
tech2023-06-04  124

With the possible exception of tequila, a computer can make more fasters faster than any other invention in human history. But it can also bring us incredible things, as we found out this week.

除了龙舌兰酒之外,计算机可以比人类历史上的任何其他发明更快地更快地运转。 但正如我们在本周发现的那样,它也可以为我们带来不可思议的事情。

在我们的雷达上 (On Our Radar)

We are well and truly into the swing of things with our “Month of June” competition on the forums. It’s the easiest competition ever to both enter and win – all you have to do is post or reply on the SitePoint forums during the month of June, and you can win a whole bunch of swag that includes SitePoint branded items and your choice of print edition book.

通过论坛上的“六月”竞赛,我们可以很好,真正地步入正轨。 这是有史以来最容易进入和赢得竞争的竞赛 –您要做的就是在6月份在SitePoint论坛上发布或回复,就可以赢得一大堆赃物,包括SitePoint品牌产品和您选择的印刷版书。

But the fun doesn’t stop there (what? you thought we’d only have ONE competition for you? Ridiculous.) Our second competition is appropriately named #UpgradeMyLibrary because, guess what? All you have to do is share a photo of your programming books on either Twitter (use the hashtag #UpgradeMyLibrary) or Facebook (as a reply to this post) and if your collection is deemed shocking and tragically old, we’ll upgrade your library with brand new SitePoint books.

但是乐趣不止于此(什么?您认为我们只为您举行一场比赛吗?可笑。)我们的第二场比赛被恰当地命名为#UpgradeMyLibrary,因为,您猜怎么着? 您所要做的就是在Twitter(使用#UpgradeMyLibrary标签)或Facebook( 对此帖子的回复 )上共享编程书籍的照片,如果您的收藏被视为令人震惊且悲惨的旧书,我们将升级您的书架带有全新的SitePoint图书。

We’re also giving away spot prizes for other contenders, and during the week I’ll be sharing passages from the oldest SitePoint books in our collection, so we can all laugh about how far the Internet has come. One of the books explains in detail how emails work because that’s how we rolled in 1995.

我们还将为其他竞争者提供现场奖励,在本周中,我将分享我们收藏中最古老的SitePoint书籍的文章,因此我们都可以嘲笑互联网的发展。 其中一本书详细解释了电子邮件的工作原理,因为这就是我们在1995年推出的方法。

Here’s Kat losing her mind playing KukuKube.


In other news, I recently came across an insanely simple and addictive game, KukuKube. Fair warning, it will cause your eyes to temporarily hurt you. Our designer, Kat, promptly started playing it and received an incredible score of 42. Many tried, many failed, but a lucky few were able to beat her score. Can you? Pro-tip: playing on your phone makes it 10x easier.

在其他新闻中,我最近遇到了一个疯狂而简单且令人上瘾的游戏KukuKube 。 合理的警告,它将使您的眼睛暂时受伤。 我们的设计师Kat很快就开始演奏它,并获得了令人难以置信的42分。 许多人尝试了许多,但失败了,但幸运的是少数人能超过她的得分 。 你能? 专家提示:在手机上播放可使其轻松10倍。

简而言之 (In Short)

SEO can be so confusing, you guys. Mikey_W is having a crisis and needs some help with tracking. We also look at something close to my heart, which is, teaching kids – and the kicker is, should we teach kids to code in school? How are your countries/local schools approaching it? Would you ever sign up teach kids in a coding club?

各位,SEO可能会如此令人困惑。 Mikey_W遇到危机 ,需要一些帮助进行跟踪。 我们还关注一些贴心的东西,那就是教孩子们,而更重要的是, 我们应该教孩子们在学校编码吗? 您所在的国家/地方学校如何处理? 您会注册在编码俱乐部教孩子吗?

In other news, we continue to compare Javascript linting tools, and a philosophical question from Pullo: can JavaScript accomplish what Java was intended to achieve?

在其他新闻中,我们将继续比较Javascript插入工具 ,以及Pullo提出的一个哲学问题: JavaScript能否实现Java打算实现的目标 ?

*Drummroll*, please. We have a brand new weekly update, thanks to Ralph. Check out the all-new This Week on the Front End for your weekly dose of the latest front-end topics from CSS to content and design.

请*鼓声*。 感谢Ralph,我们有一个全新的每周更新。 查阅全新的前端本周,以了解每周从CSS到内容和设计的最新前端主题。

Don’t forget This Week in .NET which covers topics on software, information and community this week (thanks cpradio!) and This Week in JavaScript (thanks Pullo!) which covers resources, angular.js, node.js, functionality and slew of other JS news.

不要忘记.NET中的本周内容(本周涉及软件,信息和社区)(感谢cpradio!)和JavaScript本周 (感谢Pullo!),其中涉及资源,angular.js,node.js,功能和转换其他JS新闻。

你的两个比特币 (Your two bitcoins)

This week is all about you. Show us your library and post in the forums, and you can win!

这周与你有关。 向我们展示您的图书馆并在论坛中发布 ,您可以赢取!

Learnable also recently teamed up with A Book Apart, so all the ABA books are now free for annual Learnable members.

Learnable最近还与A Book Apart合作 ,因此,每年的Learnable会员均可免费获得所有ABA图书。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/radar-show-us-library-ways-win/
