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tech2023-05-25  122

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Making changes on mobile UX can be a tricky process, especially if you come from a web background. In mobile, developers have more constraints, including screen real estate, attention times, and UI control limitations. Improving the mobile experience is always a learning process full of trial and error, so this list will get you on the right track by helping you steer clear of common pitfalls.

在移动UX上进行更改可能是一个棘手的过程,特别是如果您来自网络背景。 在移动设备中,开发人员有更多限制,包括屏幕空间,关注时间和UI控件限制。 改善移动体验始终是一个反复试验的学习过程,因此,此列表将帮助您避免常见的陷阱,从而使您走上正确的道路。

错误#1。 假设您的用户需要登录 (Mistake #1. Assuming your users need to sign in)

Everyone knows there are a ton of benefits to having users sign in, yet it's also a significant pain point for your users. Who doesn't get impatient having to type in the same personal data hundreds and hundreds of time for each app or service?

每个人都知道让用户登录会带来很多好处,但这对于用户来说也是一个很大的痛点。 谁会为每个应用程序或服务无数次地输入相同的个人数据而感到不耐烦?

Most apps' solutions are to allow users to temporarily skip registration so that they can try out the app and get a sense of value.


While this method works well enough for Apple to adopt it into their User Experience Guidelines, cutting the funnel even further can have huge benefits. If registration is a pain point, why not see what happens when you remove that pain entirely?

尽管此方法足以让Apple将其纳入其《用户体验指南》,但进一步减少漏斗会带来巨大的好处。 如果注册是一个痛点,那么为什么不完全消除痛点就怎么办?

HotelTonight, a hotel booking app, used A/B testing to create a variant where users could complete the transaction without having to create a dedicated account. Previously all users had to sign in before completing a booking.

饭店预订应用程序HotelTonight使用A / B测试创建了一个变体,使用户无需创建专用帐户即可完成交易。 以前,所有用户都必须先登录才能完成预订。

They tracked the bounce rate, as well as completed transactions, and found that discovered that making sign-ins optional actually increased bookings by 15%.


To encourage users to sign up still, they're given the option to sign up in order to save their data to make future bookings even more painless and quick.


HotelTonight significantly decreased friction by removing a common pain point needed to generate value, then incentivized users to address those same pain points by giving them additional incentive to do so. Removing sign ins turned out to be a great decision for the app, as they were able to improve their bottom line.

HotelTonight消除了创造价值所需的共同痛点,从而显着减少了摩擦,然后激励用户通过给予他们额外的动机来解决那些相同的痛点。 事实证明,删除登录对于该应用程序来说是一个不错的决定,因为他们能够提高收入。

错误2。 假设您需要用“价值”轰炸用户 (Mistake #2. Assuming you need to bombard users with "value")

Two of the most common recommendations for app optimization are to include onboarding tutorials, and allow users to skip registration. Each of these is supposed to give users a great sense of value for an app, making sure they know all they can do with your app, and what they'll get out of it.

有关应用程序优化的两个最常见建议是包括入门教程,并允许用户跳过注册。 所有这些都应该使用户对应用程序具有极大的价值感,以确保他们知道自己可以使用您的应用程序做的所有事情以及从中获得的收益。

Even though these techniques can typically increase sign ins and engagements, Vevo wanted to see if removing them could possibly increase their KPIs. They hypothesized that removing tutorials would increase the amount of users that logged in and signed up.

即使这些技术通常可以增加登录和参与度,但Vevo还是希望了解是否删除它们可能会增加其KPI。 他们假设删除教程将增加登录并注册的用户数量。

After testing two variants: one with and one without, the results were clear. Without tutorials, 10% more users logged in, and 6% more signed up.

在测试了两个变体之后:一个有和没有,结果很清楚。 没有教程,登录的用户将增加10%,注册的用户将增加6%。

Vevo believed that the tutorial was unnecessary because they have enough of a brand that most users who download the app are familiar with the core value proposition of the app. They didn't need convincing.

Vevo认为该教程是不必要的,因为他们拥有足够的品牌,因此大多数下载该应用程序的用户都熟悉该应用程序的核心价值主张。 他们不需要说服力。

Instead, users simply wanted to get started watching music videos as soon as possible, and the tutorial only proved to be a hinderance. Their new flow gives 2 sets of simple instructions, and off you go.

取而代之的是,用户只是想尽快开始观看音乐视频,而本教程仅被证明是一个障碍。 他们的新流程提供了2套简单的说明,然后您就可以开始使用。

Trying to convince users of possible value through a tutorial can impede them from getting to the actual value in an app. Be sure that your app isn't doing the same.

试图通过教程说服用户可能的价值可能会阻碍他们获得应用程序中的实际价值。 确保您的应用程序没有执行相同的操作。

错误3。 复制其他应用程序体验 (Mistake #3. Copying other app experiences)

The above two blunders come from implementing generally accepted good practices without questioning if they could be improved. While online advice is generally a good starting point, each app and product is unique in their goals, audience, value, functionality, etc. What works for someone else doesn't mean it will automatically have the same effects for you.

以上两个错误来自实施公认的良好实践,而没有质疑它们是否可以改进。 虽然在线咨询通常是一个很好的起点,但是每个应用程序和产品在目标,受众,价值,功能等方面都是独特的。对其他人有效的并不意味着它将自动为您带来相同的效果。

Instead of implementing example tests found online, draw your ideas from customer feedback. Create surveys, read reviews, and gather as much qualitative data as you can as to what users would like to see changed. Using that data, create new test ideas specific to your app, then use A/B testing to determine their effects on your audience.

无需实施在线找到的示例测试,而是从客户反馈中汲取您的想法。 创建调查,阅读评论,并就用户希望看到的变化收集尽可能多的定性数据。 使用这些数据,创建特定于您的应用的新测试提示,然后使用A / B测试确定它们对您的受众的影响。

Instead of just following in other's footsteps, teams should strive to use A/B testing as a powerful tool to gain quantitative data about whether a change improves your KPIs or decreases them.

团队不仅应该紧跟他人的脚步,还应努力将A / B测试用作一种强大的工具,以获取有关更改是提高还是降低KPI的定量数据。

错误#4。 低估了手机更新的时间 (Mistake #4. Underestimating how long updates take on mobile)

It's easy to forget how much longer any change on mobile takes to bleed through to the end-user when compared to web.


On the web, information is stored on company controlled servers so making changes is a breeze. If a mistake is pushed into production, devs can quickly revert to a previous state, or make adjustments and deploy them instantly.

在网络上,信息存储在公司控制的服务器上,因此轻而易举地进行更改。 如果将错误推到生产中,开发人员可以Swift恢复到以前的状态,或者进行调整并立即部署它们。

On mobile, making changes is not so easy.


Since an app is hosted on a client's phone, any updates need to endure a long and arduous journey before making their way into a client's hands. After development, any changes are subject to an often lengthy app store review process.

由于应用程序托管在客户的手机上,因此任何更新都需要经过漫长而艰辛的旅程才能进入客户的手中。 开发后,所有更改都需要经过漫长的应用商店审查流程。

Updates also generally require unwilling users to manually update the apps on their phones, which can be a challenge all in itself. This makes it all the more important that what you push out has been thoroughly tested and proven to improve the experience, rather than detract from it.

通常,更新还要求不愿意的用户手动更新手机上的应用程序,这本身就是一个挑战。 因此,更重要的是,对您推出的内容进行彻底的测试并证明可以改善体验,而不是减损体验。

To help decrease the chances of an embarrassing blunder, use beta testing, or A/B split testing to get feedback on how your users respond. Beta testing allows devs to get qualitative feedback through the form of surveys, emails, comments, or crash reports. A/B testing helps you determine quantitative cause/effect relationships to show you how each change is affecting your core metrics.

为帮助减少出现令人尴尬的错误的可能性,请使用Beta测试或A / B拆分测试来获取有关用户响应方式的反馈。 Beta测试使开发人员可以通过调查,电子邮件,评论或崩溃报告的形式获得定性反馈。 A / B测试可帮助您确定定量的因果关系,以向您显示每次更改如何影响您的核心指标。

Fixing mistakes on mobile can be an excruciating process, but integrating testing as part of your development cycle can help alleviate much of the risk.


If a mistake does occur, you can also use feature flagging and instant updates to create hotfixes and quickly quell any impending disasters.


错误5.在没有用户反馈和数据的情况下进行重新设计 (Mistake 5. Doing a redesign without user feedback and data)

With material design emerging as the hot new thing, it's natural to feel urges to redesign your app to prevent it from feeling outdated. Unfortunately, overhauling an app can be a huge mistake that causes KPIs to tumble.

随着材料设计成为新的热门事物,人们很自然地强烈要求重新设计应用程序,以防止其过时。 不幸的是,检修应用程序可能是一个巨大的错误,导致KPI下降。

Ultimately, conversions are far more important than aesthetics. Almost anyone would prefer to have an app that converts than one that looks attractive while it fails.

归根结底,转换远比美学重要。 几乎任何人都希望拥有一款可以转换的应用程序,而不是一款在失败时看上去很有吸引力的应用程序。

So, instead of doing a large overhaul, making and testing incremental changes to bring you closer to your goals is the smart way to go.


This is even more critical on mobile than it is on web. As we mentioned in #4 above, you can't simply revert back to a previous state once you've pushed an update. After launch, users are stuck with what you've got until the app stores decide it's time. You don't want users deleting your app during that time do you?

在移动设备上,这比在网络上更为重要。 正如我们在上面的#4中提到的那样,推送更新后,您不能简单地恢复到先前的状态。 启动后,用户会紧紧抓住您拥有的一切,直到应用商店确定是时候了。 您不希望用户在此期间删除您的应用吗?

Doing a grand overhaul is risky business and will additionally force you to start your CRO for the new design from scratch.

进行大修是冒险的生意,而且会迫使您从头开始进行新设计的CRO 。

Instead of taking a gamble by making large changes, get feedback from your users as to what they'd like to see. With that user feedback, you can design tests to incrementally redesign your app, and see the effects of each change.

与其进行大量更改,不如赌博,而是从用户那里获得他们希望看到的反馈。 利用该用户反馈,您可以设计测试以逐步重新设计应用程序,并查看每次更改的效果。

错误#6。 不优先考虑响应能力。 (Mistake #6. Not prioritizing responsiveness.)

Nowadays, 78% of users expect mobile apps to load as fast as -or faster than- a mobile website, as well as near immediate responses to any action they take. Unlike on web, mobile users want to get tasks done quickly, as they're often on the go. Whether they're commuting to work, or checking their phone at a party, people mobile users easily become disengaged by any number of distractions.

如今,有78%的用户期望移动应用程序的加载速度与移动网站一样快,甚至比移动网站更快,并且对他们所采取的任何操作都将立即做出响应。 与网络不同,移动用户希望快速完成任务,因为他们经常在旅途中。 无论他们是上下班通勤,还是在聚会上检查手机,移动用户都容易因各种干扰而疏远。

As a result, speed and responsiveness are of utmost importance. Any moments of unnecessary lag or confusion create opportunities for the user to disengage with the app and focus on whatever other sparkly object is in front of them. Even if they intend to return later, users often forget and never come back, deleting the app after weeks without use. You missed your opportunity.

因此,速度和响应能力至关重要。 任何不必要的滞后或混乱的时刻都会为用户创造机会,使他们脱离应用程序,并专注于他们面前的其他任何闪闪发光的物体。 即使打算稍后再返回,用户也经常会忘记并且永远不会再回来,因此在数周之内不使用该应用程序便将其删除。 你错过了机会。

Focus on not only speeding up processing time, but also designer user flows so that they can get what they want from your app as fast as possible. Otherwise, you increase the risk that a user will get distracted, or abandon your app for a competitor's.

不仅着眼于加快处理时间,还着重于设计者的用户流程,以便他们能够尽快从您的应用程序中获得所需的信息。 否则,您会增加用户分心的风险,或者放弃竞争对手的应用程序。

错误7。 不是关键的转换之前, 立即取悦用户 (Mistake #7. Not delighting users immediately before critical conversions)

In any app there are a small number of key conversion points. They can be sign ups, bookings, videos watched, reviews/ratings given, purchases made, or any number of others.

在任何应用程序中,都有少量的关键转换点。 它们可以是注册,预订,观看的视频,给出的评论/评分,进行的购买或任何其他数量。

Each app has their own set of key conversions that are vital to meeting overarching goals. To make sure your app is maximizing the conversions that drive your company goals, focus on creating a flow that delights your user just before an important step.

每个应用程序都有自己的一组关键转换,这些转换对于实现总体目标至关重要。 为了确保您的应用能够最大限度地提高实现公司目标的转化次数,请着重于在重要步骤之前创建使用户满意的流程。

One of our clients, a restaurant reservation app, found that by changing placement of a deal increased their bookings by 28.1%. The team wanted to incorporate special deals for its users, but weren't sure where in the flow it would be best incorporated. They hypothesized that placing them next to restaurants in the search results would increase clicks to those restaurants, as well as booking rates.

我们的一位客户是餐厅预订应用程序,发现通过更改交易的位置将预订量提高了28.1%。 团队希望为其用户合并特殊交易,但不确定将其整合到流程的哪个位置。 他们假设在搜索结果中将其放置在餐馆旁边会增加这些餐馆的点击次数以及预订率。

However, A/B testing quickly invalidated that theory.

但是,A / B测试很快使该理论无效。

The team found that the view rates for promoted restaurants increased, but decreased the number of reservations made and the return rate of users.


Highlighting deals was actually turning users away. They concluded that users likely felt that deals hurt the editorial integrity of the app, putting promoted content in a front seat rather than having a fair market.

突出交易实际上是在吸引用户。 他们得出的结论是,用户可能会认为交易损害了应用程序的编辑完整性,将促销内容放在了第一位,而不是拥有公平的市场。

In a second test, they found that using a surprise and delight tactic increased the booking rate by 28.1%. They instead informed users that the restaurant was having (the same) promotion after a user was already reading reviews for that restaurant. Their decision to place the deal immediately before users made a booking led to surprised and happy users who were much more likely to convert.

在第二项测试中,他们发现使用令人惊喜的策略可以使预订率提高28.1%。 相反,他们在用户已经在阅读该餐厅的评论后通知用户该餐厅正在促销(相同)。 他们决定在用户进行预订之前立即进行交易,这导致了惊讶和高兴的用户,他们更有可能进行转化。

Other examples of delighting users is to ask users to rate or review apps in the marketplaces right after helping them complete their desired task. Capitalizing on that euphoric moment can also make users associate your brand with positive emotions, which will help develop brand champions for your app.

使用户满意的其他示例是在帮助用户完成所需任务后立即要求用户对市场中的应用进行评分或评论。 利用这一欣欣向荣的时刻,还可以使用户将您的品牌与积极的情感联系起来,这将有助于为您的应用开发品牌拥护者。

结论 (Conclusion)

Keeping these common UX mistakes in mind will help you grow in the right direction as you improve your product. Remember, that improving the user experience is an ongoing experience. Using testing will help you learn from each inevitable mistake, and get you on track to success.

牢记这些常见的UX错误将有助于您在改进产品时朝正确的方向发展。 请记住,改善用户体验是一种持续的体验。 使用测试将帮助您从每一个不可避免的错误中学习,并使您步入成功之路。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/7-mobile-ux-mistakes/

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