
tech2023-05-31  127


TL:DR – we launched a newsletter, people liked it, more people liked it, a few more people liked it, we launched a website, people liked it?

TL:DR –我们发布了新闻通讯,人们喜欢它,更多的人喜欢它,更多的人喜欢它,我们发布了一个网站,人们喜欢它吗?

WL:HOD (Way Longer, Heaps of Detail) – read on…


第一版:头韵,动画和蛋糕 (First Version: Alliteration, animation, and cake)

2014年5月上旬 (Early May, 2014)

Good morning/greeting-appropriate-to-your-timezone, and welcome to the first ever Versioning. The Version Birth, if you will. Congratulations on getting in on the ground floor of this thing, hopefully you’ll find it useful and not a blight on your inbox.

早上好/适合您的时区,欢迎使用有史以来的第一个Versioning。 版本出生(如果需要)。 恭喜您开始使用此工具,希望您会发现它有用,而不会对收件箱造成麻烦。

Firstly, a bit about who is writing this and why they are doing so. We are Ophelie Lechat, SitePoint editor-in-chief, and Adam Roberts, SitePoint editorial assistant/social media manager.

首先,关于谁在写这篇文章以及他们为什么这么做。 我们是SitePoint主编Ophelie Lechat,以及SitePoint编辑助理/社交媒体经理Adam Roberts。

We’ve started this because we feel like it’s easy to spend your whole life trying to catch up with every little development in the web dev world, but it’s not actually necessary. Instead, we’re hoping this can give you the essentials, rather than overwhelming you with every detail.

之所以开始,是因为我们觉得很容易花费一生来赶上Web开发人员世界中的每一个小发展,但实际上并没有必要。 相反,我们希望这可以为您提供要领,而不是让您在每个细节上都不知所措。

If we’re doing our job right, this could be the only resource you need to stay informed. It could also be fun to read.

如果我们的工作做对了,这可能是您保持了解情况的唯一资源。 阅读也可能很有趣。

That was what I wrote in the first edition of Versioning, SitePoint’s daily newsletter aimed at keeping web folk up-to-date, when we launched it last year. Given we’ve now launched the next chapter of the project, I thought it could be interesting to run a little recap of what’s happened in the 14-ish months since then.

这就是我在去年第一版的SitePoint每日新闻通讯Versioning的第一版中写的内容,该新闻稿旨在使网络民俗保持最新。 鉴于我们现在已经启动了该项目的下一章,所以我认为回顾一下自那时以来的14个月中发生的事情可能会很有趣。

有人会读吗? 当然可以,为什么不呢? (Will anyone read this? Sure, why not?)

Ophelie (still editor-in-chief) and I (now managing editor, FWIW) are both pretty voracious when it comes to consuming media. I’ve never had fewer than 15 browser tabs open, I have an Instapaper queue with a combined read time measured in days, and my largest single source of guilt comes from a stack of unread New Yorkers sitting on my kitchen table. By all accounts, Ophelie has never met a browser tab she’s wanted to close.

当涉及消费媒体时,Ophelie(仍然是主编)和我(现为FWIW的主编)都非常贪婪。 我从来没有打开过少于15个浏览器选项卡,我的Instapaper队列的总读取时间以天为单位,而我最大的内of感来自坐在我的厨房桌子上的一堆未读的纽约人。 众所周知,Ophelie从未遇到过她想要关闭的浏览器标签。

Both of us were (and are) avid readers of newsletters like Today In Tabs, Nieman Lab’s Daily Digest, and Next Draft. Talking it through in April 2014, we realized there wasn’t really anything comparable for web developers. There were weekly newsletters (great ones, like ours and those from Cooper Press, for example) and daily newsletters, but they generally kept it simple, offering links but not much in the way of editorial opinion or general vibe. But neither of us are web devs, so we weren’t sure whether we’d even have an audience for a daily newsletter that emphasized that stuff more.

我们俩都是(并且是)通讯录的狂热读者,例如Today in Tabs,Nieman Lab的Daily Digest和Next Draft。 经过2014年4月的讨论,我们意识到对于Web开发人员而言,确实没有可比的东西。 每周都有新闻通讯(例如伟大的新闻通讯,例如我们的新闻通讯和Cooper Press的新闻通讯)和每日新闻通讯,但它们通常保持简单,提供的链接很少,但社论意见或一般氛围却很少。 但是我们俩都不是网络开发人员,因此我们不确定是否还会有读者来关注强调该内容的每日新闻通讯。

Talking it over some more, we decided to give it a go anyway, opened a Tinyletter account (for authenticity’s sake), and set a goal of 50 subscribers for our first issue.


We also needed a name. Here was the original shortlist:

我们还需要一个名称。 这是原始的候选清单:

SitePoint Today (yikes!)

今天的SitePoint(赞!) SitePointers (still really like this)

SitePointers(仍然非常像这样) SitePoint Daily (BORING)

SitePoint日报(BORING) Responsive (implies I’d be responding to every reply which, no. Also implies the template is responsive, which it is not because Google hasn’t added media queries to the Gmail app because they’ve been busy making smartglasses and internet-providing balloons)

响应式(暗示我将对每个答复进行响应,不。也不代表模板是响应式的),这不是因为Google一直在忙于制作智能眼镜和提供互联网服务,因此没有向Gmail应用添加媒体查询气球) Framework

构架 Mixins (not bad, actually)

Mixins(不错,实际上) Daily Cache (should really have been “Daily Cache-Up”)

每日缓存(本来应该是“每日缓存”) Versioning


Ophelie’s the boss though, so once she said this:


…it was Versioning from then on.


Armed with a title and a vague idea of what I would want to read were I a web developer instead of a content person, I wrote up a test issue, using links culled from Twitter feeds, newsletter subscriptions, news aggregators — anything, really.


When it comes to SitePoint, it’s kinda hard to not get a bigger audience than you intend to (hint advertisers), and after a few posts on social media and a few mentions to existing newsletter subscribers, we had more than 5000 people to send to. Which was a problem, because Tinyletter isn’t really built for lists that large.

当谈到SitePoint,它还挺硬比你打算( 提示广告商) 没得到更多的观众,并在社交媒体上的几个帖子和几个提到现有的通讯的订户后,我们有超过5000人发送给。 这是一个问题,因为Tinyletter并不是真正为这么大的列表构建的。

Campaign Monitor’s World View feature is awesome, creepy.

Campaign Monitor的“世界视图”功能很棒,令人毛骨悚然。

At the last minute we ported our subscriber list over to Campaign Monitor, copied the newsletter text, and scheduled a send. We send at 11pm Melbourne time (we’re in Melbourne), so Ophelie stayed up to creepily watch people open up their new newsletter with Campaign Monitor’s World View feature. Would anyone like it?

在最后一分钟,我们将订户列表移植到Campaign Monitor,复制了新闻通讯文本,并安排了发送。 我们在墨尔本时间晚上11点(我们在墨尔本)发送邮件,因此Ophelie忙着监视人们使用Campaign Monitor的“世界视图”功能打开他们的新时事通讯。 有人会喜欢吗?

Yeah, they would. On the first night we had around about a 50% open-rate, which is quite nice. The most popular links were a guide to Universal Analytics and a sneak-peek at the new Star Wars cast (just to give you an idea of the topic spread), and people were emailing us to tell us how much they enjoyed it.

是的,他们会的。 在第一个晚上,我们大约有50%的开放率,这非常不错。 最受欢迎的链接是Universal Analytics指南以及新的《星球大战》演员表(只是为了让您了解主题传播的情况)的速览,人们通过电子邮件告诉我们他们对此有多喜欢。

Well, except for this guy:


I’m not interested in your humour and cleverness. That’s not what you promised or what I signed up for. You promised concise, quick info to keep us up with the industry… This aint it.”

我对你的幽默和聪明不感兴趣。 那不是您所承诺的,也不是我签署的。 您承诺提供简洁,快速的信息,以使我们与行业保持同步……这确实没有。”

If you’re reading this, that guy: sorrynotsorry.

如果您正在阅读此书 ,那么那个人: honeynotsorry 。

版本11:Squawkulus裂谷 (Versioning #11: Squawkulus Rift)

2014年5月中旬 (Mid May, 2014)

You know what’s weird? A job where you’re paid to mess around on the internet. The first few weeks of putting together Versioning, I kept looking over my shoulder to make sure no one knew that I was reading articles instead of working. Then I’d remember: that was working. At my last job they banned YouTube (I was a journalist, go figure). Subscriber numbers continued to grow, people kept opening the email (the open-rate has always been at about 50%, which I’m told is insane) and it kept being fun to do. This is boring to write about, but great to experience.

你知道这很奇怪吗? 一项让您有报酬在互联网上乱逛的工作。 将Versioning放在一起的最初几周,我一直在抬头,以确保没有人知道我在阅读文章而不是在工作。 然后我会记得:那是行得通的。 在我的上一份工作中,他们禁止YouTube(我是一名记者,走吧)。 订户数量持续增长,人们一直在打开电子邮件(打开率一直保持在50%左右,我被告知是疯狂的),并且这样做很有趣。 这很无聊,但经验丰富。

版本25:Helveti-nah (Versioning #25: Helveti-nah)

2014年6月上旬 (Early June, 2014)

Making your own Versioning is easy! Follow the directions below!

制作自己的版本控制很容易! 请遵循以下指示!



One email account, subscribed to every newsletter anyone has ever recommended to you

一个电子邮件帐户,订阅任何人曾向您推荐的每个新闻通讯 One RSS reader, subscriptions to every worthwhile developer blog or news site or subreddit

一个RSS阅读器,订阅每个有价值的开发人员博客或新闻网站或subreddit One Twitter account, following people who matter in web dev

一个Twitter帐户,关注网络开发人员 A job that is OK with you gravitating between these tools all day

一整天都可以在这些工具之间进行吸引的工作 A 2011 MacBook Air that complains if you have more than 10 tabs open

如果您打开的标签页超过10个,则2011年款MacBook Air会抱怨



Open your Markdown editor of choice, separate the document into five sections

打开您的Markdown编辑器,将文档分为五个部分 Open your email, click on everything

打开您的电子邮件,单击所有内容 Open your RSS reader, click on everything

打开您的RSS阅读器,单击所有内容 Close 30 tabs because your computer’s fan is louder than a train, copy four URLs to your markdown editor

关闭30个标签,因为您的计算机的风扇比火车大,将四个URL复制到Markdown编辑器 Open Twitter, click on every tweet

打开Twitter,单击每条推文 Close 20 tabs, copy six URLs

关闭20个标签,复制六个URL Make a coffee

煮咖啡 Think of a pun for the word “GitHub”

想想“ GitHub”一词的双关语 Think of a better pun for the word “GitHub”

为“ GitHub”这个词想一个更好的双关语 Close every tab except the one you use to write the newsletter

关闭除编写新闻时使用的选项卡以外的所有选项卡 Write lots of words. Make them funny.

写很多字。 让他们有趣。 Copy rendered text to Campaign Monitor and schedule the newsletter

将渲染的文本复制到Campaign Monitor并安排新闻通讯 Drink tall glass of whiskey, pour another tall glass of whiskey onto laptop


版本49:镜像镜像 (Versioning 49: Mirror Mirror)

2014年7月上旬 (Early July, 2014)

By July, we’d gotten comfortable enough with the newsletter than we decided to change it a bunch. As I detailed in this guest post for Campaign Monitor, we did a bunch of work around testing our newsletter layout. Our findings: 1) our subscribers are really nice, 2) they don’t like pictures in their link emails, 3) they do like color and clear design.

到了七月,我们对新闻简讯已经足够自在,因此我们决定不做大量修改。 正如我在Campaign Monitor的这篇来宾帖子中所详述的那样,我们围绕测试新闻稿布局做了很多工作。 我们的发现:1)我们的订户真的很好,2)他们不喜欢链接电子邮件中的图片,3)他们喜欢色彩和清晰的设计。

Sweet, job done.


〜INTERLUDE〜我最喜欢的Versioning双关语: (~INTERLUDE~ My favorite Versioning puns:)

Ghost Place Filler

鬼地方填充物 Command+R in Chief

总司令 A Song of DOS and Fire

DOS与火之歌 It Gets Bézier

它得到贝塞尔 CAPTCHA the Flag


版本100:0到100 (Versioning 100: 0 to 100)

2014年9月下旬 (Late September, 2014)

Those are our links for this, our hundredth edition. Thanks, as always, for your replies, “shout outs” and “mad props” on other social mediums — we really appreciate the support. We weren’t sure people would be keen on this when we launched it in May, but you sure showed us. We’re still enjoying doing this, so expect many more editions, and perhaps some enhancements and changes along the way. Thanks! (Oh, and tell your friends!)

这些是我们为此(第一百版)的链接。 与往常一样,感谢您在其他社交媒体上的“喊叫”和“疯狂道具”的回复-我们非常感谢您的支持。 我们不确定人们在五月份推出它时是否会对此感兴趣,但是您确实向我们展示了它。 我们仍然很喜欢这样做,因此希望有更多的版本,并且可能还会进行一些改进和更改。 谢谢! (哦,告诉你的朋友!)

Shortly after we sent this out, we decided to create a survey, asking people what they liked about Versioning. Here are a few comments:

发送此信息后不久,我们决定创建一个调查,询问人们他们对Versioning的喜好。 这里有一些评论:

Short and sweet stuff that’s interesting to read. Relevant to me (web, development stuff) and more often than not interesting. I get more hits from Versioning than Hacker News._

简短有趣的东西,很有趣。 与我有关(网络,开发方面的东西),并且经常不感兴趣。 我从Versioning获得的点击量比Hacker News多。

[T]he web development industry is hard to keep up with, but this newsletter seems to catch everything. I feel out of the loop if I miss it_

Web开发行业很难跟上,但此新闻通讯似乎抓住了一切。 如果我错过了,我会感到不安_

I really like the editorial context around each link. It gives me just enough detail to make a decision about chasing the link.

我真的很喜欢每个链接的社论内容。 它给了我足够的细节,可以决定是否追逐链接。

We also snuck in a question that would go on to be rather important: “How would you feel about Versioning having a web presence? Example: if Versioning was a place for people to suggest and comment on links; or a full, searchable collection of all the links ever posted.”

我们还忽略了一个相当重要的问题: “您对拥有网站的Versioning感觉如何? 示例:如果Versioning是人们对链接提出建议和评论的地方; 或曾经发布的所有链接的完整,可搜索的集合。”

Some answers:


I would not mind the reddit like feature if it fed into the newsletter (the top ten links from it or something similar)


As long as we still get the newsletter


I guess then it would be more like Product Hunt then. An archive of found stuff would be cool.

我想那会更像Product Hunt。 找到的东西存档会很酷。

and also:


Isn’t that what SitePoint is ? Stick to your values, your brevity in an email is spot on – there is no value in reading some other wankers’ comments

那不是SitePoint吗? 坚守自己的价值观,您在电子邮件中的简洁就可以了–阅读其他评论者的评论毫无价值

We had had vague ideas of turning Versioning into a “thing”, but it would take nearly six months before those ideas got outside our brains and into the world.


console.message, a GitHub repo with tools for making cool console messages for cool kids


Paul Ford’s What is Code? masterpiece

保罗·福特的《代码是什么? 杰作

A guide to making a carousel with HTML and CSS (but no JS)


A run-down of 5 lesser-used CSS selectors


An excellent explanation of what senior developers are good for


版本202:紫色统治 (Versioning 202: Purple Reign)

2015年3月下旬 (Late March, 2015)

How do you come up with a new product idea? That’s the question we were battling going into the second quarter of 2015. One solution (I assume there are others) is to take something that’s working in one context (like, oh I don’t know, an email newsletter) and see what inspires you.

您如何提出新的产品创意? 这就是我们要在2015年第二季度之前努力解决的问题。一种解决方案(我认为还有其他解决方案)是采取一种在某种情况下有效的方法(例如,哦,我不知道,这是一封电子邮件通讯),看看有什么启发您。

At SitePoint, there are always more than a few good ideas floating around. Some of the early ideas we had for new products may still happen, so I won’t mention them here (it’s a great time to launch a streaming music platform, so look forward to that). But one thing we kept coming back to was how people were having a lot of fun with Versioning. People kept emailing to ask whether we’d seen a given link, and whether we could share something they’d built. Internally, and like basically every media company in the world, we were madly throwing links around in our Slack channels.

在SitePoint上,总是浮现着不只几个好主意。 我们对新产品的一些早期想法可能仍然会发生,因此在这里我不会提及它们(这是启动流音乐平台的好时机,因此对此充满期待)。 但是我们一直回想的一件事是人们如何从Versioning中获得很多乐趣。 人们不断通过电子邮件询问我们是否看到了给定的链接,以及是否可以共享他们创建的内容。 在内部,就像世界上每个媒体公司一样,我们在Slack渠道中疯狂地抛出链接。

Interviews with devs threw up common themes: as busy developers, it’s almost impossible to keep up with everything that’s going on in the web dev world. When you do use existing sites, they’re geared towards the lowest common denominator. There’s a lot of noise.

与开发人员的访谈引发了共同的主题:作为繁忙的开发人员,几乎无法跟上Web开发人员世界中发生的一切。 当您使用现有站点时,它们将朝着最低公分母方向发展。 噪音很大。

Slowly, the idea of an “interactive Versioning” took shape. A place to hang out during the day, post links you’d found, or links to projects or posts you’d created. A place to discuss them and upvote the best ones. Mostly, a fun place to share cool stuff with like-minded people.

慢慢地,“交互式版本控制”的想法就形成了。 白天闲逛的地方,发布您找到的链接或指向您创建的项目或帖子的链接。 一个讨论他们并评价最好的地方。 通常,这是一个与志趣相投的人分享有趣事物的好地方。

This initial idea produced a site that was probably two-thirds of the way there. The submit and upvote functions were there, but in practice it was kinda confusing, and slightly lacking in soul. There were several places to see content, and it wasn’t clear what each section did. At the same time, designs were a bit drab and layout highlighted too few posts, making it hard to glance at a page and see what was there. It just wasn’t as fun as we’d hoped.

这个最初的想法产生了一个大概占那里三分之二的站点。 提交和提交功能在那里,但是在实践中,这有点令人困惑,并且缺乏灵魂。 有好几个地方可以看内容,还不清楚每个部分的内容。 同时,设计有点单调,布局突出显示了太少的帖子,因此很难看一眼就看不到那里的内容。 只是没有我们希望的那样有趣。

We’d also made the decision to give users the ability to filter posts by subject (design, front-end, back-end, etc), which mirrored the way the newsletters are set up. People could filter out the links they weren’t interested in and stick to what they cared about. In practice it was confusing and no-one could even tell that there were filters, let alone use them. User testing was rough, with people unsure as to what they were looking at. On the back-end, I’m told there were “database issues” that required “database changes”, or something. Firebase v Redis or something? I don’t know.

我们还决定让用户能够按主题(设计,前端,后端等)过滤帖子,这反映了新闻通讯的设置方式。 人们可以过滤掉他们不感兴趣的链接,并坚持自己关心的内容。 在实践中,这很令人困惑,甚至没人能说出有过滤器,更不用说使用它们了。 用户测试很粗糙,人们不确定他们在看什么。 在后端,我被告知有“数据库问题”需要“数据库更改”之类的东西。 Firebase v Redis还是什么? 我不知道。

版本232:苦乐参半的交响曲 (Versioning 232: Bittersweet Symfony)

2015年5月上旬 (Early May, 2015)

Back at the drawing board, the decision was made to strip out some of the confusing aspects of the product and ramp up the personality. That was the good news. The bad news, at least for me, was that that personality would, initially, largely come from me. Hence, a week later, I stood awkwardly in the office while people pretended to work (but secretly giggled at my delivery) and recorded an intro video that someone has probably embedded below. My first suggestion was to make it like a hostage video, with me explaining the product between sobs while holding that day’s newspaper, but for some reason it never got off the ground.

回到绘图板上,决定剥离产品中一些令人困惑的方面并提高个性。 那是个好消息。 至少对我来说,坏消息是,这种个性起初很大程度上来自我。 因此,一周后,当人们假装工作时,我尴尬地站在办公室里(但在我送货时暗暗地咯咯笑),并录制了一段介绍性视频,可能有人将其嵌入下面。 我的第一个建议是将其制作为人质视频,让我在拿着当天报纸的同时在抽泣之间解释产品,但由于某种原因,它从未动摇。

The result was a much more fun page, full of color and, yes, beards. Functionality-wise, everything was far faster, and user testing showed that people actually understood what they were looking at, which is a good thing in product development, I’m told. We also added a new feature: the ability to visually indicate whether a post was going to be in the newsletter using a little icon version of my face. I believe this is known as gamification? Anyway, it’s weird.

结果是一个更加有趣的页面,充满了色彩,是胡须。 从功能上讲,一切都快得多,并且用户测试表明人们实际上了解了他们在看什么,这对产品开发来说是一件好事。 我们还添加了一个新功能:能够使用我的小图标版本直观地指示新闻中是否有帖子。 我相信这被称为游戏化吗? 无论如何,这很奇怪。

By the way, if you’re wondering why Versioning is so quick and awesome, don’t worry, I have the answer for you right here:


Got it? Got it.

得到它了? 得到它了。

版本262:低端理论 (Versioning 262: The Low End Theory)

2015年6月下旬 (Late June, 2015)

We now had a version of the site that we were happy with, and in addition to playing around with it ourselves we started seeking more feedback. This was really valuable! One of the more important feedbacks (that’s a word, right?) was around inclusivity. Basically, a few people (rightly) called us out for being a bit insular and exclusive with our branding. In our efforts to add personality to the product, we’d forgotten that to make sure the site made everyone feel welcome, not just the white dudes with beards.

现在,我们有了一个满意的网站版本,除了自己玩耍之外,我们还开始寻求更多反馈。 这真的很有价值! 包容性是最重要的反馈之一(对吗?)。 基本上,有几个人(正确地)称我们为我们的品牌有点孤立和排他性。 在努力为产品增加个性的过程中,我们忘记了要确保该网站使每个人都受到欢迎,而不仅仅是白胡子的胡须。

To attempt to make the platform more inviting, we definitely needed to bring more people into the picture, rather than emphasizing one person. We updated the look of the site, and added a banner that stated our intention for the community:_ A place for kind web folk to share incredible internet things._ In case people didn’t play nice, we also added a “report” feature to make sure nasty stuff could be flagged.

为了使平台更具吸引力,我们绝对需要吸引更多人参与进来,而不是强调一个人。 我们更新了网站的外观,并添加了标语,表达了我们对社区的意图:_一个善良的网络人们共享令人难以置信的互联网内容的地方。_如果人们的游戏态度不佳,我们还添加了“报告”确保可以标记令人讨厌的内容的功能。

(Seriously, we want Versioning—and everything we do, really—to be as inclusive as possible. We’re super up for talking about this stuff, so ( drop us a line.)

(严重的是,我们希望Versioning以及我们所做的一切实际上都尽可能地包含所有内容。我们非常乐于谈论这些内容,因此( 给我们下一行) 。

Here’s what it looks like now:


版本269:击败它 (Versioning 269: Just Beats It)

2015年7月上旬 (Early July, 2015)

We’ve been rolling out the “Minimum Loveable Product” iteration of Versioning to small groups of contributors, editors, and Versioning subscribers over the last few weeks. So far, the feedback has been really, really positive.

在过去的几周中,我们一直在向少量的贡献者,编辑和Versioning订户推出Versioning的“最低限度的产品”迭代。 到目前为止,反馈是非常非常积极的。

Look, it’s 2015. There are now lots of places where you can share and discuss links (mind you, there were lots of newsletters when Versioning started and more have launched since then). The tech stack behind Versioning is fancy, but in 2015, having a fancy tech stack is kind of the minimum.

看,现在是2015年。现在您可以在许多地方共享和讨论链接(请注意,当Versioning开始时有很多新闻通讯,此后又有更多新闻通讯发布了)。 Versioning背后的技术堆栈很不错,但是在2015年,拥有一个高级技术堆栈是最低的。

Like the newsletter, we’re hoping the site makes people happy. If it does, it won’t be because of the tech stack or the unique idea behind it, it’ll be because it’s fun. If you’ve read all the way to the end of this, you might be the kind of person who will help with that whole “fun” thing! Go take a look, submit a few posts and upvote the ones you like. You may even end up with a link in the next newsletter!

像时事通讯一样,我们希望该网站能使人们感到高兴。 如果是这样,那不是因为技术堆栈或背后的独特想法,而是因为它很有趣。 如果您已经读完所有内容,那么您可能就是那种会帮助完成整个“有趣”事情的人! 去看看,提交一些帖子,并赞一下您喜欢的帖子。 您甚至可以在下一个新闻通讯中找到一个链接!

It’s been a really crazy ride. From a half-formed idea about something we vaguely thought might work to, well, a slightly-more-formed idea about something else we vaguely think might work. Let’s see what happens.

这真是一个疯狂的旅程。 从对我们模糊地认为可能有用的东西的半定形式的想法,到对我们模糊地认为可能起作用的其他东西的形式稍稍成熟的想法。 让我们看看发生了什么。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/versioning-behind-the-scenes/

