I’ve been following programming language statistics for several years. There are a number of data sources including code repositories, Q&A discussions, job advertisements, social media mentions, tutorial page visits, learning video views, developer surveys and more. Data is published at different times, none can be considered accurate and all have flaws — but they can be useful for spotting industry trends.
我一直在关注编程语言统计数年。 有许多数据源,包括代码存储库,问答讨论,招聘广告,社交媒体提及,教程页面访问,学习视频观看,开发人员调查等等。 数据是在不同的时间发布的,没有一个可以被认为是准确的,并且都存在缺陷-但是它们对于发现行业趋势很有用。
GitHut is a relatively new resource which analyzes 2.2 million active repositories on GitHub. The top ten:
GitHut是一个相对较新的资源,可以分析GitHub上的220万个活动存储库。 前十名:
JavaScript JavaScript Java Java Python Python CSS CSS PHP PHP Ruby Ruby C++ C ++ C C Shell 贝壳 C# C#Source: GitHut
资料来源: GitHut
RedMonk’s language ranking for 2015 determines popularity by analyzing activity on both GitHub and StackOverflow. Their results:
RedMonk在2015年的语言排名通过分析GitHub和StackOverflow上的活动来确定受欢迎程度。 他们的结果:
JavaScript JavaScript Java Java PHP PHP Python Python C# C# C++ C ++ Ruby Ruby CSS CSS C C Objective-C 物镜Credit: RedMonk
信用: RedMonk
Jobs Tractor language trends analyzes many thousands of job postings on Twitter. The latest figures from September 2014:
Jobs Tractor语言趋势分析了Twitter上成千上万的职位。 2014年9月的最新数据:
Java Java Objective-C 物镜 PHP PHP SQL SQL Java (Android) Java(Android) C# C# JavaScript JavaScript Python Python Ruby Ruby C++ C ++The TIOBE Index rates languages on the number of skilled engineers, courses and search engine rankings.
C C Java Java C++ C ++ Objective-C 物镜 C# C# JavaScript JavaScript PHP PHP Python Python VisualBasic.NET VisualBasic.NET Visual Basic Visual BasicIf we combine these four surveys, we arrive at this result:
Java (all) Java(全部) JavaScript JavaScript PHP PHP Python Python C / C++ C / C ++ C# C# Objective-C 物镜 Ruby Ruby Visual Basic Visual BasicI combined C and C++ and ignored CSS and shell scripting. CSS isn’t a programming language as such although preprocessors come close. Shell scripts are useful regardless of whatever technologies you adopt but you won’t find jobs where it’s the only language you need.
我将C和C ++结合在一起,却忽略了CSS和Shell脚本。 尽管预处理器接近CSS,但CSS并不是这样的编程语言。 无论您采用哪种技术,Shell脚本都是有用的,但是您找不到它是唯一需要的语言的工作。
GitHut and RedMonk are similar but that’s to be expected since they use GitHub as a primary source of data. Both analyze public rather than private repositories which could sway results toward open source technologies.
GitHut和RedMonk相似,但这是可以预期的,因为它们使用GitHub作为主要数据源。 两者都分析了公共资源库而不是私有资源库,这可能会影响开源技术。
TIOBE is influenced by search engine resources. This is possibly why C tops their chart — the language was developed in 1969 and many historical documents are available. Newer languages such as Ruby and Go inevitably appear further down the chart.
TIOBE受搜索引擎资源的影响。 这可能就是为什么C占据榜首的原因-该语言于1969年开发,并且提供了许多历史文献。 诸如Ruby和Go之类的较新语言不可避免地出现在图表的下方。
Educational resources are likely to affect results. For example, Python is commonly used to learn programming in schools and colleges. Many thousands of students are asking questions and completing projects but, in my experience, Python jobs are rare compared to PHP or Ruby despite it being higher in several charts. Java has a similar advantage since it has a variety of uses in education, web, desktop and mobile development.
教育资源可能会影响结果。 例如,Python通常用于在学校和学院中学习编程。 成千上万的学生在问问题并完成项目,但是据我的经验,与PHP或Ruby相比,Python的工作很少,尽管在几个图表中都比较高。 Java具有类似的优势,因为它在教育,Web,桌面和移动开发中具有多种用途。
Demand for native app developers remains high especially in the job-related surveys. RedMonk reports that Swift jumped 46 places to number 22 in less than six months. However, app development is a young discipline. There are far more job vacancies in web and desktop programming but they are easier to fill so adverts are possibly removed sooner.
对本机应用程序开发人员的需求仍然很高,尤其是在与工作相关的调查中。 RedMonk报道,斯威夫特在不到六个月的时间内跃升了46位,升至第22位。 但是,应用程序开发是一门年轻的学科。 Web和桌面编程中的职位空缺要多得多,但更容易填补,因此可能会尽快删除广告。
Finally, language use has an impact.
A single web site or application requires a myriad of technologies which possibly raises them above desktop languages. 单个网站或应用程序需要多种技术,这可能会使它们超越桌面语言。 You can create quick and dirty code examples in a few lines of CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, Python or shell script. That’s not necessarily the case for languages such as C, C#, Objective-C and Java which tend to be used for fewer larger projects. 您可以在几行CSS,JavaScript,PHP,Ruby,Python或Shell脚本中创建快速而肮脏的代码示例。 对于诸如C,C#,Objective-C和Java之类的语言(通常用于较少的大型项目),情况不一定如此。Comparing today’s charts against historical 2014 data from RedMonk and Jobs Tractor, surprisingly little has changed. A few languages have gone up or down a place but there are no new entrants or large leaps into the top ten.
将今天的图表与RedMonk和Jobs Tractor的2014年历史数据进行比较,令人惊讶的是,几乎没有任何变化。 少数语言已经上升或下降,但是没有新进入者或进入前十名的飞跃。
There is no “best” language.
Few developers have the luxury (or tedium?) of working with a single technology.
If you’re considering client-side JavaScript, you won’t get far without a solid understanding of HTML, CSS, image formats, tools and browser quirks. Server-side NodeJS, PHP, Ruby, .NET and Java developers normally require an understanding of web servers, HTTP, SQL/NoSQL databases and data-exchange formats such as XML and JSON. Even those writing a basic native mobile or desktop app on a single platform require web connectivity, data store, IDE and build tool experience.
如果您正在考虑使用客户端JavaScript,那么您将需要对HTML,CSS,图像格式,工具和浏览器怪癖有深入的了解。 服务器端NodeJS,PHP,Ruby,.NET和Java开发人员通常需要了解Web服务器,HTTP,SQL / NoSQL数据库以及XML和JSON等数据交换格式。 即使是在单个平台上编写基本的本机移动或桌面应用程序的用户,也需要Web连接,数据存储,IDE和构建工具的经验。
The more technologies you know, the more you need to know.
Surveys are interesting but don’t bet your career on them. If you take nothing else from this article, remember:
调查很有趣,但是请不要将自己的职业押在上面。 如果您没有从本文中获取其他信息,请记住:
Those who pick a language based on survey data or monetary prospects will fail.
There’s one secret to becoming a great developer:
Just build stuff.
First, find a problem — especially one which has a personal interest or benefit to you. Perhaps that’s creating a résumé website, organizing your finances, automating your home or sending random tweets to your followers. Ensure the goals are achievable; even the best developers would shudder at the thought of creating a WordPress or Call of Duty clone.
首先,找到一个问题,尤其是对您有个人利益或利益的问题。 也许那是在创建一个简历网站,整理您的财务状况,使您的房屋自动化或向您的关注者随机发送推文。 确保目标是可以实现的; 即使是最好的开发人员也会对创建WordPress或“使命召唤”克隆的想法感到震惊。
Now choose an appropriate set of technologies. There may be several options but don’t attempt to force a language on the solution. You may be able to create a native mobile app in Perl but resources are rare and it’ll be a frustrating exercise.
现在选择一组适当的技术。 可能有多种选择,但不要尝试在解决方案上使用某种语言。 您也许可以在Perl中创建本机移动应用程序,但是资源很少,这将是一个令人沮丧的练习。
Then create your solution. Google, code examples and fellow developers are helpful but don’t expect them to provide all the answers. Your project is (or should be) unique and only one person can teach you to program: you.
然后创建您的解决方案。 Google,代码示例和其他开发人员会有所帮助,但不要期望他们提供所有答案。 您的项目是(或应该是)独特的,只有一个人可以教您编程: you 。
Finally, don’t expect to become a coding ninja overnight. Some people have a natural aptitude but they also spent many, many hours honing their skills and are continually learning new technologies and techniques. Even the most junior roles presume several years development experience. If you find you need a hand along the way, there are plenty of online resources, like our very own Learnable, that can help.
最后,不要指望一夜之间成为编码忍者。 有些人天生有才华,但他们也花了很多小时来磨练自己的技能,并不断学习新技术。 即使是最初级的角色也需要几年的开发经验。 如果您一路需要帮助,可以使用许多在线资源,例如我们自己的Learnable ,可以为您提供帮助。
In summary, choosing a language to learn for the sake of it is a boring academic exercise: few people succeed. It’s better to learn a language which helps you solve a real problem. Don’t worry if that technology is obsolete or outside the top ten — all languages are conceptually similar and your skills are transferable.
总之,选择一种语言来学习是一种无聊的学术活动:很少有人能成功。 最好学习一种能帮助您解决实际问题的语言。 不用担心该技术过时或排名前十名之外—所有语言在概念上都是相似的,并且您的技能可以转让。
Don’t worry about your choices: just build something.
不用担心您的选择: 只需构建一些东西即可 。
You may be interested in Craig’s follow-up to this article, Best Programming Languages For Job Demand and Salaries, 2015.
您可能对Craig对本文的后续工作《 2015年最佳职位需求和薪水编程语言》感兴趣。
翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/whats-best-programming-language-learn-2015/