扫地机器人 单线 雷达

tech2023-05-30  121

扫地机器人 单线 雷达

An SQL statement walks into a bar and sees two tables. It approaches, and asks “may I join you?” And so began our week on the SitePoint Forums.

一个SQL语句进入一个栏,并看到两个表。 它接近并问“我可以加入你吗?” 因此,我们在SitePoint论坛上开始了本周。

在我们的雷达上: (On Our Radar:)

It’s competition time! Post anything in the forums during the month of June and you can win an incredible range of prizes! Seriously, create new topics and replies in the forum and you can win a whole bunch of swag.

现在是比赛时间! 在六月期间在论坛上发布任何内容 ,即可赢取一系列令人难以置信的奖品! 认真地,在论坛中创建新主题和回复,就可以赢得一大堆赃物。

It has come to our attention, and Mittineague’s that there are many “On Our Radar” imposters out there. Well, not so much imposters as there are many other blogs using our very title. So when it comes to choosing a title, do you go with the same old as everyone else, or do you create something meaningful, or do you create something pun-tastic? Do you have any suggestions for what we might name ourselves?

它引起了我们的注意,米蒂纳尼古斯(Mittineague)的说法是,有许多“在我们的雷达上”的冒名顶替者。 好吧,冒名顶替者的人不多,因此其他博客都使用了我们的标题。 因此,在选择标题时,您是和其他所有人一样古老,还是创造了有意义的东西,还是创造了双关语? 您对我们可能会给自己起的名字有什么建议吗?

We discovered there are a few different ways to strip a table thanks to Dez’s question, and it all comes down to preferences. We also look into where to actually put the code in the grand scheme of things. It’s a simple question, but sometimes we get stuck in the detail, so it’s good to be able to take a step back and look at things as a whole.

由于Dez的问题,我们发现有几种剥离表的方法 ,所有这些都归结为偏好。 我们还研究了将代码实际放入宏方案中的位置。 这是一个简单的问题,但有时我们会陷入细节之中,因此能够退后一步并从整体上看待事物是很好的。

Mikey_w asks a question that we might not have thought too closely about: in robots.txt, do we actually need to write anything? Or do we leave it empty? There are a few mixed responses and explanations on how specific we can get with the bots.

Mikey_w提出了一个我们可能未曾考虑过的问题: 在robots.txt中,我们是否真的需要编写任何东西? 还是我们将其留空? 关于如何使用漫游器,有几种不同的回答和解释。

简而言之: (In short:)

PriyaNarine wants to know how someone can recreate a website; WorldNews isn’t sure about displaying non-English characters correctly on a website; Alex talks the difference between dumb and simple, and what it means for web developers (hint: more than you think!); and rvinay88 wants to know how your team handles content strategy for websites.

PriyaNarine想知道有人如何重建网站 ; WorldNews不确定要在网站上正确显示非英文字符 。 亚历克斯(Alex)讨论了哑和简单之间的区别 ,以及对Web开发人员的意义(提示:比您想象的还要多!); rvinay88想知道您的团队如何处理网站的内容策略 。

Don’t forget our lovingly curated roundup of .NET from the very clever cpradio, and JavaScript from noted developer Paul Wilkins.

不要忘了我们非常聪明的cpradio精心策划的.NET综述, 以及著名开发人员Paul Wilkins的JavaScript 。

您的两个比特币 (Your Two Bitcoins)

This month it’s all about you. Join the forums, post and reply, and you can win all sorts of cool stuff. Who knows, you might even make some new developer friends for life!

这个月一切都与你有关。 加入论坛,发表和回复,您可以赢得各种各样的好东西。 谁知道,您甚至可以终身结交一些新的开发人员朋友!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/radar-june-competition-titles-tables-robots/

扫地机器人 单线 雷达
