dejavu sans

tech2023-06-05  102

dejavu sans

Google doesn’t change it’s brand often, but when it does, it’s hard to ignore it. From search pages, to app icons, to browser tabs, it is a brand that is stitched into the linings of our online lives.

Google不会经常更改其品牌,但是一旦更改,就很难忽略它。 从搜索页面到应用程序图标,再到浏览器标签,该品牌都已融入我们的在线生活。

Yesterday the ‘Big G’ rolled out probably their biggest re-branding effort ever. Here it is.

昨天,“大G”可能是他们有史以来最大的品牌重塑工作。 这里是。

“I Shot the Serif”— Google moves to a geometric sans-serif typeface.

“我拍了衬线” — Google移至几何无衬线字体。

As you can see, the new logotype retains Google’s trademark colorful letterforms, but is now rendered in a sharper, slightly heavier san-serif typeface.


The color theme is pulled through to their square logomark too — the familiar white lowercase ‘g’ on blue back, is replaced with a new uppercase ‘G’ diagonally segmented into colored pieces.


That multi-colored ‘G’ seems more ‘googley’ to me than the white and blue ‘g’.

在我看来,彩色的“ G”比白色和蓝色的“ g”更像“谷歌”。

Designers Alex Cook, Jonathan Jarvis, & Jonathan Lee talked about their week-long design sprint on the Google Design Blog.

设计师Alex Cook,Jonathan Jarvis和Jonathan Lee在Google Design Blog上谈论了他们为期一周的设计冲刺 。

To me, the update to a sans-serif typeface seems to make more sense. Their former serif font — particularly that ‘reading-spectacles g’ — always had an older, bookish feel of romance novels and Bronte sisters. The new geometric sans-serif is much more of a happy engineer’s construction.

对我而言,更新为无衬线字体似乎更有意义。 他们以前的衬线字体,尤其是“ reading-peagrales g”字体,总是对浪漫小说和勃朗特姐妹有一种较旧的书本味。 新的无衬线几何图形更像是一个快乐的工程师的结构。

但是“互联网”怎么看? (But What Does ‘The Internets’ Think?)

Sifting through the press, Twitter and Facebook, there seemed to be two distinct streams of reaction:


1)。 大致喜欢的设计师 (1). Designers by-and-large like it)

Connie Birdsall, Creative Director, for Lippincott said “Google’s new logo is elegantly simple but still maintains the fun and playful quality of the original design.”

Lippincott的创意总监Connie Birdsall表示:“ Google的新徽标非常简洁,但仍然保持了原始设计的趣味性。 ”

“It’s really about much more than a logo and more about kind of a smart system” says Geoff Cook, founding partner at Base Design.

Base Design的创始合伙人Geoff Cook表示:“ 实际上,它不仅仅是徽标,还在于智能系统的种类 。”

SitePoint’s own Design & UX writer Laura Elizabeth tweeted: “Yay I LOVE @google’s new logo. Lovely stuff”

SitePoint自己的设计和用户体验作家劳拉·伊丽莎白(Laura Elizabeth)发推文:“是的, 我喜欢 @google的新徽标。 可爱的东西 ”

Wired called it “.. simpler, younger, and friendlier”.

Wired称之为“ ..更简单,更年轻,更友好 ”。

But it’s not all ringing endorsements.


2)。 许多非设计师正在绞尽脑汁。 (2). Many non-designers are wringing their hands.)

Professional grump, Jon Gruber groaned: “Their old logo was goofy. This new one is simply garbage. Just right for a company with no taste”.

专业脾气坏的人, 乔恩·格鲁伯呻吟着 :“ 他们的旧标志是愚蠢的。 这个新的只是垃圾。 对于没有品味的公司来说恰到好处” 。

Public comments on the Official Google Blog include:


Went from a nice professional looking logo to a basic noring(sic) 1st grade font and you like it?


Yeuch…. not an improvement at all

嗯... 根本没有改善

Make that 2. The new favicon STINKS!. Hard to find on favorites bar

使那个2.新的图标图标! 在收藏夹栏上很难找到

Another tweet by @desusnice insisted “Google’s new logo is getting us closer to their eventual transition to comic sans”.

@desusnice发表的另一条推文坚持认为: “ 谷歌的新徽标正在使我们更接近他们最终过渡到无漫画的时代 ”。

So… We know some people don’t like change.


只是不是您的类型? (Just not your type?)

It’s interesting that many complaints portray the update as more unprofessional and childish than the previous incarnation.

有趣的是,许多投诉将更新描述为比以前的化身更加不专业和幼稚 。

‘Google’ in Harmonia Sans.

Harmonia Sans中的“ Google”。

Although the Google design team tells us the ‘new logotype is set in a custom, geometric sans-serif typeface’, the letterforms closely echo a handful of very well-established typefaces, including Harmonia Sans (check that capital ‘G’), Twentieth Century and perhaps the godfather of geometric fonts, Futura.

尽管Google设计团队告诉我们,“新徽标是在自定义的几何无衬线字体中设置的”,但这些字体仍与少数非常完善的字体相呼应,包括Harmonia Sans (请检查大写字母“ G”),第20位世纪 ,也许是几何字体的教父Futura 。

Here’s a visual comparison of the new logotype with classic Futura.


The new logo overlayed with classic Futura.


As you can see, there are some minor differences — that jaunty twist to the ‘e’ being an obvious one — but the major characteristics are all there.


Futura was designed in 1927 by Paul Renner and is one of the most evergreen and well-loved fonts ever created. The complete roll call of Futura’s famous usages would be a phonebook, but a quick ‘greatest hits’ list includes:

Futura由Paul Renner于1927年设计,是有史以来最常绿且最受欢迎的字体之一。 Futura著名用法的完整唱名将是电话簿,但快速的“最热门”列表包括:

2001: A Space Odyssey titles

2001年:《太空漫游》标题 The Social Network movie posters

社交网络电影海报 Red Bull cans

红牛罐 Volkswagen ads

大众广告 Louis Vuitton branding

路易威登品牌 The Apollo moon landing plaque


Red Bull, Louis Vuitton, 2001:a Space Odyssey, The Social Network, The Apollo 11 Moon plaque and Union Pacific (Clockwise)

红牛,路易威登,2001年:太空漫游,社交网络,阿波罗11号月亮牌匾和Union Pacific(顺时针)

Those are some unbelievably elegant and upmarket usages. It’s hard to think of a document with more ‘gravitas’ than the moon landing plaque, while Louis Vuitton is the very definition of high-end refinement.

这些都是令人难以置信的优雅和高档用法。 很难想到比月球着陆斑块具有更多“重力”的文档,而路易威登正是高端精制的定义。

There’s nothing inherently crude or backwards about type with those characteristics. So, why is it that some people are reading a very similar Google font as ‘unprofessional’ and ‘like comic sans’?

具有这些特征的类型在本质上并没有粗糙或落后。 那么,为什么有些人正在阅读一种非常相似的Google字体,如“ unprofessional”和“ like comic sans”?

I think it’s because the Google logo has been practically invisible for so long. Most of us probably first came across that Google logo 15 years ago. If you can remember those first 10 seconds you saw it — I won’t blame you if you can’t — I suspect you’d have thought this new search engine looked a little childish and unprofessional.

我认为这是因为Google徽标实际上已经隐藏了很长时间了。 我们大多数人可能是15年前第一次遇到该Google标志。 如果您能记得最初的10秒钟,您会看到它-如果您不能,我不会怪您-我怀疑您会以为这个新的搜索引擎看起来有点幼稚和不专业。

But, hey, that search worked really well, and a minute later you had forgotten about those pre-school colors at the top. You’ve been staring intently at the search box ever since.

但是,嘿,这种搜索效果很好,一分钟后,您忘记了顶部的那些学龄前颜色。 从那时起,您就一直专心盯着搜索框。

Until today, that is!


A new font arrives and people see (I mean REALLY see) the logo for the first time in years. It’s a case of: “Oh my god! Google has been using kindergarten color schemes all this time and I nobody told me! Aaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!!”

一种新的字体问世,人们多年来第一次( 实际上是看到)徽标。 这是一个案例:“ 天哪! Google一直都在使用幼儿园的配色方案,但我没人告诉我! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh !!! ”

I calculate we have about 24-hours before the new logo goes back to being practically invisible to most of the planet.


I’m counting down in my head.



dejavu sans

相关资源:Dejavu Sans Mono字体(编程字体,内附四种字体)