Photo: peelandstick 2007
照片:peelandstick 2007
I’ve designed many book covers for SitePoint – mostly without incident – but we did have one uncomfortable moment back in 2008.
Tasked with designing the cover for a new PHP book, I decided that a clutch of shiny, colored rockets – red, green and blue – might be a nice look. Fun, shiny and a little retro was the idea.
负责为一本新PHP书设计封面时,我认为一堆闪亮,彩色的火箭(红色,绿色和蓝色)可能看起来不错。 这个想法有趣,闪亮和复古。
I trawled the big, reputable stock photo sites and eventually purchased a 3D render of a red-chequered rocket (similar to the one above). After a little Photoshop persuasion, I had added green and blue rockets to the composition, and not long after, voila! – we had a book nice cover.
我搜寻了著名的大型摄影网站,并最终购买了3D渲染的红色支票火箭(类似于上述火箭)。 经过一番Photoshop的说服后,我在合成物中添加了绿色和蓝色的火箭,不久之后,瞧! –我们有一本书不错的封面。
End of story – or so we thought.
About 10 months later we received a letter from a legal firm representing the Tintin licensing rights empire claiming financial damages from infringement of their product.
This came as somewhat of a shock to us as:
a). Growing up with little awareness of TinTin, the rocket was just a ‘generic rocket’ to us. In fact, only two of the original 24 Tintin books featured the rocket, so you could have quite easily read some Tintin without ever coming across the rocket.
一个)。 在对TinTin知之甚少的情况下长大的火箭对我们来说只是一个“通用火箭”。 实际上,《丁丁历险记》最初的24本中只有两本以火箭为特色,因此您可以很容易地阅读一些《丁丁历险记》而无需碰上火箭。
b). We’d purchased the image from one of the largest stock sites on the planet (no names, but you know them).
b)。 我们是从地球上最大的仓储站点之一(没有名称,但您知道的)购买的图像。
Checking back across the stock sites, the rocket image and any image like it had since disappeared – presumably after similar letters.
At the time we sought legal advice and eventually came to an agreement, removing the image from subsequent books.
After a little research it turned out that Moulinsart SA, the Belgium-based company that controls the Tintin licensing rights, are famous for their fierce pursuit of anyone they believe to be infringing the Tintin IP.
经过一些研究,结果发现,控制丁丁(Tintin)许可权的比利时Moulinsart SA公司以追捧他们认为侵犯丁丁IP的所有人而闻名。
Over the years this has included many Tintin fan clubs, websites and zines, and this has made the company particularly unpopular with many of Tintin’s biggest fans.
But as they say, discretion is the better part of valour, and Moulinsart are a multi-million dollar enterprise accustomed to getting their own way.
I thought it might be interesting to try to get a sense of the world that the red rocket design was born into. According to his biographer, Tintin’s author, Georges Prosper Remi (Hergé) was originally inspired by the German V2 rocket program in the recent war.
我认为尝试了解红色火箭设计的诞生世界可能很有趣。 据丁丁的传记作者说, 乔治·Prosper Remi(埃尔热)最初是在最近的战争中受到德国V2火箭计划的启发。
In fact, ‘Destination Moon‘ begins with Professor Calculus testing a more missile-like Rocket prototype.
实际上,“ 目的地月亮 ”始于微积分教授测试一种更像导弹的火箭原型。
The V2 ‘flying bombs’ were bleeding-edge technology in the 1940’s so prototypes were painted with a black and white checkered pattern to make high-speed film analysis easier. Hergé continued the checkers motif in his renderings.
V2“飞行炸弹”在1940年代是尖端技术,因此原型机上涂有黑白方格图案,使高速胶片分析变得更加容易。 Hergé在他的效果图中延续了跳棋的图案。
Destination Moon – 1950
目的地月亮– 1950年
The late 1940’s was a time when space exploration really caught fire in the popular imagination – particularly in movies and comics. In 1948 George Pal began work on an early sci-fi movie classic called… that’s right, ‘Destination Moon‘.
1940年代后期,太空探索确实在大众的想象中引起了轰动,特别是在电影和漫画中。 1948年,乔治·帕尔(George Pal)开始着手制作一部科幻电影经典作品,名为《 目的地月亮 》( Destination Moon )。
The film won an Oscar for special effects and the screenplay was written by sci-fi great Robert A. Heinlein (Starship Troopers), who adapted parts of his earlier Rocket Ship Galileo for the movie. You can watch it on Dailymotion if you like.
这部电影获得了特殊效果奥斯卡奖,而电影剧本是由科幻小说家罗伯特·海因莱因 (Starship Troopers)撰写的,他改编了他早期的《 火箭飞船伽利略 》的部分内容。 如果愿意,可以在Dailymotion上观看 。
Although it may look a little naive today, there was no expense spared in the creation of the sets, costumes and special effects for Destination Moon. At that time it was easily the most scientifically accurate depiction of space travel ever portrayed on film. The movie was a very big deal at the time. It even has a Woody Woodpecker sequence to explain the science of space travel.
尽管今天看起来有些天真,但在为Destination Moon制作布景,服装和特殊效果方面没有花多少钱。 当时,这很容易成为电影上描绘的最科学的太空旅行描述。 这部电影当时很重要。 它甚至有伍迪·啄木鸟(Woody Woodpecker)序列来解释太空旅行的科学。
In fact, Youtube has a fascinating KTLA TV broadcast live from the set of Destination Moon, where two presenters interview the cast and crew while touring the sound stage. At one point George Pal has to correct one of the presenters after he off-handedly refers to a moon mission as ‘fantasy’.
实际上,Youtube 在Destination Moon的场景中进行了有趣的KTLA电视直播 ,两名主持人在巡演舞台时采访了演员和工作人员。 乔治·帕尔(George Pal)曾一度将登月任务称为“幻想”,但必须纠正一位主持人。
Later Bob Heinlein matter-of-factly tells the still incredulous presenter that nothing other than investment is preventing work towards a moon landing. This footage really does give you a sense of where the public perception of space travel was in 1949.
后来鲍勃·海因莱因(Bob Heinlein)事后告诉了这位仍然难以置信的演讲者,除了投资之外,没有什么阻止了登月工作。 这段录像确实使您了解1949年公众对太空旅行的看法。
Although the first instalments of Tintin’s space adventures (March 1950) printed three months before the film’s official release (June 1950), the feature film had a longer lead time and Hergé’s biographer Phillipe Goddin says Hergé was very interested in the film and had access to pre-release stills.
Everyone has influences and inspirations. There’s nothing wrong with that.
每个人都有影响力和灵感。 没有错。
This week a court ruled that Hergé had, in fact, signed the rights to Tintin over to his original publishing company way back in 1942.
本周法院判决Hergé实际上在1942年就将丁丁的权利签署给了他的原始出版公司 。
The court’s decision means Moulinsart never owned any of the rights they have been so vigorously asserting.
法院的判决意味着Moulinsart 从未拥有他们如此强烈主张的任何权利。
According to the Hague court ruling:
“It appears, from a 1942 document … that Hergé gave publishing rights for the books of The Adventures of Tintin to publisher Casterman, so Moulinsart is not the one to decide who can use material from the books.”
“ 从1942年的一份文件中……看来,埃尔热将《丁丁历险记》的出版权授予出版商Casterman,因此穆兰萨特不是决定谁可以使用书中材料的人。 ”
Intellectual property rights is an area that impacts us all in some way. We all consume IP – music, film, print, software and fashion – and most of us produce it in some way too, so it will never stop being relevant. The onus is on all of us to search for the line between fairness and farce.
知识产权是一个以某种方式影响我们所有人的领域。 我们所有人都消费IP,包括音乐,电影,印刷品,软件和时尚,而且我们大多数人也以某种方式生产IP,因此它永远不会停止相关。 寻找公平与闹剧之间的界线是我们所有人的责任。
Of course, whether I performed a small, vigorous fist pump and hissed ‘Yesssss!…’ when I read about the Moulinsart decision will always remain open to speculation.
当然,当我读到有关Moulinsart的决定时,无论我是否打了个小而有力的拳头泵并嘶嘶地回答“ Yessss!...”,总是会让人spec测。
But I’m certain someone, somewhere did.
翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/retro-rockets-ip-lawyers/