
tech2023-05-24  109


It’s simple to compute data and perform calculations directly in your stylesheet using Less. It’s also simple to create and mix colors in your stylesheet — without having to use a color picker.

使用Less直接在样式表中计算数据和执行计算很简单。 在样式表中创建和混合颜色也很简单-无需使用颜色选择器。

Watch me as I show you how to create new colors from existing colors with the lighten() and darken() functions. Join me and learn how to make CSS more dynamic and rich in colors with the power of Less.

当我向您展示如何使用lighten()和darken()函数从现有颜色创建新颜色时,请看着我。 和我一起学习如何使用Less的功能使CSS更具动态和色彩丰富。

Want to see how much more you can do with Less? Come and watch my new course Introduction to Less on Learnable. I’ve got you covered.

想看看您可以用更少的钱做更多的事情吗? 快来观看我的新课程“少学易学入门” 。 我已经覆盖了你。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/more-colors-less/

