
tech2023-06-01  129

It’s no secret SitePoint fans are among the smartest, most on-point web developers on the planet. Now we finally have the chance to give back to you for all the recognition you’ve given us! Interested? Become a SitePoint Ambassador today and gain instant access to a heap of rewards, from access to an exclusive community of like-minded web-devs, to SitePoint riches, and infinite wisdom.

SitePoint爱好者是全球最聪明,最在线的Web开发人员之一,这已不是什么秘密。 现在,我们终于有机会感谢您对我们的认可! 有兴趣吗 立即成为SitePoint大使,即可立即获得大量奖励,从访问志趣相投的Web开发人员专属社区到SitePoint财富和无限智慧的机会。

什么是SitePoint大使? (What is a SitePoint Ambassador?)

SitePoint Ambassadors are an exclusive group of people who are passionate about SitePoint and the web dev community. They promote SitePoint across the web and at tech clubs, groups, meetups and conferences.

SitePoint大使是一群对SitePoint和Web开发人员社区充满热情的人。 他们通过网络以及在技术俱乐部,团体,聚会和会议上推广SitePoint。

我如何成为SitePoint大使? (How do I become a SitePoint Ambassador?)

It’s easy. Just fill out the quick survey at the bottom of that page, and we’ll be in touch with you soon.

这很容易。 只需填写该页面底部的快速调查 ,我们就会尽快与您联系。

需要很多时间吗? (Does it take a lot of time?)

Not at all. When relevant, we’d just like you to mention SitePoint, link to useful content, and spread the word about what we do, whether that’s at meetups and conferences or on the web.

一点也不。 必要时,无论您是在聚会,会议还是在网络上,我们都希望您提及SitePoint,链接到有用的内容,并宣传我们所做的事情。

对我有什么用? (What’s in it for me?)

Not only will you be part of an exclusive group, you’ll receive a free Learnable membership, giving you access to all of SitePoint’s ebooks and Learnable courses, a ton of SitePoint swag, exclusive tickets to conferences and early access to ebooks (when they’re in draft mode, so you can have a say in the final product!)


What are you waiting for? Sign up to today and become a SitePoint Ambassador!

你在等什么? 立即注册并成为SitePoint大使!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/become-sitepoint-ambassador/
