浏览器趋势(2015年11月):Chrome Clinch

tech2023-05-25  118

Can anyone do anything to halt Chrome’s meteoric market share rise? Not even the mighty Apple poses a challenge. Perhaps another vendor has made an impact in November’s StatCounter statistics? …

任何人都可以采取任何措施制止ChromeSwift增长的市场份额吗? 甚至没有强大的苹果公司构成的挑战 。 也许其他供应商对11月的StatCounter统计数据产生了影响? …

2015年9月至10月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, September to October 2015)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past month.


BrowserSeptemberOctoberchangerelativeIE (all)15.71%15.28%-0.43%-2.70%IE119.88%10.00%+0.12%+1.20%IE101.63%1.53%-0.10%-6.10%IE91.75%1.61%-0.14%-8.00%IE6/7/82.45%2.14%-0.31%-12.70%Edge0.96%1.10%+0.14%+14.60%Chrome53.24%53.78%+0.54%+1.00%Firefox15.87%15.52%-0.35%-2.20%Safari3.89%4.10%+0.21%+5.40%iPad Safari5.25%5.02%-0.23%-4.40%Opera1.76%1.78%+0.02%+1.10%Others3.32%3.42%+0.10%+3.00% 浏览器 九月 十月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 15.71% 15.28% -0.43% -2.70% IE11 9.88% 10.00% + 0.12% + 1.20% IE10 1.63% 1.53% -0.10% -6.10% IE9 1.75% 1.61% -0.14% -8.00% IE6 / 7/8 2.45% 2.14% -0.31% -12.70% 边缘 0.96% 1.10% + 0.14% + 14.60% Chrome 53.24% 53.78% + 0.54% + 1.00% 火狐浏览器 15.87% 15.52% -0.35% -2.20% 苹果浏览器 3.89% 4.10% + 0.21% + 5.40% iPad Safari 5.25% 5.02% -0.23% -4.40% 歌剧 1.76% 1.78% + 0.02% + 1.10% 其他 3.32% 3.42% + 0.10% + 3.00%

2014年10月至2015年10月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, October 2014 to October 2015)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past twelve months:


BrowserOctober 2014October 2015changerelativeIE (all)19.29%15.28%-4.01%-20.80%IE119.52%10.00%+0.48%+5.00%IE102.62%1.53%-1.09%-41.60%IE92.76%1.61%-1.15%-41.70%IE6/7/84.39%2.14%-2.25%-51.30%Chrome47.71%53.78%+6.07%+12.70%Firefox17.04%15.52%-1.52%-8.90%Safari10.99%9.12%-1.87%-17.00%Opera1.29%1.78%+0.49%+38.00%Others3.68%4.52%+0.84%+22.80% 浏览器 2014年10月 2015年10月 更改 相对的 IE浏览器(全部) 19.29% 15.28% -4.01% -20.80% IE11 9.52% 10.00% + 0.48% + 5.00% IE10 2.62% 1.53% -1.09% -41.60% IE9 2.76% 1.61% -1.15% -41.70% IE6 / 7/8 4.39% 2.14% -2.25% -51.30% Chrome 47.71% 53.78% + 6.07% + 12.70% 火狐浏览器 17.04% 15.52% -1.52% -8.90% 苹果浏览器 10.99% 9.12% -1.87% -17.00% 歌剧 1.29% 1.78% + 0.49% + 38.00% 其他 3.68% 4.52% + 0.84% + 22.80%

(The tables show market share estimates for desktop browsers. The ‘change’ column is the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates the proportional change, i.e. 8% of IE9 users switched browsers last month. There are several caveats so I recommend you read How Browser Market Share is Calculated and StatCounter vs NetMarketShare.)

(这些表格显示了桌面浏览器的市场份额估计值。“更改”列是市场份额的绝对增加或减少。“相对”列表示成比例的变化,即8%的IE9用户上个月切换了浏览器。注意事项,所以我建议您阅读如何计算浏览器市场份额以及StatCounter与NetMarketShare 。)

It’s boring to say this again, but Chrome had another good month with a 0.54% market share increase. No other browser could touch it. I’ve complained about Chrome’s faults in the past but one thing Google gets right is vendor lock-in:

再说一遍很无聊,但是Chrome又有了一个不错的月份,市场份额增长了0.54%。 没有其他浏览器可以触摸它。 我过去曾抱怨过Chrome的故障,但Google正确的一件事是供应商锁定:

Your Chrome configuration follows you between devices and OS versions. You can install Chrome anywhere, log in and everything is as you left it. That’s a big bonus for power users and developers — we spend an inordinate amount of time tweaking software.

您的Chrome配置可在设备和操作系统版本之间进行跟踪。 您可以在任何地方安装Chrome,登录并进行所有操作。 对于高级用户和开发人员来说,这是一个巨大的好处-我们花费大量时间来调整软件。

Your Chrome bookmarks, extensions and apps are available everywhere. I would happily install Chrome just to use Postman and Carat to be instantly productive on an unfamiliar PC.

您的Chrome书签,扩展程序和应用随处可见。 我会很高兴安装Chrome,只是为了使用Postman和Carat在不熟悉的PC上立即产生生产力。

If you’re using GMail, Drive or any other Google applications, Chrome will always offer the best experience and you’ll be logged in automatically.


Other browsers offer synchronization facilities but they’re not as sophisticated or essential. Switching away from Chrome is considerably more difficult — but that’s not a criticism. It’s likely the Google/Chrome lock-in evolved as accounts, features and apps became increasingly entwined. Few vendors can compete with that success.

其他浏览器提供了同步功能,但它们并不那么复杂或必不可少。 退出Chrome浏览器要困难得多- 但这并不是批评 。 随着帐户,功能和应用程序越来越纠缠在一起,Google / Chrome锁定很可能会演变。 很少有供应商可以与这种成功竞争。

Proportionally, Microsoft Edge had the largest jump but it was starting from a relatively low point. Edge is a great browser and IE11 is generally well behaved but the older IE6 to IE10 versions still account for one in twenty users on average. You should analyze your own market and statistics but, in general, I rarely bother to test IE10 and below — you don’t necessarily need to when you adopt progressive enhancement.

按比例,Microsoft Edge涨幅最大,但它是从一个相对较低的点开始的。 Edge是一款出色的浏览器 ,IE11通常表现良好,但是从IE6到IE10的较旧版本仍然平均占二十个用户的十分之一。 您应该分析自己的市场和统计数据,但是总的来说,我很少去测试IE10及以下版本-采用渐进增强功能时不一定需要测试。

2015年9月至10月,全球移动浏览器统计数据 (Worldwide Mobile Browser Statistics, September to October 2015)

Mobile usage increased a little during October to reach 41.12% of all web activity. The 50:50 mobile to desktop ratio remains on course.

10月份的移动使用量略有增加,达到所有网络活动的41.12% 。 手机与台式机的比例为50:50仍在继续。

The top mobile browsing applications:


Mobile BrowserSeptemberOctoberchangerelativeChrome34.38%35.85%+1.47%+4.30%UC Browser16.82%17.42%+0.60%+3.60%iPhone16.78%16.38%-0.40%-2.40%Android13.59%13.06%-0.53%-3.90%Opera Mini/Mobile13.32%12.54%-0.78%-5.90%IEMobile1.99%2.07%+0.08%+4.00%Others3.12%2.68%-0.44%-14.10% 手机浏览器 九月 十月 更改 相对的 Chrome 34.38% 35.85% + 1.47% + 4.30% UC浏览器 16.82% 17.42% + 0.60% + 3.60% 苹果手机 16.78% 16.38% -0.40% -2.40% 安卓系统 13.59% 13.06% -0.53% -3.90% Opera Mini /手机 13.32% 12.54% -0.78% -5.90% IEMobile 1.99% 2.07% + 0.08% + 4.00% 其他 3.12% 2.68% -0.44% -14.10%

Only Chrome and UC Browser enjoyed significant growth during the month with most other browsers slipping. That’s understandable for older applications such as Android and Opera. However, the iPhone version of Safari has not increased for almost twelve months despite new hardware and ever-increasing Apple profits. The drop could be misleading: it’s possible the mobile market is growing faster than iPhone sales. Whatever the reason, competition is healthy and it’s no longer necessary to pay premium prices for great devices.

本月只有Chrome和UC Browser取得了显着增长,其他大多数浏览器均出现下滑。 这对于较旧的应用程序(例如Android和Opera)是可以理解的。 然而,尽管有了新的硬件和苹果不断增长的利润,iPhone版本的Safari并没有增加近十二个月的时间。 这种下降可能会误导人们:移动市场的增长速度可能超过iPhone销售量。 无论出于何种原因,竞争都是健康的,不再需要为大型设备支付高价。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/browser-trends-november-2015-chrome-clinch/
