人工智能 雷达侦察

tech2023-05-24  135

人工智能 雷达侦察

Yo mama is so fat, the recursive function computing her mass causes a stack overflow.


在我们的雷达上 (On Our Radar)

And so began our week, kickin’ it old school with some pretty strong opinions coming from mikey_w: anyone who embraces responsive web design is stupid. Ryan agrees that “anyone that thinks Design alone is all there is to web dev is mistaken.” The thread takes a very interesting turn on our dependency on smartphones, and JohnBetong comes in with this amazing image, which is so, so true:

因此,从本周开始,我们开始对mikey_w提出一些非常有力的意见,这是一门古老的学派: 任何接受响应式Web设计的人都是愚蠢的 。 赖安(Ryan)同意“任何认为仅设计本身就是Web开发人员的人都是错误的。” 该线程极大地改变了我们对智能手机的依赖性,JohnBetong带来了这张令人惊叹的图像,事实如此:

Do we miss anything important by having our phones on us? Ultimately, I don’t think so, but we can live more satisfying lives if we know when to use our smartphones, and when to put them down. There’s something comforting knowing I’m always connected to the world, and at the same time, it can be daunting – so much information at one’s fingertips but only limited recourses to consume it all.

通过手机挂上电话,我们会错过任何重要的事情吗? 最终,我不这么认为,但是如果我们知道何时使用智能手机以及何时放下智能手机,我们就能过上更加令人满意的生活。 知道我一直与世界保持联系,这令人感到欣慰,同时,这也可能令人生畏–触手可及的信息太多,而消耗全部信息的资源却很少。

All that information costs something, and the cost of doing business is usually abetted with the use of ads. Mawburn wants to know if we use ad blockers, and how we feel about them both as consumers of media and creators of it. Wolfshade uses blockers so page load times are faster, and Jeffrey isn’t impressed with how many ads appear on pages these days. The consensus seems to be that if it’s built into the product instead of being an eye-sore, it’s something we can live with.

所有这些信息都会花费一些钱,而开展业务的成本通常会通过使用广告来增加。 莫本想知道我们是否使用广告拦截器 ,以及我们作为媒体的消费者和媒体创建者对它们的看法。 Wolfshade使用阻止程序,因此页面加载时间更快,并且Jeffrey对这些天出现在页面上的广告数量印象深刻。 共识似乎是,如果将它内置到产品中而不是让用户感到烦恼,那是我们可以接受的东西。

简而言之 (In Short)

ikandee wants to change an element background color on scroll/viewport for a project she’s working on to help kids code.

ikandee想要为她正在努力帮助孩子编码的项目更改滚动/视口上的元素背景颜色 。

We talk multiple Database queries with Sargeant; Stevie’s curious about tracking site visitors with cookies; cosoa questions footer placement; and Sam shares their Flex experiment.

我们与Sargeant 讨论多个数据库查询 ; Stevie对用Cookie跟踪网站访问者感到好奇; cosoa 质疑页脚位置 ; 和山姆分享他们的Flex实验 。

As always don’t forget to check out our weekly roundups for JavaScript (thanks Paul!), .NET (thanks cpradio!) and the Front End (thanks Ralph!).

与往常一样,不要忘记查看我们每周的JavaScript汇总(感谢Paul!) 、. NET (感谢cpradio!)和Front End (感谢Ralph!)。

您的两个比特币 (Your Two Bitcoins)

Have you signed up to our CodeTrip emails yet? For the next week we’ll be releasing a new, special, super-priced bundle of our ebooks and printed books in our summer sale. With most deals around the 50% off mark, there’s something for everybody. Check it out, it’s our best summer adventure yet.

您是否已经注册了我们的CodeTrip电子邮件 ? 下周,我们将在夏季销售中发行新的,特价的,超特价的电子书和印刷书。 大多数交易的折扣都在50%左右,每个人都可以找到一些东西。 看看,这是我们迄今为止最好的夏季冒险 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/on-our-radar-how-smartphones-have-changed-us/

人工智能 雷达侦察
