
tech2023-05-29  121


Here’s a sentiment every entrepreneur has surely heard before: A good product solves a problem.


Before Google, searching the Internet was an inefficient slog through irrelevant junk. Before the iPod, your portable music library was limited to the number of CDs you could carry. Before the flash drive, transporting large sums of data required a 50-pack of floppy disks.

在Google之前,通过无关紧要的垃圾邮件搜索互联网是一种低效的追求。 在使用iPod之前,便携式音乐库仅限于您可以携带的CD数量。 在使用闪存驱动器之前,要传输大量数据,需要一张50张装的软盘。

Products that solve problems are easier to pitch, market and sell. Their function is clear and their existence is justified. Problem-solving products also come with a built-in audience: everyone who has that problem.

解决问题的产品更易于推销,营销和销售。 它们的功能很明确,它们的存在是合理的。 解决问题的产品还具有内置的受众群体:遇到问题的每个人。

But what is an aspiring entrepreneur to do when they have no problems in need of solving?


Enter Cole McCollum, a mechanical engineering student at Pennsylvania’s Bucknell University. McCollum, only 20 years old, understands the value of a good problem, and how difficult one is to find.

输入宾夕法尼亚州巴克内尔大学的机械工程专业学生Cole McCollum。 只有20岁的McCollum知道一个好问题的价值,以及发现一个难题的难度。

“There are hundreds of thousands of problems in the world, across so many different industries that need solving, but it’s hard enough identifying your own day to day problems,” McCollum says. “How are you supposed to identify the other 99 percent of problems that other people are having?“

McCollum说:“世界上有数十万个问题需要解决,涉及的行业众多,但要确定您自己的日常问题就很难了。” “您应该如何确定其他人所遇到的其他99%的问题?”

There is certainly no shortage of problems in need of solving. The challenge for entrepreneurs is to identify these problems when all they have to go on is their own experiences.

当然,不乏需要解决的问题。 企业家所面临的挑战是,当他们仅需依靠自己的经历时就发现这些问题。

Would Isaac Newton have calculated the universal law of gravitation if that apple hadn’t fallen on his head? Would Percy Spencer have thought up the microwave oven if electromagnetic waves from his radar research hadn’t melted a candy bar in his pocket?

如果那个苹果没有落在他头上,艾萨克·牛顿会计算出万有引力定律吗? 如果珀西·斯潘塞(Percy Spencer)会想想微波炉,如果他的雷达研究产生的电磁波没有融化他口袋里的糖果吧?

“As the world works currently, the only way you would stumble upon a problem you haven’t identified yourself would be a random conversation or a lightbulb moment,” McCollum said. “I felt so frustrated by that. Why does it have to be left up to chance?”

McCollum说:“在当前世界运转的情况下,您偶然发现自己尚未发现的问题的唯一方法就是随机交谈或动荡的时刻。” “我对此感到非常沮丧。 为什么必须让它碰运气?”

So McCollum started Problem Hunt, a community for entrepreneurs to share their own problems and discover the problems of others.

因此,McCollum创立了Problem Hunt ,这是一个由企业家们共享自己的问题并发现其他人的问题的社区。

“The goal here is to have a crowdsourced list of problems across all different industries to help people identify problems they never would have thought of on their own,” McColum says. “In short: identifying a problem to solve is really difficult. We make it easier.”

McColum说:“这里的目标是在所有不同行业中提供一份众包的问题清单,以帮助人们发现他们自己从来不会想到的问题。” 简而言之:确定要解决的问题确实非常困难。 我们使它变得更容易。”

According to a 2013 Inc. survey, 63 percent of 20-somethings want to start a business, and a Fox Business study revealed that 48 percent of Americans want to be entrepreneurs. Yet eight out of 10 entrepreneurs who start a business fail within the first 18 months.

根据2013年Inc.的一项调查 ,在20岁左右的人群中 ,有63%的人想要创业,而Fox商业研究显示,48%的美国人希望成为企业家。 然而,开始创业的十分之八的企业家在头18个月内失败了。

McCollum is set on lowering the failure rate. Many factors play a role in a business’s success or failure, but offering a product that fills a gap in the consumer’s life is high on the checklist.

McCollum致力于降低故障率。 许多因素在企业的成败中都起着重要的作用,但提供能够填补消费者寿命空白的产品在检查清单中占有很高的比例。

The way Problem Hunt works is simple.


Users can submit their problems through Problem Hunt’s submission form. At the end of the week, 10 of the most compelling problems are sent out in a weekly email newsletter.

用户可以通过“问题发现”的提交表提交他们的问题。 在本周结束时,每周电子邮件时事通讯会发送10个最引人注目的问题。

Here are a few recent submissions:


“我讨厌每天有多次检查手机的渴望。 这不仅浪费了很多时间,而且使我分心。 (“I hate feeling the urge to check my phone so many times a day. Not only does it waste so much time, but it distracts from what's going on around me.”)

“我讨厌开车时没有手动控制Spotify的方法。 我不想呆在手机上,但是要选择下一首我必须要做的歌。” (“I hate how there's no hands free way to control Spotify while I'm driving. I don't want to be on my phone, but to pick the next song I have to be.”)

“没有什么简单的方法可以和我的朋友们计划长期活动。 我总是想提前组织音乐会和旅行,而票价仍然很便宜。” (“There's no easy way to plan long term events with my group of friends. I always want to organize concerts and trips far in advance while tickets are still cheap.”)

Because Problem Hunt’s user base is still relatively small, McCollum has been doing a lot of the problem hunting himself.


He chats with people in many different industries, asking them: “What problems do you face or notice on a day to day basis that you wish had a solution?”


As the user base evolves, McCollum may expand the platform’s capabilities. One idea is to let people upvote and comment on submissions, something Product Hunt – Problem Hunt’s spiritual predecessor – did to great success. But McCollum might decide to keep it simple.

随着用户群的发展,McCollum可能会扩展平台的功能。 一种想法是让人们对所提交的内容进行投票和评论,这是Product Hunt (Problem Hunt的精神前身)所做的巨大成功。 但是McCollum可能会决定保持简单。

“Maybe it will just stay as an email list and more features will be added, like a weekly shout out to startup x that is solving problem y, or maybe it will turn into something entirely different. There’s a lot of roads to take, but I think where it’s at right now is a great launching point.

“也许它只是保留在电子邮件列表中,并且会添加更多功能,例如每周向启动x喊叫以解决问题y,或者可能变成完全不同的东西。 有很多路要走,但我认为现在是一个很好的起点。

The site has only been live for a little under a month, but the response so far has been overwhelmingly positive. The users, McCollum says, understand that for entrepreneurs, identifying a great problem is a huge barrier to entry, and they see the value in a diverse group of problem hunters, sharers, and solvers.

该网站仅启用了不到一个月,但是到目前为止,人们的React是非常积极的。 McCollum说,用户了解到,对于企业家来说,发现一个大问题是进入市场的巨大障碍,并且他们看到了各种各样的问题猎人,共享者和解决者的价值。

"I eventually envision a great community of Problem Hunters who want to help it grow and succeed," McCollum says.


胜负? 您如何看待这家创业公司? 请在下面告诉我们。 (Win or fail? What do you think of this startup? Tell us below. )

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/problem-hunt/

