
tech2023-06-05  114


There's no magic bullet for getting hired as a developer. But there is some great advice available to help in the process.

被聘为开发人员没有万灵药。 但是,在此过程中有一些很好的建议可以帮助您。

I recently interviewed Matt Langan and Christian Macolino, two Senior Tech Recruiters over at Atlassian. I wanted to get a realistic understanding of the subject from the perspective of the people involved with hiring tech talent for a $3.3 billion software company.

我最近采访了Atlassian的两位高级技术招聘人员Matt Langan和Christian Macolino。 我想从参与为一家市值33亿美元的软件公司雇用技术人才的人员的角度来对这个主题有一个现实的了解。

This article looks at issues surrounding getting hired, including some practical tips and pointers that arose out of the interview.


简历和在线投资组合 (Resumes and Online Portfolios)

Let's start with tried-and-tested resumes and portfolios. Through these, we present everything that's important about us to recruiters, interviewers, and anyone else involved in the hiring process.

让我们从久经考验的简历和投资组合开始。 通过这些,我们向招聘人员,面试官以及所有与招聘过程有关的人员提供了对我们重要的一切。

Often developers invest more time in this portion of job hunting than in the actual searching process.


数字还是传统? (Digital or traditional?)

When looking for a position with a tech company in particular, we might assume that digital portfolios—personal websites and online resumes—would be preferred to standard-format resumes. But that's not always the case. Especially for non-design roles, recruiters care more about just getting the information they need. Often, in today’s world, though, that does involve a digital resume or portfolio.

特别是在寻找技术公司的职位时,我们可能会假设数字资产组合(个人网站和在线简历)将比标准格式的简历更受青睐。 但这并非总是如此。 特别是对于非设计职位,招聘人员更关心仅获取所需信息。 但是,在当今世界,通常情况下确实涉及数字简历或投资组合。

Christian had the following to say about digital resumes:


It’s no secret that the digital resume is fast replacing the traditional resume. The key to building a great digital footprint is making sure you have listed enough relevant content about yourself and keep it up to date, so that your footprint is searchable and stands out from the pack. A recruiter’s ability to find the talent is largely based on the data that we can search. Digital footprints that are light on information make it tough for you to stand out.

数字简历正在Swift取代传统简历已不是什么秘密。 建立良好的数字足迹的关键是确保您列出了足够的关于您自己的相关内容并保持最新,以使您的足迹可搜索并从众包中脱颖而出。 招聘人员寻找人才的能力很大程度上取决于我们可以搜索的数据。 依靠信息的数字足迹使您很难脱颖而出。

This also applies for smaller firms, or non-tech companies whose hiring processes involve more managerial oversight and less tech.


However, for those smaller companies, the online portfolio may be as important or more so. With less expertise and testing available to gauge your worth, a company may resort to carefully analyzing your past work even more than a large tech company might. Only you can judge how much time each of these tools is worth—by carefully considering what your target positions are.

但是,对于那些规模较小的公司,在线投资组合可能同样重要或更重要。 由于缺乏专业知识和测试来衡量您的价值,一家公司可能比大型科技公司更愿意仔细分析您过去的工作。 只有通过仔细考虑您的目标职位,才能判断这些工具价值多少时间。

选择你的道路 (Choosing Your Path)

When we discussed education and the very first positions that developers take on, Matt had the following advice regarding education and getting started:


Get involved in side projects, hobbies, start a blog, join in on discussions on forums, get involved with Stack Overflow or Github, ask questions, provide answers, take part in coding competitions, go to tech meetups.

参与辅助项目,兴趣爱好,创建博客,加入论坛讨论,参与Stack Overflow或Github,提出问题,提供答案,参加编码竞赛,参加技术聚会。

In your current job, master what you're doing, ask for more responsibility, and help others learn—particularly those more junior to you.


This, of course, is excellent advice. If you've been hired for a particular discipline, use your side projects not only to keep up with that core language or tool, but also to spread out your knowledge base and gain at least a basic understanding of some other languages, software, and other tools.

当然,这是极好的建议。 如果您是某特定学科的人才,请使用辅助项目,不仅跟上该核心语言或工具,而且还可以扩展您的知识库,并至少对一些其他语言,软件和其他工具。

Constant learning is critical. On the point of continual education, Christian had a sobering point:

不断学习至关重要。 在继续教育方面,克里斯蒂安有一个清醒的观点:

The first five years of your career really set the stage. In a new role or area, you're like a sponge, you're open to learning, you're curious, you ask questions.

您职业生涯的前五年确实奠定了基础。 在新的角色或领域中,您就像一块海绵,可以学习,好奇,问问题。

But after the four or five year mark, you start to know a lot, people look to you for guidance, and your learning starts to switch off a little bit. So if you learn bad practices and bad habits early on in your career, you'll actually carry those with you.

但是在四五年后,您开始了解很多,人们向您寻求指导,并且您的学习开始有所下降。 因此,如果您在职业生涯的早期就学习了不良习惯和不良习惯,那么您实际上会随身携带这些。

自我评估 (Self assessment)

For those already beyond that point, maybe this is time for some self-assessment.


Take a moment to consider where you are in your career. Are you still learning from your coworkers, your users, and your projects? Are you self-improving and growing through personal side projects? Do you still have a passion for your work?

花点时间考虑一下自己的职业生涯。 您是否还在向同事,用户和项目学习? 您是通过个人辅助项目自我完善并成长吗? 您仍然对工作充满热情吗?

找到激情 (Find the passion)

It seems to be a common factor with a lot of companies that a passion for development is critical. Sometimes, especially for junior roles, it can even matter more than the specifics of education or knowledge.

对于许多公司来说,共同的想法似乎是,对发展的热情至关重要。 有时,尤其是对于初级职位,这甚至比教育或知识的具体问题更重要。

Yet many of us are so caught up in the job security quest that we forget what drew us to programming in the beginning. We fail to realize sometimes that the passion and drive that got a lot of us here is what employers want.

然而,我们中的许多人都如此沉迷于工作安全性的追求,以至于我们忘记了最初吸引我们进行编程的原因。 有时,我们没有意识到,吸引我们很多人的热情和动力正是雇主想要的。

做出改变 (Make a change)

If you're already employed as a developer, and you're not still learning, and you're no longer passionate about your career, then consider what you can do to extract yourself from that position and change things. It could be as simple as an attitude shift or a change in responsibilities at your current workplace. It could be as dramatic as switching positions, employers, or even career paths.

如果您已经被雇用为开发人员,并且还没有学习,并且不再对自己的职业充满热情,那么请考虑可以采取什么措施使自己从这个职位中脱身并改变现状。 它可能很简单,例如态度转变或您当前工作场所的职责变更。 这可能与更换职位,雇主甚至职业道路一样引人注目。

Sometimes the hardest part is simply making the change. Beware of sticking with the status quo just because it's easier.

有时最困难的部分就是简单地进行更改。 谨防仅仅因为它容易而坚持现状。

全栈或集中 (Full-stack or Focused)

Many developers struggle with a path, whether novices or seasoned professionals. Is it better to be a focused developer—an expert in one language—or to be a full-stack developer?

无论是新手还是经验丰富的专业人员,许多开发人员都在为之奋斗。 成为专注的开发人员(一种语言的专家)还是成为全栈开发人员更好?

The answer, it seems, may be a bit of both.


拥有一门学科 (Own a discipline)

The goal, for those starting out, should be to touch on a lot of things, then drill into one and make it your own. Use that as a launchpad to begin a real career as a developer, and own that one discipline.

对于刚起步的人来说,目标应该是接触很多东西,然后深入研究,然后将其变成自己的东西。 用它作为启动板,开始真正的开发生涯,并拥有那门学科。

Continue to tackle other ideas in your free time, though, and then start expanding other skills professionally after you're established.


但是,也要通用 (However, also be versatile)

Recruiters on the hunt for developers for senior positions acknowledge the need for broad understanding. Find a niche and be good at it, but don't close off to everything else.

寻求开发人员担任高级职位的招聘人员承认需要广泛的了解。 找到一个利基市场,并擅长于此,但请不要对其他一切感兴趣。

Tackle other projects, languages, roles and disciplines both at work and on side projects to make yourself versatile and expand your skill set.


As Matt said:


We want people who can understand the tech from conception to production.


Christian had similar comments regarding the usefulness of full-stack mentalities:


Languages and frameworks are mere tools to solve business problems. Technology moves so fast that what is relevant and hot technology today is redundant tomorrow. We need people that want to learn and keep growing with the pace that technology changes.

语言和框架仅仅是解决业务问题的工具。 技术发展如此之快,以至于今天重要的技术和明天的冗余技术是多余的。 我们需要那些想要学习并随着技术变化的步伐不断增长的人们。

Christian went on to add that, rather than focusing on the stack, these are the desirable qualities in a software engineer:


fundamental coding ability

基本编码能力 sound architectural knowledge

完善的建筑知识 depth and breadth of software development knowledge

软件开发知识的深度和广度 ability to balance conflicting needs and adapt to get stuff done

平衡冲突需求并适应完成工作的能力 passion

热情 communication skills

沟通技巧 delivery.


The suggestion for developers is to think of building your skills in a T shape. So, pick one area that you want to go deep in, but don't limit yourself to just this area. Keep learning and building that breadth of knowledge, because that may need to be your depth in your next job.

对于开发人员的建议是考虑以T形培养您的技能。 因此,选择一个您想深入的区域,但不要只局限于这个区域。 继续学习并积累知识的广度,因为这可能是您下一份工作的深度。

寻找职业而不是职位 (Find a Career, not a Position)

Atlassian doesn't necessarily hire for specific job openings within specific teams. They're hiring talented individuals, it seems, for the sake of acquiring that talent, not just for a body to fill a slot in a particular team.

Atlassian不一定会雇用特定团队中的特定职位空缺。 他们在招聘有才华的人,似乎是为了获得该才华,而不仅仅是为了填补一个特定团队中的空缺。

The same applies to many companies: they're hiring to acquire the asset that is a skilled, energetic and adaptable person. Focusing on exact roles in the company can be done during or after the hiring process, or even years later, if you want to transfer roles in a company that offers internal job postings and promotions. Getting your foot in the door is sometimes the most important thing.

许多公司也是如此:他们雇用的是熟练,充满活力和适应能力强的人的资产。 如果您想在提供内部职位发布和晋升的公司中转移角色,则可以在招聘过程中或招聘过程之后,甚至几年之后,专注于公司的确切角色。 有时,踏入大门最重要。

This sort of attitude makes it all the more important to carefully consider your goals before choosing companies to approach. And don't just apply for jobs. Do your research on the company. Find out about their recruiters and HR staff, and make yourself known to them. Find yourself a career trajectory that surrounds you with talented developers. This will make it easy for you to continue to learn from your seniors, your peers, and sometimes even your juniors.

这种态度使得在选择要采用的公司之前,仔细考虑您的目标变得尤为重要。 而且不只是申请工作。 对公司进行调查。 了解他们的招聘人员和人力资源人员,并向他们表明自己。 找到适合您的职业发展轨迹。 这将使您可以轻松地继续向年长者,同龄人,有时甚至是大三学生学习。

使自己值得注意 (Make Yourself Noteworthy)

When I asked Matt and Christian whether they had any unique stories about things people had done to either be instant hires or instant rejections during the Atlassian developer hiring process, neither could come up with much.


This is primarily because Atlassian, like many large tech companies, often goes after their own talent, rather than waiting for it to come to them. People don't need to be extravagant in their applications to get noticed, as they've often already been noticed by that point. This applies even for junior developers, to an extent.

这主要是因为Atlassian与许多大型高科技公司一样,往往是在追求自己的才华,而不是等待它来找他们。 人们不必在应用程序中花很多钱就能引起关注,因为那时人们通常已经注意到它们。 即使在一定程度上,这也适用于初级开发人员。

The lesson here: make yourself noteworthy.


引起注意的方法 (Ways to get noticed)

Blog. Contribute to open source. Use social media. Build yourself an online presence. Interact with peers in developer communities like GitHub, SitePoint Forums, Stack Overflow, and many others.

博客。 贡献开源。 使用社交媒体。 建立自己的在线形象。 与GitHub , SitePoint论坛 , Stack Overflow等开发人员社区中的对等方进行交互。

熟悉在线个人资料 (Be fulsome with online profiles)

Matt, Christian and I discussed online profiles at length, especially those on LinkedIn. One thing that was brought up was that recruitment spam on LinkedIn has made some people feel the need to limit what they put in their profiles.

Matt,Christian和我详细讨论了在线个人资料,尤其是LinkedIn上的个人资料 。 提出的一件事是,LinkedIn上的招聘垃圾邮件使某些人感到有必要限制他们在个人资料中输入的内容。

When people limit what they show, they may stop recruiters like these gentlemen from approaching them at all. They only make the decision to contact someone based on the information available.

当人们限制显示的内容时,他们可能会阻止像这些绅士这样的招聘人员与他们接触。 他们仅根据可用信息来决定与某人联系。

So if you're seeking a new position, leaving yourself open to more spam-like recruiting requests can be worth the pain, as you never know what gems will turn up.


开发人员访谈 (Developer Interviews)

Here are six pointers about actual developer interviews from Matt and Christian.


1.研究公司 (1. Research the company)

Read over the company site and blogs. Watch their videos, get a feel for their culture, and look into news about the company and their ventures.

阅读公司网站和博客。 观看他们的视频,感受他们的文化,并调查有关该公司及其合资企业的新闻。

Being informed makes you seem interested, and better prepares you to discuss the company intelligently, and ask questions about how you'll fit into it.


2.签出面试官 (2. Check out your interviewers)

Look over LinkedIn and other profiles of those you'll be meeting.


3.复习技能 (3. Brush up on skills)

You should know what areas are likely to be tested. If you don't, try to find out. Then brush up on the skills you'll be discussing, even if you're confident. Don't let some simple code challenge destroy your chances out of nervousness.

您应该知道可能要测试的区域。 如果您不这样做,请尝试找出答案。 然后,即使您有信心,也要复习将要讨论的技能。 不要让一些简单的代码挑战因紧张而破坏机会。

4.实践 (4. Practice)

Practice pair programming online with a buddy or via a service.


Many developer positions in software companies, or large organizations, may have some form of pair programming test, or may observe you coding at the very least.


If not, they may practice pair programming among their developers if you get hired.


Either way, if you aren't familiar with it, become so, at least a little bit.


5.了解自己 (5. Know yourself)

Think about behavioral scenarios, stories, failures and successes from your education and career so far. Be familiar with your own path and your strengths and weaknesses as a developer and as a team player.

到目前为止,请考虑一下您的教育和职业生涯中的行为情景,故事,失败和成功。 熟悉自己的道路以及作为开发人员和团队合作者的优缺点。

6.也是你的面试 (6. It's your interview, too)

Remember that an interview isn't just for an employer to decide if they want you. It's also the time for you to decide if you want them.

请记住,面试不仅仅是雇主决定他们是否想要你的 。 这也是时间让你来决定,如果你想他们 。

When an interviewer asks if you have questions, you should have questions. Ask about the direction of the projects you may be on, or the company's goals, or your place in it. Offer ideas that you've come up with for projects or additions to their services.

当面试官问您是否有问题时,您应该有问题。 询问您可能从事的项目的方向,公司的目标或在其中的位置。 提供您针对项目或为其服务添加的构想。

Be interesting, and be interested. This is as much a chance for you to find out about them as it is the reverse.

有意思,有兴趣。 相反,这是您找到它们的最大机会。

被聘为开发人员 (Go Get Hired as a Developer)

It's important to remember that a large portion of this advice is based entirely on you, the developer.


If you want this, you may have to struggle. You may need to spend time looking for work in order to find the right company and career path.

如果您想这样做,您可能需要奋斗。 您可能需要花费时间寻找工作,以找到正确的公司和职业道路。

You may have to build a portfolio, possibly even with free side projects or freelance labor done in addition to a full time job.


You may have to struggle to develop online profiles and histories for people to search, or learn technologies in addition to what you already are doing. But in the end, it'll all be worth it.

您可能需要努力开发在线个人资料和历史记录,以供人们搜索或学习现有技术以外的技术。 但是最后,这一切都是值得的。

And if you do get that interview at your dream company, think of this. This interview may decide the rest of your life, or at very least, the next few years. Your income, your career trajectory, your future education, and your happiness may ride on the next series of tests and conversations. You owe it to yourself, and to those who are extending the offer, to prepare for that and to be the absolute best hire you can be.

如果您确实在梦dream以求的公司接受了采访,请考虑一下。 这次面试可能会决定您的余生,或者至少是接下来的几年。 您的收入,职业轨迹,未来的学业和幸福感都将取决于下一系列的测试和对话。 您应该对自己和对报价进行扩展的人员有所欠缺,以为此做准备,并成为自己可能的绝对最好的雇用。

Thanks again to Matt Langan and Christian Macolino, Senior Tech Recruiters at Atlassian, whose input made this article possible, as well as Mary Solina, the Recruitment Team Lead, who organized things.

再次感谢Atlassian的高级技术招聘人员Matt Langan和Christian Macolino,他们的投入使这篇文章成为可能,以及招聘团队负责人Mary Solina的组织。


