js 发送参数加密

tech2023-06-06  133

js 发送参数加密

As handy as email is for both personal and corporate communications, it's often not very secure. Your private data can be used by service providers for various purposes, such as targeted advertising, and is at a risk of being exposed to government agencies upon request.

尽管电子邮件既可用于个人通信,也可用于企业通信,但它通常也不是很安全。 服务提供商可以将您的私人数据用于各种目的,例如有针对性的广告 ,并且有应要求暴露给政府机构的风险。

Whether you're transmitting important documents such as confidential memos, patent designs, or even personal information, it's worth considering ways to better protect your privacy. One very interesting option is ProtonMail.

无论您是要传输重要文档(例如机密备忘录,专利外观设计,甚至是个人信息),都应考虑采用各种方法来更好地保护您的隐私。 一个非常有趣的选项是ProtonMail 。

ProtonMail is a web-based, encrypted email service that was founded in 2013 at the CERN research facility. It's a free and open-source service, the code of which is available on GitHub.

ProtonMail是基于网络的加密电子邮件服务,于2013年在CERN研究机构成立。 这是一项免费的开源服务,其代码可在GitHub上获得 。

ProtonMail uses client-side encryption to establish a zero-knowledge system, in order to enforce strict data privacy and protection for its users.


ProtonMail的安全机制 (Security Mechanisms of ProtonMail)

安全电子邮件服务器 (Secure Email Servers)

The ProtonMail email servers are located in Switzerland, and your data is protected by the Swiss Federal Data Protection Act, as well as the Swiss Federal Data Protection Ordinance. These laws are some of the strongest privacy protection laws in the world.

ProtonMail电子邮件服务器位于瑞士,您的数据受《瑞士联邦数据保护法》以及《瑞士联邦数据保护条例》的保护。 这些法律是世界上最强大的隐私保护法律。

ProtonMail states:

ProtonMail 指出 :

As ProtonMail is outside of US and EU jurisdiction, only a court order from the Cantonal Court of Geneva or the Swiss Federal Supreme Court can compel us to release the extremely limited user information we have.


In addition to this, ProtonMail ensures that your data stays on its servers, so that it is never exposed on the cloud. ProtonMail claims that its primary datacenter (which itself is guarded by multiple passwords on a system level) is located under 1000 meters of granite rock, in a heavily guarded bunker that can survive a nuclear attack. Apart from the fact that your data may survive a nuclear holocaust, this also ensures an extra layer of hardware security.

除此之外,ProtonMail还可以确保您的数据保留在其服务器上,从而永远不会暴露在云中。 ProtonMail 声称其主要数据中心(本身由系统级别的多个密码保护)位于1000米高的花岗岩岩石中,该岩石处于一个受到严格保护的掩体中,可以幸免于核攻击。 除了您的数据可能遭受核大屠杀之外,这还确保了额外的硬件安全层。

端到端加密 (End-to-end Encryption)

ProtonMail uses SSL for communication between its servers and your computer. Although message data is already encrypted before being sent, SSL adds an extra layer of security, preventing man in the middle attacks. ProtonMail requires two passwords — one for signing in and one for decrypting your mailbox. The latter cannot be recovered if you forget it.

ProtonMail使用SSL进行服务器与计算机之间的通信。 尽管消息数据在发送之前已经被加密,但SSL却增加了一层额外的安全保护,防止了中间人的攻击。 ProtonMail需要两个密码-一个用于登录,另一个用于解密邮箱。 如果忘记了后者,则无法恢复。

匿名 (Anonymity)

ProtonMail doesn't require any information that can be used to personally identify an account holder while signing up. Also, it doesn't track or record information such as the user's IP address. Since your emails are encrypted, there's no way even for the staff to read your emails.

ProtonMail在注册时不需要任何可用于个人识别帐户持有人的信息。 此外,它不会跟踪或记录诸如用户IP地址之类的信息。 由于您的电子邮件是加密的,因此甚至员工也无法读取您的电子邮件。

与其他电子邮件提供商的安全通信 (Secure Communication With Other Email Providers)

Communication between ProtonMail users is encrypted by default, which is denoted by the presence of a blue-colored lock icon. In addition to this, ProtonMail also supports sending encrypted emails to other email providers such as Gmail, Yahoo and AOL via symmetric encryption. This is sent in the form of a hyperlink, which the recipient receives in an email. Here is a screenshot of the encrypted mail that I've sent from my ProtonMail account to Google Inbox:

默认情况下,ProtonMail用户之间的通信是加密的,这由蓝色锁定图标表示。 除此之外,ProtonMail还支持通过对称加密将加密的电子邮件发送到其他电子邮件提供商,例如Gmail,Yahoo和AOL。 该消息以超链接的形式发送,收件人通过电子邮件接收该超链接。 这是我从ProtonMail帐户发送到Google收件箱的加密邮件的屏幕截图:

The recipients are asked for a passphrase (to be shared via a secure channel) which is used to decrypt the encrypted message:


Upon correctly entering the passphrase, the message gets decrypted and is displayed as shown in the following screenshot:


自毁电子邮件 (Self-destructing Emails)

There's an additional feature that distinguishes this secure email service from its competitors. Encrypted emails can be set to automatically self-destruct in the recipient's mailbox after a certain amount of time. This feature only applies to the encrypted emails sent to the non-users of ProtonMail (regular emails sent to non-ProtonMail users cannot be marked for self-destruction).

还有一个附加功能可将这种安全电子邮件服务与竞争对手区分开来。 可以将加密的电子邮件设置为在一定时间后自动在收件人的邮箱中自毁。 此功能仅适用于发送给ProtonMail非用户的加密电子邮件(发送给非ProtonMail用户的常规电子邮件无法标记为自毁)。

产品演练 (Product Walkthrough)

使用ProtonMail设置帐户 (Setting up an Account with ProtonMail)

Currently, invitations have to be requested for setting up a new account at ProtonMail. The signup page says:

当前,必须请求邀请才能在ProtonMail上设置新帐户。 注册页面显示:

Due to high demand, we have hit our capacity limit. We are adding servers constantly and will send you an invitation as soon as possible.

由于需求量大,我们已经达到了产能极限。 我们会不断添加服务器,并将尽快向您发送邀请。

I got a reply to the invitation request within a week. It asked me to set up two passwords. One password was for logging in to the account. In case you forget this password, a password reset link can be sent to your alternative email. Then it asked me for a password for encrypting my mailbox. This password cannot be recovered if you lose it, so take care.

我在一周内收到了对邀请请求的回复。 它要求我设置两个密码。 一个密码用于登录该帐户。 如果您忘记了此密码,可以将密码重置链接发送到您的备用电子邮件。 然后它要求我提供用于加密我的邮箱的密码。 如果丢失该密码,将无法恢复,请当心。

Once you decrypt your mailbox and log in, you have a number for utilities available for jump starting your regular work. You can import your contact book to ProtonMail in either .vcf or .csv format. I was a Gmail user, so I was able to export my contact list via Google Contacts and import it to ProtonMail.

解密邮箱并登录后,您将获得一些实用程序编号,可用于快速启动常规工作。 您可以将.vcf或.csv格式的通讯录导入ProtonMail。 我是Gmail用户,因此可以通过Google通讯录导出我的联系人列表,并将其导入到ProtonMail中。

In the settings section, you can set your signature as well as your display name via the Account Settings tab. The Security tab allows you to keep records of the Authentication Logs for your mailbox, so this helps you to monitor who has accessed your account and from which IP address. The Appearance tab helps you to tweak various options, including a field to set up a custom CSS theme for a tailored look.

在设置部分中,您可以通过“帐户设置”标签设置签名和显示名称。 通过“安全性”选项卡,您可以保留邮箱身份验证日志的记录,因此这可以帮助您监视谁访问了您的帐户以及从哪个IP地址访问。 “外观”选项卡可帮助您调整各种选项,包括一个字段,用于为定制外观设置自定义CSS主题。

新发展 (New Developments)

On November 3rd, 2015, ProtonMail was hit by a very powerful DDOS attack that took the service offline for a few days.


ProtonMail recently started a GoFundMe crowdfunding campaign to raise $50,000 to help pay for systems to defend it against future attacks of large scale.


According to its Transparency Report (September, 2015), five out of five requests to access user data have been denied by ProtonMail. It was even featured in the highly popular television show, Mr. Robot (Season 1 Episode 8). ProtonMail is all set to launch its Android and iOS applications by the end of 2015, and invites for the beta versions of the mobile applications are available for $29 each.

根据其透明度报告 (2015年9月),ProtonMail拒绝了五分之五的访问用户数据的请求。 它甚至出现在广受欢迎的电视节目《机器人先生》中(第1季第8集)。 ProtonMail都准备在2015年底前推出其Android和iOS应用程序,并邀请移动应用程序的Beta版以29美元的价格提供。

结论 (Conclusion)

ProtonMail has been widely appreciated in the popular media for its efforts to establish a secure, private and open-source messaging platform. I believe that end-to-end encrypted messaging services with open-source infrastructure like ProtonMail will form the basis of future professional communication systems.

ProtonMail在建立安全,私有和开源消息传递平台方面所做的努力已在流行媒体中广受赞赏。 我相信,具有像ProtonMail这样的开源基础结构的端到端加密消息传递服务将构成未来专业通信系统的基础。

Having said that, I feel that it's difficult for individual users to leave a familiar email ecosystem for a more secure one, and for the corporate users to shift from Google for Work. Let's see which side wins: Security/Privacy or Feature-Completeness/Familiarity.

话虽如此,我觉得个人用户很难离开一个熟悉的电子邮件生态系统来获得更安全的环境,而企业用户则很难从Google for Work转移。 让我们看看哪一方胜出:安全性/隐私性或功能完善性/熟悉性。

Have you used ProtonMail so far? If yes, will you continue to use your old email account? If no, what are your concerns for not switching to ProtonMail?

到目前为止,您是否使用过ProtonMail? 如果是,您将继续使用旧的电子邮件帐户吗? 如果不是,您对不切换到ProtonMail有什么担心?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/sending-secure-encrypted-email-with-protonmail/

js 发送参数加密
