更短。 实际上,八年级学生可以理解奥巴马总统最近的讲话。

现代生活是垃圾 (Modern Life is Rubbish)

The weird part is that the Guardian and many others have cited this trend as evidence of a slip in education standards and the general decline of civilization. ‘How the linguistic standard of the presidential address has declined‘ lectures the subheading.

奇怪的是,《卫报》和其他许多人都引用了这一趋势,作为教育水平下降和文明普遍衰落的证据。 “ 总统讲话的语言水平如何下降 ”以小标题讲。

“Obama is only the latest in a long trend of dumbed-down addresses.” said Dailycaller.

“ 奥巴马只是愚蠢的演讲中的最新趋势 。” Dailycaller说。

It might just be me, but this seems crazy.


Whilst I’d hardly sing the praises of modern politics, surely this is evidence of an improving UX?


As design and UX people, we’re always searching for the simplest way to accomplish any goal. If user-testing showed a percentage of people didn’t understand our UIs, we’d go back to the drawing board.

作为设计和UX用户,我们一直在寻找实现任何目标的最简单方法。 如果用户测试显示一定比例的人不了解我们的用户界面,那么我们将回到起步阶段。

Anyone who has the ability to make the complex simple is considered a rockstar. We applaud the simple. If the SOTU address was an app designed to deliver ideas to citizens, we’d be doing everything in our power to ensure it reached the largest possible audience.

有能力使复杂结构简单的任何人都被视为摇滚明星。 我们称赞简单。 如果SOTU地址是一个旨在向市民传递思想的应用程序,那么我们将竭尽所能,以确保将其传播给尽可能多的受众。

However in journalism circles there seems to be an underlying belief that good ideas demand big words and long sentences.


What a strange position to take.


Here’s the second paragraph from President James Madison’s 1815 address.


In the terms stipulated the rights and honor of the United States were particularly consulted by a perpetual relinquishment on the part of the Dey of all pretensions to tribute from them. The impressions which have thus been made, strengthened as they will have been by subsequent transactions with the Regencies of Tunis and of Tripoli by the appearance of the larger force which followed under Commodore Bainbridge, the chief in command of the expedition, and by the judicious precautionary arrangements left by him in that quarter, afford a reasonable prospect of future security for the valuable portion of our commerce which passes within reach of the Barbary cruisers.

在规定的条款中,Dey永久放弃一切向他们致敬的主张,特别征求了美国的权利和荣誉。 后来由于与突尼斯和的黎波里地区的交易而产生的印象得到了加强,由于远征军总司令班布里奇准将率领的更大部队的出现以及明智的决定而产生的印象他在那个季度留下的预防性安排,为我们的商业中有价值的部分提供了合理的未来安全前景,而这些部分将在巴巴里巡洋舰的范围内传递 。

Wow. That is two sentences, 109 words and a Flesch-Kincaid grade level of 26.34.

哇。 那是两个句子,共109个词,而Flesch-Kincaid的等级为26.34。

Now, I don’t want to make this ‘National Beat Up James Madison Day’ as it’s a little unfair to read his text out of context and written in the voice of a different era. Nevertheless, I suspect most of us require some serious concentration to understand what he’s saying. I’ve read it 4 times now and I think I get it – but I’m crossing my fingers there won’t be a test later.

现在,我不想成为“全国击败詹姆斯·麦迪逊纪念日”的对象,因为从上下文中朗读他的文字并以不同时代的声音来写作有点不公平。 尽管如此,我怀疑我们大多数人都需要集中精力来理解他在说什么。 我已经读了4次了,我想我明白了-但我用手指交叉,以后不会再进行测试了。

It’s undoubtedly an impressive command of the nuts and bolts of language, but is this the kind of writing we should aspire to for future addresses?


Steve Jobs talked about this subject many times over the years.

多年来,史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)多次谈论这个话题。

Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.”

简单可能比复杂更难:您必须努力工作以使您的想法变得简洁。 但这最终是值得的,因为一旦到达那里,就可以搬山。”

Here’s to the difference between simple and dumb.


最初发布在SitePoint设计新闻中。 (Originally published in the SitePoint Design Newsletter.)

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/forrest-gump-difference-dumb-and-simple/

