
tech2023-05-23  139


As we move into a new year, it’s time to check the latest StatCounter statistics and discover how the most popular browsers in the market fared during 2015…


2015年11月至2015年12月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, November to December 2015)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past month.


BrowserNovemberDecemberchangerelativeIE (all)15.45%15.16%-0.29%-1.90%IE1110.40%10.26%-0.14%-1.30%IE101.44%1.37%-0.07%-4.90%IE91.48%1.44%-0.04%-2.70%IE6/7/82.13%2.09%-0.04%-1.90%Edge1.21%1.46%+0.25%+20.70%Chrome54.27%53.71%-0.56%-1.00%Firefox14.70%14.29%-0.41%-2.80%Safari4.29%4.85%+0.56%+13.10%iPad Safari5.05%5.08%+0.03%+0.60%Opera1.77%2.07%+0.30%+16.90%Others3.26%3.38%+0.12%+3.70% 浏览器 十一月 十二月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 15.45% 15.16% -0.29% -1.90% IE11 10.40% 10.26% -0.14% -1.30% IE10 1.44% 1.37% -0.07% -4.90% IE9 1.48% 1.44% -0.04% -2.70% IE6 / 7/8 2.13% 2.09% -0.04% -1.90% 边缘 1.21% 1.46% + 0.25% + 20.70% Chrome 54.27% 53.71% -0.56% -1.00% 火狐浏览器 14.70% 14.29% -0.41% -2.80% 苹果浏览器 4.29% 4.85% + 0.56% + 13.10% iPad Safari 5.05% 5.08% + 0.03% + 0.60% 歌剧 1.77% 2.07% + 0.30% + 16.90% 其他 3.26% 3.38% + 0.12% + 3.70%

2014年12月至2015年12月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, December 2014 to December 2015)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past twelve months:


BrowserDecember 2014December 2015changerelativeIE (all)22.28%15.16%-7.12%-32.00%IE1111.31%10.26%-1.05%-9.30%IE102.23%1.37%-0.86%-38.60%IE92.89%1.44%-1.45%-50.20%IE6/7/85.85%2.09%-3.76%-64.30%Chrome46.22%53.71%+7.49%+16.20%Firefox16.34%14.29%-2.05%-12.50%Safari10.29%9.93%-0.36%-3.50%Opera1.38%2.07%+0.69%+50.00%Others3.49%4.84%+1.35%+38.70% 浏览器 2014年12月 2015年12月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 22.28% 15.16% -7.12% -32.00% IE11 11.31% 10.26% -1.05% -9.30% IE10 2.23% 1.37% -0.86% -38.60% IE9 2.89% 1.44% -1.45% -50.20% IE6 / 7/8 5.85% 2.09% -3.76% -64.30% Chrome 46.22% 53.71% + 7.49% + 16.20% 火狐浏览器 16.34% 14.29% -2.05% -12.50% 苹果浏览器 10.29% 9.93% -0.36% -3.50% 歌剧 1.38% 2.07% + 0.69% + 50.00% 其他 3.49% 4.84% + 1.35% + 38.70%

(The tables show market share estimates for desktop browsers. The ‘change’ column is the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates the proportional change, i.e. Edge’s user base grew 20.7% last month. There are several caveats so I recommend you read How Browser Market Share is Calculated and StatCounter vs NetMarketShare.)

(下表显示了桌面浏览器的市场份额估计值。“更改”列是市场份额的绝对增加或减少。“相对”列表示成比例的变化,即Edge的用户群上个月增长了20.7%。有几点警告因此,我建议您阅读如何计算浏览器市场份额以及StatCounter与NetMarketShare 。)

December can be an unusual month for the browser market:


it’s gift-giving season — many people are trying their new PCs, tablets and smartphones

这是送礼的季节-许多人正在尝试他们的新PC,平板电脑和智能手机 much of the Western world is on vacation so business access is reduced accordingly, and

西方世界的大部分地区正在休假,因此相应地减少了业务访问,并且 various celebrations and more extreme weather can affect usage patterns.


Bizarrely, all the top browsers dropped. Chrome and Firefox suffered, although IE’s fall was fairly small compared to some months in 2015. The winners were:

奇怪的是,所有顶级浏览器都掉线了。 Chrome和Firefox遭受了损失,尽管与2015年的几个月相比,IE的下降幅度很小。

Safari on Mac OS — up 0.56%. Perhaps a larger proportion of people use Macs at home but the hike seems strange given the iOS versions of Safari barely changed?

Mac OS上的Safari-增长0.56%。 也许有更大比例的人在家中使用Mac,但是鉴于Safari的iOS版本几乎没有变化,这种涨价似乎很奇怪? Edge on Windows 10 — up 0.25%. This had the largest relative increase of more than 20%. This could be explained by people receiving new PCs or deciding to upgrade Windows 7/8 while business was quieter.

Windows 10上的Edge-上升0.25%。 这是最大的相对增长,超过20%。 这可能是因为人们收到了新的PC或决定在业务不景气的情况下升级Windows 7/8的原因。

Opera — up 0.3%. Opera’s market share now exceeds 2% for the first time since March 2011. Opera is popular in Africa and Asia, so those regions possibly have a bigger influence when the US, Europe and Australia are less web-active.

歌剧-上涨0.3%。 自2011年3月以来,Opera的市场份额现在首次超过2%。 歌剧在非洲和亚洲很流行,因此当美国,欧洲和澳大利亚的网络活跃度较低时,这些地区可能会产生更大的影响。

There are no simple explanations, and all these movements could be temporary end-of-year blips.


Overall, 2015 was a relatively stable year for the browser market. IE’s demise continued, although the revitalized Edge offset some of the losses. Firefox and Safari stumbled while Opera continued to hover under 2% for most of the year. Chrome continues as the undisputed champion with a 6.12% jump. The browser is great, but I am concerned we’re unconsciously heading toward another monoculture era.

总体而言,2015年对于浏览器市场来说是相对稳定的一年。 IE的灭亡仍在继续,尽管复兴的Edge弥补了部分损失。 Firefox和Safari跌跌撞撞,而Opera在一年中的大部分时间里继续徘徊在2%以下。 Chrome继续以6.12%的涨幅成为无可争议的冠军。 浏览器很棒,但是我担心我们正在不知不觉地走向另一个单一文化时代。

Web developers should always install as many browsers as possible. Don’t be afraid to try alternatives and switch applications on a whim — they’re all good. My usage became increasingly erratic during 2015. Firefox remains my default but I use Chrome on my phone, regularly open Opera for development (it starts noticeably faster than Chrome despite having the same rendering engine), and switch to Edge for testing and PDF viewing. (Who needs the frustratingly slow and bloated Adobe Reader?)

Web开发人员应始终安装尽可能多的浏览器。 不要害怕尝试替代方案,一时兴起地切换应用程序-它们都很好。 2015年,我的使用变得越来越不稳定。Firefox仍然是我的默认设置,但我在手机上使用Chrome,定期打开Opera进行开发(尽管具有相同的渲染引擎,它的启动速度明显快于Chrome),并切换到Edge进行测试和查看PDF。 (谁需要令人沮丧而缓慢且肿的Adobe Reader?)

2015年11月至2015年12月全球移动浏览器统计 (Worldwide Mobile Browser Statistics, November to December 2015)

December’s mobile usage regained 1% to reach 40.65% of all web activity. The month can be a little unusual, but I expect mobile growth to continue its upward trend into 2016.

12月份的移动使用量恢复了1%,达到所有网络活动的40.65% 。 这个月份可能会有些不同寻常,但是我预计移动业务的增长将持续到2016年 。

The top mobile browsing applications:


Mobile BrowserNovemberDecemberchangerelativeChrome37.42%36.94%-0.48%-1.30%UC Browser16.94%18.57%+1.63%+9.60%iPhone17.94%17.90%-0.04%-0.20%Opera Mini/Mobile11.37%11.17%-0.20%-1.80%Android11.73%10.87%-0.86%-7.30%IEMobile2.04%2.04%+0.00%+0.00%Others2.56%2.51%-0.05%-2.00% 手机浏览器 十一月 十二月 更改 相对的 Chrome 37.42% 36.94% -0.48% -1.30% UC浏览器 16.94% 18.57% + 1.63% + 9.60% 苹果手机 17.94% 17.90% -0.04% -0.20% Opera Mini /手机 11.37% 11.17% -0.20% -1.80% 安卓系统 11.73% 10.87% -0.86% -7.30% IEMobile 2.04% 2.04% + 0.00% + 0.00% 其他 2.56% 2.51% -0.05% -2.00%

It’s all change in the chart. UC Browser overtook the iPhone to retake the #2 spot, while Opera moved to #4 at the expense of the aging Android browser. Again, this could owe much to users in Africa and Asia having greater impact during December. That said, it’s surprising to see both Chrome and Safari dropping at a time when many are receiving Android and iPhone smartphones as gifts? Perhaps few people asked for a new phone this year?

图表中的所有变化。 UC浏览器取代iPhone夺回第二名,而Opera则以老化的Android浏览器为代价移至第四名。 同样,这可能要归功于非洲和亚洲的用户在12月产生更大的影响。 也就是说,当许多人都将Android和iPhone智能手机作为礼物接收时,Chrome和Safari都掉线了是令人惊讶的吗? 也许今年很少有人要求一部新手机?

Have a great 2016, no matter what browsers you’re using!


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/browser-trends-january-2016-12-month-review/

