
tech2023-06-05  158


In November, we looked at the underdog browsers adopted by one in thirty web users. The StatCounter browser statistics for December 2016 records a more exciting and momentous event in the web’s history …

在11月,我们研究了三分之一的网络用户所采用的劣势浏览器 。 2016年12月的StatCounter浏览器统计数据记录了网络历史上更加激动人心的重大事件……

2016年10月至2016年11月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, October to November 2016)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past month.


BrowserOctoberNovemberchangerelativeChrome59.39%59.22%-0.17%-0.30%Firefox13.28%13.49%+0.21%+1.60%IE116.95%6.98%+0.03%+0.40%oldIE1.94%1.81%-0.13%-6.70%Edge2.82%2.93%+0.11%+3.90%Safari4.79%4.69%-0.10%-2.10%iPad Safari5.42%5.68%+0.26%+4.80%Opera1.91%1.82%-0.09%-4.70%Others3.50%3.38%-0.12%-3.40% 浏览器 十月 十一月 更改 相对的 Chrome 59.39% 59.22% -0.17% -0.30% 火狐浏览器 13.28% 13.49% + 0.21% + 1.60% IE11 6.95% 6.98% + 0.03% + 0.40% 老IE 1.94% 1.81% -0.13% -6.70% 边缘 2.82% 2.93% + 0.11% + 3.90% 苹果浏览器 4.79% 4.69% -0.10% -2.10% iPad Safari 5.42% 5.68% + 0.26% + 4.80% 歌剧 1.91% 1.82% -0.09% -4.70% 其他 3.50% 3.38% -0.12% -3.40%

2015年11月至2016年11月全球台式机和平板电脑浏览器统计 (Worldwide Desktop & Tablet Browser Statistics, November 2015 to November 2016)

The following table shows browser usage movements during the past twelve months:


BrowserNovember 2015November 2016changerelativeChrome54.27%59.22%+4.95%+9.10%Firefox14.70%13.49%-1.21%-8.20%IE1110.40%6.98%-3.42%-32.90%oldIE5.05%1.81%-3.24%-64.20%Edge1.21%2.93%+1.72%+142.10%Safari9.34%10.37%+1.03%+11.00%Opera1.77%1.82%+0.05%+2.80%Others3.26%3.38%+0.12%+3.70% 浏览器 2015年11月 2016年十一月 更改 相对的 Chrome 54.27% 59.22% + 4.95% + 9.10% 火狐浏览器 14.70% 13.49% -1.21% -8.20% IE11 10.40% 6.98% -3.42% -32.90% 老IE 5.05% 1.81% -3.24% -64.20% 边缘 1.21% 2.93% + 1.72% + 142.10% 苹果浏览器 9.34% 10.37% + 1.03% + 11.00% 歌剧 1.77% 1.82% + 0.05% + 2.80% 其他 3.26% 3.38% + 0.12% + 3.70%

(The tables show market share estimates for desktop browsers. The ‘change’ column is the absolute increase or decrease in market share. The ‘relative’ column indicates the proportional change, i.e. 6.7% of oldIE users migrated elsewhere last month. There are several caveats so I recommend you read How Browser Market Share is Calculated and StatCounter vs NetMarketShare.)

(这些表格显示了台式机浏览器的市场份额估计值。“更改”列是市场份额的绝对增加或减少。“相对”列表示成比例的变化,即6.7%的oldIE用户上个月迁移到其他地方。注意事项,所以我建议您阅读如何计算浏览器市场份额以及StatCounter与NetMarketShare 。)

Chrome experienced an uncharacteristic fall. I’m secretly pleased; I predicted Google’s browser wouldn’t reach 60% before the end of 2016! That said, -0.17% is hardly a major setback, and my predictions are notoriously awful. No doubt everyone will switch to Chrome during the next month just to prove me wrong!

Chrome经历了异常的下跌。 我暗自高兴; 我预测Google的浏览器在2016年底之前不会达到60% ! 就是说,-0.17%几乎不是一个重大的挫折,而我的预测非常糟糕。 毫无疑问,每个人都将在下个月改用Chrome,以证明我做错了!

A fall for Chrome generally means good news for other applications. Firefox, Edge and even IE11 all rose but the changes are hardly dramatic. Let’s move on; there’s far more interesting news on mobile …

Chrome的下降通常对其他应用程序来说是个好消息。 Firefox,Edge甚至IE11都出现了增长,但变化并不大。 让我们继续; 移动端还有更多有趣的新闻……

2016年11月全球移动浏览器统计 (Worldwide Mobile Browser Statistics, November 2016)

Mobile browser use increased by an impressive 1.78% during November. It smashed through the parity barrier and now accounts for 50.62% of all web activity. Mobile exceeds desktop usage for the first time since the web began.

11月份,移动浏览器使用量增长了1.78%,令人印象深刻。 它突破了奇偶校验障碍,现在占所有网络活动的50.62% 。 自网络启动以来,移动设备首次超过了桌面设备的使用量。

(Some sites were reporting this event last month and mobile usage did overtake desktop on certain days. However, the overall percentage for October 2016’s mobile use remained below 50%.)


We’ve been waiting some time. The “mobiles-will-overtake-desktop” prediction was raised at least a decade ago, but took longer than most expected. Possible reasons include:

我们已经等了一段时间了 。 至少在十年前提出了“移动设备将超越桌面”的预测,但是预测时间比大多数人预期的要长。 可能的原因包括:

It is difficult to do real work on a mobile device. That said, devices have grown exponentially in Asia and Africa in places where the PC revolution never occurred. Millions of people now work and trade on smartphones in ways which are troublesome in the western world. We still struggle with micro-payments and simple transactions regardless of age or financial status.

很难在移动设备上进行实际工作。 也就是说,在从未发生过PC革命的地方,设备在亚洲和非洲呈指数增长。 现在,数以百万计的人在智能手机上进行工作和交易,这在西方世界是很麻烦的。 无论年龄或财务状况如何,我们仍在小额付款和简单交易方面挣扎。

Network bandwidth is slow, unreliable and costly in the majority of countries. There are only so many hours you can surf and a mobile connection will impede progress. There are exciting possibilities for future technologies, but fast, always-on and inexpensive networks remain a dream.

在大多数国家/地区,网络带宽缓慢,不可靠且成本高昂。 您只能冲浪几个小时,而移动连接会阻碍进度。 未来的技术有令人兴奋的可能性,但是快速,始终在线且廉价的网络仍然是梦想。 The web has evolved from a predominantly desktop-based starting point. The situation has improved with Responsive Web Design and Progressive Web Apps, but many legacy sites are inoperable or impractical on a mobile device.

Web已从主要基于桌面的起点发展而来。 响应式Web设计和渐进式Web应用程序已经改善了这种情况,但是许多旧版站点在移动设备上无法操作或不切实际。

Does the mobile explosion change our development lives? Probably not if you’ve been reading SitePoint and watching industry trends: you’re already mobile aware. Fortunately, it will be a wake-up call for any client or boss who doubted the growth of the mobile platform or didn’t think it would affect their business. Be prepared for several “how can we make our digital experience better on a smartphone” conversations very soon.

移动爆炸是否会改变我们的发展生活? 如果您一直在阅读SitePoint并观察行业趋势,可能就不会:您已经具备移动意识。 幸运的是,对于任何怀疑移动平台的增长或认为不会影响其业务的客户或老板,这将是一个警钟。 很快就准备好几次“我们如何才能在智能手机上改善数字体验”的对话。

From a technical perspective, I recommend a mobile-first approach:


Design your site/application to work on smaller, narrow screens.

设计您的站点/应用程序以在较小的狭窄屏幕上工作。 Use media queries to progressively enhance your layout as the screen size increases.

使用媒体查询可随着屏幕尺寸的增加逐步增强布局。 Take a simple, pragmatic approach. If you’re removing a feature because it doesn’t fit on a mobile screen, consider whether it’s necessary to offer it on the desktop.

采取简单,务实的方法。 如果要删除某个功能是因为该功能无法在移动屏幕上显示,请考虑是否有必要在桌面上提供该功能。

The top mobile browsing applications for the month were:


Mobile BrowserOctoberNovemberchangerelativeChrome40.64%43.22%+2.58%+6.30%iPhone16.69%17.43%+0.74%+4.40%UC Browser17.90%16.73%-1.17%-6.50%Opera Mini/Mobile8.64%8.38%-0.26%-3.00%Samsung Internet6.52%6.39%-0.13%-2.00%Android5.83%5.28%-0.55%-9.40%IEMobile1.13%1.02%-0.11%-9.70%Others2.65%1.55%-1.10%-41.50% 手机浏览器 十月 十一月 更改 相对的 Chrome 40.64% 43.22% + 2.58% + 6.30% 苹果手机 16.69% 17.43% + 0.74% + 4.40% UC浏览器 17.90% 16.73% -1.17% -6.50% Opera Mini /手机 8.64% 8.38% -0.26% -3.00% 三星上网 6.52% 6.39% -0.13% -2.00% 安卓系统 5.83% 5.28% -0.55% -9.40% IEMobile 1.13% 1.02% -0.11% -9.70% 其他 2.65% 1.55% -1.10% -41.50%

Chrome continues its meteoric rise at the expense of all others (especially Android Mobile, which it supersedes). While I don’t use Chrome as my default desktop browser, I have no hesitation in recommending it on mobile. I’m yet to find an alternative which offers a better experience.

Chrome继续以飞速发展,但以其他所有功能为代价(尤其是取代的Android Mobile)。 尽管我不使用Chrome作为默认的桌面浏览器,但我毫不犹豫地在移动设备上推荐它。 我尚未找到提供更好体验的替代方案。

The iPhone edition of Safari and UC Browser continue to dance round each other. Following a month at the coveted #2 spot, UC Browser has been knocked back once again. However, the dominance of mobile usage will encourage people to look for better smartphone applications. Take note, Apple: your lacklustre attitude to Safari and the web could hit profitability sooner than you think.

iPhone版的Safari和UC浏览器继续相互影响。 在令人垂涎的#2位置上度过一个月后,UC浏览器再次被打倒。 但是,移动使用的主导地位会鼓励人们寻找更好的智能手机应用程序。 苹果,请注意:您对Safari和网络的呆滞态度可能会比您想象的更快实现盈利。

The biggest faller was the “others” group. More than 40% of those users migrated to a mainstream browser. Perhaps it’s a statistical blip, or my underdog browser article from last month didn’t help their cause?!

最大的失败者是“其他”群体。 这些用户中有40%以上迁移到了主流浏览器。 也许是统计上的失误,或者我上个月的失败者浏览器文章对他们的原因没有帮助?!

See you next month for a round-up of the major browser events of 2016.



