华为 编程语言实验室,薪水

tech2023-05-28  104

华为 编程语言实验室,薪水

When we looked at the best programming languages to learn in 2015, JavaScript, Java, PHP and Python appeared good options when you analyze popularity on sites such as GitHub and Stack Overflow. It’s interesting to compare results in 2016 and 2017.

当我们查看2015年最好的编程语言时,当您分析GitHub和Stack Overflow等网站的受欢迎程度时,JavaScript,Java,PHP和Python就是不错的选择。 比较2016年和2017年的结果很有趣。

Alternatively, perhaps we can determine the “best” technologies to learn from job-related metrics such as demand and salaries? Career planning company Gooroo examines more than 500,000 IT vacancies throughout the US, UK and Australia to produce their 2015 salaries and demand report.

或者,也许我们可以确定“最佳”技术,以从与工作相关的指标(例如需求和工资)中学习? 职业规划公司Gooroo检查了美国,英国和澳大利亚的500,000多个IT空缺,以编制其2015年薪 金和 需求报告。

十大需求技术 (Top Ten In-demand Technologies)

The following technologies feature most strongly in job vacancy advertisements:


Java — featured in 18% of adverts with an average salary of $100,000 USD

Java -18%的广告中的平均收入为$ 100,000 USD

JavaScript — 17%, $90,000

JavaScript — 17%,9万美元

C# — 16%, $85,000

C# — 16%,85,000美元

C — 9%, $90,000

C -9%,90,000美元

C++ — 9%, $95,000

C ++ — 9%,95,000美元

PHP — 7%, $75,000

PHP -7%,$ 75,000

Python — 5.5%, $100,000

Python -5.5%,100,000美元

R — 3%, $95,000

R — 3%,95,000美元

Scheme — 3%, $65,000

方案 - 3%,$ 65,000个

Perl — 3%, $100,000

Perl -3%,100,000美元

These are worldwide statistics which will have a US bias owing to its larger market. C# hits the top spot in the UK (32%) while JavaScript wins in Australia (13%).

这些都是全球范围的统计数据,由于其市场更大,美国也会对此产生偏见。 C#在英国(32%)排名第一,而JavaScript在澳大利亚(13%)排名第一。

十大技术薪资 (Top Ten Technology Salaries)

The following technologies all pay more than $100,000, with Erlang developers earning an average of $125,000 USD per year:



Erlang Clojure

Clojure Haskell

哈斯克尔 Lua

a Lisp

Lisp Groovy

Groovy Scala

Scala F#

F# Ruby

Ruby Python


Interestingly, only Python appears in both lists. Does that make it the best option?

有趣的是,两个列表中都只有Python。 这是否是最佳选择?

Gooroo警告 (Gooroo Caveats)

Before you knock down your boss’s door to demand a pay rise and Python re-training, Gooroo discloses:

在您打倒老板的门以要求加薪和重新培训Python之前, Gooroo披露 :

Not all jobs are advertised, nor can they capture every vacancy.

并非所有职位都被招聘,也无法抓住每个职位空缺。 Salary information is sparse and, when available, is often quoted as a range.

工资信息稀疏,并且在可用时经常被引用为范围。 The data includes temporary contract and full-time permanent roles, which can offer wildly different salaries.

数据包括临时合同和全职永久性职位,可以提供截然不同的薪水。 Jobs often require more than one skill. In those situations, Gooroo divides the salary by the number of skills to obtain an average for each.

工作通常需要不止一种技能。 在这种情况下,Gooroo将薪水除以技能数量,以获得每个技能的平均值。

It can be difficult to extract skills, e.g. Microsoft SQL Server could be referred to as “SQL Server”, “MSSQL”, “SQL 2014”, etc. (On personal note, I’m yet to meet a recruiter who understands Java is not JavaScript!)

提取技能可能很困难,例如,Microsoft SQL Server可以称为“ SQL Server”,“ MSSQL”,“ SQL 2014”等。 (就我个人而言,我还没有遇到认识Java是不是JavaScript!)

The report is interesting, contains useful information and reaches reasonable conclusions. Unfortunately, demand and salary statistics are misleading unless you appreciate the underlying data. The following issues should be noted…

该报告很有趣,包含有用的信息并得出合理的结论。 不幸的是,除非您欣赏基础数据,否则需求和薪水统计会产生误导。 应注意以下问题……

大型公司影响较大 (Large Corporations Have a Larger Influence)

Recruitment is expensive. Agencies typically charge 25% of first year salary to find suitable applicants so they can can afford to purchase adverts in online and offline media.

招聘很昂贵。 代理商通常会收取第一年薪水的25%来寻找合适的申请人,以便他们有能力购买在线和离线媒体中的广告。

This explains why Java (18%) and C# (16%) feature prominently. Neither is better than competing languages but large corporations invest in them because:

这解释了为什么Java(占18%)和C#(占16%)具有突出的特征。 两种语言都没有比竞争语言更好的了,但是大型公司投资它们是因为:

they have long-term business goals

他们有长期的业务目标 they employ many developers and cannot switch platforms quickly

他们雇用了许多开发人员,无法快速切换平台 the technologies are available with support from Oracle and Microsoft.


Smaller companies may have more vacancies and similar salaries for PHP, Node.js or Ruby. However, they will be less willing or able to pay hefty recruitment fees. Their adverts are less noticeable, so the results are skewed accordingly.

小型公司PHP,Node.js或Ruby可能会有更多空缺和类似的薪水。 但是,他们将不愿意或无力支付高额的招聘费。 他们的广告不太引人注目,因此结果会相应地偏斜。

工资是平均水平 (Salaries are Averages)

Is it fair that PHP developers are paid 25% less than Java developers? No — but it’s not true.

PHP开发人员的工资比Java开发人员的工资低25%是否公平? 不, 但这不是真的 。

Salaries are based on the value of the product you’re creating and your personal contribution to the project. It doesn’t matter whether you’re using Java, PHP, COBOL or QBasic.

薪水取决于您所创造的产品的价值以及您对项目的个人贡献。 使用Java,PHP,COBOL还是QBasic都无关紧要。

Despite the figures above, there are more PHP than Java roles; PHP runs on 80% of the world’s web servers and WordPress powers one in four websites. You’ll find jobs where PHP is better paid than Java, but you’ll also find many jobs in theme development or general website support at the lower end of the salary scale. The average PHP salary is reduced.

尽管有上述数字,但PHP比Java角色更多。 PHP在全球80%的Web服务器上运行,而WordPress为四分之一的网站提供支持。 您会发现PHP的薪水比Java高,但您还会在主题开发或一般网站支持中找到很多薪资较低的职位。 PHP的平均工资降低了。

职位名称模糊 (Job Titles are Vague)

You’ll rarely see jobs advertised for “Java Developer”, “PHP Professional” or “Python Programmer”. The top-paying role is Service-Oriented Architecture? That could describe skills required by every developer, regardless of their language specialisms.

您几乎看不到为“ Java开发人员”,“ PHP专业人士”或“ Python程序员”做广告的工作。 薪酬最高的角色是面向服务的体系结构 ? 这可以描述每个开发人员所需的技能,而不管他们的语言专业如何。

工作多才多艺 (Jobs are Multi-skilled)

The days of being able to forge a career with a single language are long gone. Most roles require a multitude of skills — including business analysis, systems architecture, database design, data exchange formats, frameworks, graphic design, front-end development and support. Those working on the web will be exposed to HTML, CSS and JavaScript even when the job advert neglects to mention it.

能够用一种语言建立事业的日子已经一去不复返了。 大多数角色需要多种技能-包括业务分析,系统架构,数据库设计,数据交换格式,框架,图形设计,前端开发和支持。 那些从事网络工作的人甚至会暴露HTML,CSS和JavaScript,即使招聘广告忽略了它。

过去的事件并不能决定未来的趋势 (Past Events Do Not Determine Future Trends)

Technology changes rapidly, yet it can take many years to become a competent developer. If we look back five years, Node.js had only just been released, and front-end-specific jobs were relatively uncommon. Ten years ago, iOS and Android didn’t exist. Fifteen years ago, ColdFusion and Classic ASP with VBS were popular web development platforms. Twenty years ago, few developers ventured beyond C++ and VisualBasic.

技术日新月异,但成为一名合格的开发人员可能需要很多年。 回首五年,Node.js才刚刚发布,前端特定的工作相对不常见。 十年前,iOS和Android不存在。 十五年前,ColdFusion和带有VBS的Classic ASP是流行的Web开发平台。 二十年前,几乎没有开发人员冒险使用C ++和VisualBasic。

Even technologies which persist over the long-term will fluctuate in popularity.


注意—但是我应该学什么? (Noted — But What Should I Learn?)

Programming is a passion. It requires a combination of logical thinking, experience, creativity, imagination and curiosity. Some people are naturally adept, but there are no short-cuts. It takes considerable time to achieve a reasonable level of competence, and you never stop learning. After all that, be prepared to give up the obsolete technologies you spent years crafting.

编程是一种激情。 它需要逻辑思维,经验,创造力,想象力和好奇心的结合。 有些人天生会熟练,但没有捷径。 要达到合理的能力水平需要花费大量时间,并且您永不停止学习。 毕竟,要准备放弃您花费多年的过时技术。

Before you embark on preparation for a career in software development, ask yourself a single question:


Would I write programs in my spare time for enjoyment?


Be honest. Only one person can motivate you. Only one person can teach you to program. Only one person can devote the time, energy and costs required to learn the skills. If you’re not prepared to make the investment, no one else will — so pick a career which interests you more or requires less effort.

说实话。 只有一个人可以激励您。 只有一个人可以教您编程。 只有一个人可以投入时间,精力和成本来学习这些技能。 如果您不准备进行投资,那么没有其他人会愿意-因此选择一项对您更感兴趣或需要更少工作的职业。

Choosing a single technology based on surveys, salaries or the opinions of others will also fail. Complete your own small development tasks and expose yourself to as many languages, tools and techniques as possible. Examine code and discuss it with your peers. That knowledge becomes invaluable as you progress to increasingly complex projects.

根据调查,薪水或他人的意见选择一种技术也将失败。 完成自己的小型开发任务,并使自己接触尽可能多的语言,工具和技术。 检查代码并与您的同行讨论。 随着您进行越来越复杂的项目,这些知识变得非常宝贵。

You may reach a point where someone will pay handsomely for your expertise, but don’t depend on it. Being paid for something you enjoy is a bonus. If you don’t enjoy programming, it will become a chore, and no monetary reward will make you happy.

您可能会达到有人愿意为您的专业知识付出高昂代价的程度,但不要依赖它。 支付您喜欢的东西是一种奖励。 如果您不喜欢编程,那么它将成为一件繁琐的事情,没有金钱上的回报会让您开心。

What are you waiting for? Think of a problem and code a solution. You may pick a troublesome technology, but it’s the experience that matters — not the language.

你在等什么? 考虑问题并编写解决方案。 您可能会选择麻烦的技术,但是最重要的是体验, 而不是语言 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/best-programming-language-learn-2015-job-demand-salaries/

华为 编程语言实验室,薪水
