
tech2022-07-29  200

报错:The name 'PostEffectsBase' does not denote a valid type ('not found').

最近看入门精要的时候,发现新版本删掉了这个脚本,单独发一下"PostEffectsBase.cs" 方便想找的人

using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; [ExecuteInEditMode] [RequireComponent (typeof(Camera))] public class PostEffectsBase : MonoBehaviour { // Called when start protected void CheckResources() { bool isSupported = CheckSupport(); if (isSupported == false) { NotSupported(); } } // Called in CheckResources to check support on this platform protected bool CheckSupport() { if (SystemInfo.supportsImageEffects == false || SystemInfo.supportsRenderTextures == false) { Debug.LogWarning("This platform does not support image effects or render textures."); return false; } return true; } // Called when the platform doesn't support this effect protected void NotSupported() { enabled = false; } protected void Start() { CheckResources(); } // Called when need to create the material used by this effect protected Material CheckShaderAndCreateMaterial(Shader shader, Material material) { if (shader == null) { return null; } if (shader.isSupported && material && material.shader == shader) return material; if (!shader.isSupported) { return null; } else { material = new Material(shader); material.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave; if (material) return material; else return null; } } }

