dreamhost 好用吗

tech2023-05-23  119

dreamhost 好用吗

Back in the early days of the Internet, when AOL still mattered and Hotmail was still hot, setting up a website was a traumatic experience. Unless you happened to know your stuff, you would end up overwhelmed and confused as you tried to figure out exactly what went where.

回到Internet的早期,当时AOL仍然很重要,而Hotmail仍然很热,建立网站是一种痛苦的经历。 除非您碰巧知道自己的东西,否则当您试图弄清楚到底发生了什么时,最终会感到不知所措。

If you really, really wanted a website, you could pay someone with tech skills an exorbitant amount of money to have a site built from scratch. Any time you wanted to make a change to the site, you had to pay them more money.

如果您确实想要一个网站,则可以向具有技术技能的人支付巨额资金,以从头开始构建网站。 每当您想更改站点时,都必须向他们支付更多钱。

Thankfully those days are gone. AOL is no longer top dog, Gmail rules the email world, and companies like DreamHost make it incredibly simple to set up beautiful websites.

幸运的是,那些日子已经一去不复返了。 AOL不再是最主要的产品,Gmail统治着电子邮件世界,DreamHost之类的公司使建立漂亮的网站变得异常简单。

SitePoint and DreamHost have teamed up to give SitePoint readers a fantastic deal on web hosting.


DreamHost is offering either:


Over 50% off the 1st year of shared hosting.


50% off the first 3 months of VPS hosting.

VPS托管的前三个月可享受 50%的折扣。

And, those who take advantage of this deal also get a free year of SitePoint Premium, which includes a massive number of learning resources for developers.

而且,那些利用这项交易的人还可以免费获得一年的SitePoint Premium,其中包括为开发人员提供的大量学习资源。

If you want to create a website for your car detailing business, this is perfect for you. If you’re an aspiring political blogger who wants to create a better looking Drudge Report, this is for you. If you’re an e-commerce seller trying to make it big in the essential oils market, this is for you.

如果您想为您的汽车美容业务创建一个网站,那么这对您来说非常理想。 如果您是一位有抱负的政治博客作者,并且希望创建外观更美观的Drudge报告,那么这是给您的。 如果您是一个试图在精油市场上大做生意的电子商务卖家,这是给您的。

The days of awful looking, horribly expensive websites are over. DreamHost is on a mission to help you create a beautiful looking website without also destroying your wallet.

可怕,昂贵的网站已经过去了。 DreamHost的使命是帮助您创建美观的网站,同时又不破坏钱包。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/dreamhost-dreamy-web-hosting-made-easy-and-affordable/

dreamhost 好用吗
