
tech2023-05-31  119


Early Thursday morning I attended a midnight opening night screening of 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens'.

星期四清晨,我参加了《 星球大战:原力觉醒 》的午夜开幕式放映。

It's amazing to me to think that it was way back in February of 2013 that Disney announced there would be a new Star Wars film for the first time in a decade.


A long time ago…


Over the last ten years, poor ol' George Lucas has been under the blazing ‘nerd blowtorch’ for those prequels – some of it probably justified. But while we might question some of his directorial and screenwriting decisions, there's one thing that's beyond question:

在过去的十年中,可怜的乔治·卢卡斯(George Lucas)曾因这些前传而受到“书呆子喷灯”的熏陶-其中一些也许是合理的。 但是,尽管我们可能会对他的一些导演和编剧决定提出质疑,但有一件事情是毫无疑问的:

George Lucas was a brilliant visionary.

乔治·卢卡斯( George Lucas) 是一位出色的远见卓识。

As designers, I think we can still learn a lot from George's ability to research, to collect a bunch of weird and disparate inspirations and re-assemble them into a new, captivating and original whole. I want to touch on that ability today.

作为设计师,我认为我们仍然可以从George的研究能力中学到很多东西,可以收集一堆怪异的灵感,并将它们重新组合成一个新颖,迷人的原始整体。 我今天想谈谈这种能力。

我们正在寻找的机器人 (The Droids We're Looking For)

As much as Star Wars is a story about farmboy with wanderlust, the truth is that it's two droids that drive the story in the first half 'A New Hope'. In fact, we barely see a human for the first 20 minutes. It's essentially a tin man and a rolling trash can in the desert – so if his robots can't carry the story, the film dies. Why did he do this?

就像《星球大战》(Star Wars)是一个关于流浪农民的故事一样,事实是上半部电影《新希望》的故事由两个机器人驱动。 实际上,在最初的20分钟内,我们几乎看不到任何人。 从本质上讲,这是一个铁皮男人,一个滚动的垃圾桶在沙漠中–因此,如果他的机器人无法传送故事,电影就会死掉。 他为什么要这样做?

隐藏的堡垒 (The Hidden Fortress)

It's well documented that Lucas borrowed large parts of the story of 'A New Hope' from Akira Kurosawa's The Hidden Fortress (1958).

有据可查的是,卢卡斯从黑泽明 ( Akira Kurosawa )的《隐藏的堡垒》(The Hidden Fortress,1958年)中借用了《新希望》的大部分故事。

That film begins with two squabbling peasants – a tall one and a short one – trekking through the wilderness to join a rebellion. The peasants are played mostly for their 'three-stooges-like' comic value, but we also see the story through their eyes.

那部电影的开头是两个争吵的农民–一个高个子和一个矮个子–穿越旷野加入叛乱。 扮演农民主要是因为他们具有“三个-头”的喜剧价值,但我们也可以从他们的眼中看到这个故事。

'The Hidden Fortress' also includes a sassy, independent princess, a secret treasure and, yes… a hidden fortress. But Lucas knew the success of his two droids-peasants was critical to his story.

“隐藏的堡垒”还包括一个活泼,独立的公主,一个秘密宝藏,是的……一个隐藏的堡垒。 但是卢卡斯知道他的两个机器人农民的成功对他的故事至关重要。

设计C-3PO (Designing C-3PO)

George Lucas's golden droid was a very original blend of old and new ideas on what a robot should be. The visual design borrows from 'Maria' in Fritz Lang's Metropolis (1927), probably the most famous robot in early cinema.

乔治·卢卡斯(George Lucas)的金色机器人是关于机器人应该是什么的新旧思想的原始融合。 视觉设计取材于弗里兹·朗(Fritz Lang)的《大都会》(Metropolis)(1927)中的“玛丽亚”,这可能是早期电影中最著名的机器人。

However, like most humanoid robots in 20th cinema, she is not to be trusted. In fact, 20th-century movies generally tell you that the more human a robot looks (or sounds), the more dangerous they are (WestWorld, Alien (Ash), Hal-9000).

但是,就像第20电影院中的大多数类人机器人一样,她也不值得信任。 实际上,20世纪的电影通常会告诉您,机器人看(或听)的声音越人性化,它们就越危险( WestWorld , Alien(Ash) , Hal-9000 )。

If a robot was trustworthy, it had to be mechanical, monotone and determinedly non-human, like Robby the Robot in Forbidden Planet.

如果机器人是值得信赖的,那么它就必须是机械的,单调的,而且绝对是非人类的,例如《禁行星》中的机器人罗比 。

C-3PO was different – more like a blending of the Cowardly Lion's fretting in the Tin Man's body. Not a hero but certainly not a villain either. Somehow C-3PO managed to feel both completely original and instantly familiar at the same time. That's hard to do.

C-3PO与众不同-更像是怯ward的狮子在“铁皮人”身上的微动。 不是英雄,当然也不是小人。 C-3PO设法以某种方式同时感到完全原始和立即熟悉。 那很难做到。

设计R2-D2 (Designing R2-D2)

If C-3PO could perform a role mostly like a human character, R2-D2 was a much braver decision. This little tin can needs to help drive the story, even though he has:

如果C-3PO可以像人类角色那样扮演大多数角色,那么R2-D2是一个非常勇敢的决定。 尽管他有:

no eyes

没有眼睛 no facial expressions

没有面部表情 no understandable language

没有可理解的语言 not even shoulders to shrug to hands to throw up


On the surface, it's like trying to get important plot exposition out of a coffee machine. It must have seemed a crazy decision for people arriving on the set.

从表面上看,这就像试图从咖啡机中获取重要的情节展示。 对于到达现场的人们来说,这似乎是一个疯狂的决定。

But two years earlier Lucas had seen a relatively little-known sci-fi film called 'Silent Running (1972) that inspired him.

但是两年前,卢卡斯看过一部鲜为人知的科幻电影《 寂静奔跑》(Silent Running,1972) ,这激发了他的灵感。

Silent Running is set in a dystopian future where Earth is a dead planet, but plant and animal life has been preserved in giant floating space domes (yes, Wall-E also draws from this film). Bruce Dern plays the part of 'Freeman Lowell', one of the men charged with maintaining these nature domes until life can be returned.

《寂静的奔跑》设定在一个反乌托邦的未来中,地球是一颗死行星,但动植物的生命却保留在巨大的漂浮太空穹顶中(是的,Wall-E也从这部电影中提取)。 布鲁斯·德恩(Bruce Dern)扮演“弗里曼·洛厄尔(Freeman Lowell)”的角色,他是负责维护这些自然圆顶直至恢复生命的其中一员。

Lowell is aided by three small service 'drones' – Huey, Louie and Dewey – who become his main companions for the film.


Like R2-D2, these drones are short, faceless and very industrial looking, yet as Lowell teaches them to care for plants and even play poker, they show personality. Even though they couldn't smile or frown or shake their fist, Lucas saw that they were still able to drive the story forward like a human character.

像R2-D2一样,这些无人机很短,没有面子并且非常工业化,但是Lowell教他们照顾植物甚至打扑克,它们显示出个性。 即使他们无法微笑,皱眉或摇晃拳头,卢卡斯也看到他们仍然能够像人类角色一样推动故事发展。

In fact, the drones were given life by four amputee actors – Mark Persons (Dewey), Cheryl Sparks and Steven Brown (Huey) and Larry Whisenhunt (Louie). Kenny Baker (R2-D2) must have drawn a lot from watching their performances.

实际上,无人驾驶飞机是由四个截肢者演员赋予生命的:马克·个人(杜威),谢丽尔·斯帕克斯和史蒂文·布朗(休伊)和拉里·威森亨特(路易)。 肯尼·贝克(R2-D2)一定会从观看比赛中获得很多收获。

Silent Running didn't get a lot of attention at the time, but was a critical influence on George Lucas.


向乔治·卢卡斯致敬 (A Salute to George Lucas)

You probably only need to watch about 10 minutes of something like H.R. Pufnstuf or Sigmund and the Sea Monsters to get a feel for the contempt that kid's fantasy entertainment was held in till the early 70’s. “They’re kids! Give ’em any ol’ garbage. Just paint it bright colors and they lap it up!” seemed to be the approach of producers. Cheap sets, tacky costumes, awful dialogue, and idiotic plots.

您可能只需要看大约10分钟的类似HR Pufnstuf或Sigmund以及Sea Monsters之类的东西,就可以轻视孩子的幻想娱乐活动,直到70年代初。 “ 他们是孩子! 给他们任何其他垃圾。 只要把它涂成鲜艳的颜色,它们就会叠起来! ”似乎是生产者的做法。 廉价套装,俗气的服装,可怕的对话和愚蠢的情节。

By contrast, Star Wars was smart, creative, intricately-planned and took the art of storytelling more seriously than any kid-friendly fantasy drama before it. It's little wonder that people lost their tiny minds in 1977.

相比之下,《星球大战》聪明,有创造力,精心策划,并且比以前任何对儿童友好的幻想剧更加重视讲故事的艺术。 难怪人们在1977年迷失了头脑。

The bar was raised and movies were never the same again. Mr. George Lucas – I’ll be forever grateful to you for that.

酒吧被抬高了,电影再也不一样了。 乔治·卢卡斯先生-为此,我将永远感激不尽。

Originally published in the SitePoint Design Newsletter.

最初发布在SitePoint设计新闻中 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/designing-droids-metropolis-huey-dewey-louie/

