本周关注我们:Firefox,MV * Frameworks和Go

tech2023-06-09  128

Welcome to On Our Radar, a weekly round-up of news, trends and other cool stuff from the world of web development.

欢迎来到On Our Ra​​dar,每周综述来自Web开发领域的新闻,趋势和其他有趣的内容。

This week saw Firefox mark its tenth birthday. To celebrate Mozilla launched two new projects: the Polaris Privacy Initiative and the Firefox Developer Edition – a new version of Firefox that puts the browser’s developer tools front and center. Initial reviews of the browser “built for developers” were positive, although anyone expecting it to ship packed with brand-spanking new features might have been disappointed. And for those of you prone to nostalgia, you might like to remind yourself of ten of the most important milestones Firefox has reached since its debut in 2004.

本周,Firefox迎来了它的十岁生日。 为了庆祝Mozilla推出了两个新项目: Polaris Privacy Initiative和Firefox Developer Edition – Firefox的新版本,它将浏览器的开发人员工具放在首位。 对 “专为开发人员打造” 的浏览器的初步评价是积极的,尽管任何人希望它附带具有崭新品牌的新功能都可能会令他们失望 。 对于那些容易怀旧的人,您可能想使自己想起Firefox自2004年首次亮相以来已达到的十个最重要的里程碑 。

In other news, Satya Nadella’s rapid reinvention of Microsoft continued as it was announced that they would be open-sourcing the entire .NET server core stack. Amazon meanwhile revealed a voice-driven home assistant for under $200 and the moon landing was proven real by Nvidia’s graphics experts who released the graphics re-creation software which lead them to this conclusion.

在其他消息中,Satya Nadella对Microsoft的快速改造仍在继续,因为宣布他们将开放整个.NET服务器核心堆栈的外包 。 亚马逊同时透露了一款语音驱动的家庭助理,价格低于200美元 , 而登陆月球已经被Nvidia的图形专家证明是真实的,后者发布了图形重新创建软件,从而使他们得出了这一结论。

星际 (Interstellar)

First up today is an introduction to parallax scrolling using the stellar.js library. For the uninitiated: parallax scrolling is when the background of a page moves at a different rate to the foreground when you scroll. Done properly, it can be used to achieve some really crazy effects.

今天首先介绍使用stellar.js库进行视差滚动的介绍 。 对于未开始的用户:视差滚动是指滚动时页面背景与前景的移动速率不同。 做得好,它可以用来实现一些非常疯狂的效果 。

Next we have an article on breaking the web with JavaScript, which concerns Firefox’s attempt to implement an ECMAScript 7 proposal for Array.prototype.contains.

接下来,我们有一篇关于使用JavaScript打破网络的文章,其中涉及Firefox尝试为Array.prototype.contains实现ECMAScript 7提议。

Want to share common functionality between different JavaScript object types without without subordinating one type to another? Sounds like a perfect case for your friendly neighborhood mixin pattern.

是否想在不同JavaScript对象类型之间共享通用功能而又不将一种类型从属于另一种类型? 对于您的友好邻里混合模式而言,这听起来像是一个完美的案例。

Is your JavaScript not working? Perhaps you should consider using these five lesser-known functions of the Console object to help you debug.

您JavaScript无法正常工作吗? 也许您应该考虑使用Console对象的这五个鲜为人知的功能来帮助您调试。

Hard as it is to believe, it is almost eight years since jQuery was released. This article looks at what’s coming in jQuery 3.0 and what that means for the likes of you and me.

令人难以置信的是,距jQuery发行已经快八年了。 本文着眼于jQuery 3.0中的新功能 ,以及这对您我这样的人的意义。

Here’s a quick tip on feature detection done properly.


And this is how cats work in 13 lines of JavaScript.

这就是猫在13行JavaScript中的工作方式 。

每周流行语:rem (Buzzword of the Week: rem)

Nothing to do with Michael Stipe, rem is a unit of measurement introduced in CSS3. Rem stands for “root em” and, unlike the em unit (which is relative to the font-size of its parent), the rem is relative to the font-size of the root element (which is almost always the <html> element).

与Michael Stipe无关,rem是CSS3中引入的一种度量单位。 Rem代表“ root em”,与em单位(相对于其父字体的字体大小)不同,rem相对于root元素(几乎总是<html>元素)的字体大小)。

Curious to find out more? Then be sure to read 7 CSS Units You Might Not Know About.

想知道更多吗? 然后,请务必阅读您可能不知道的7个CSS单元 。

calc() is a CSS function can be used anywhere a <length>, <frequency>, <angle>, <time>, <number>, or <integer> is required. Here’s a great guide to layout math with CSS and how you can employ calc() to solve some tricky problems.

calc()是CSS函数,可在需要<length>,<frequency>,<angle>,<time>,<number>或<integer>的任何地方使用。 这是使用CSS进行数学布局的绝佳指南,以及如何使用calc()解决一些棘手的问题。

Want to write write DRY, less repetitive CSS? Maybe helper classes are something you should be looking at.

是否想写DRY,少重复CSS? 也许您应该关注辅助类 。

CSS counters keep a running tally of things in CSS (no JavaScript needed). As an added bonus, they enjoy almost universal browser support. Nifty! Very Nifty!

CSS计数器保持CSS中所有事物的连续运行(不需要JavaScript)。 此外,他们还享受几乎通用的浏览器支持。 好漂亮! 非常漂亮!

Describing herself as “a CSS Grid Layout module superfan” SitePoint author Rachel Andrew recently spoke at CSSconf EU on this very subject. This talk is well worth a watch.

自称是“ CSS网格布局模块超级粉丝”的SitePoint作者Rachel Andrew最近在CSSconf EU上谈到了这一主题 。 这个谈话值得一看。

MV *框架: (MV* Frameworks:)

This week, the JavaScript Jabber panelists discussed MV* frameworks with Craig McKeachie. The discussion centered on which of the many frameworks developers should invest their time in, as well as the future of these.

本周,JavaScript Jabber小组成员与Craig McKeachie讨论了MV *框架 。 讨论的重点是开发人员应该在许多框架中的哪些上投入时间以及这些框架的未来。

This topic is all the more interesting in light of the recent furor surrounding the announcement of Angular 2.0 and subsequent attempts to placate irate developers.

鉴于最近围绕Angular 2.0的发布引起了轩然大波,并且随后试图安抚愤怒的开发人员,因此这个话题变得更加有趣。

The road to Ember 2.0 didn’t create as much uproar, but makes for interesting leading nonetheless, as does this article on the evolution of Ember.

通往Ember 2.0的道路并没有引起太大的轩然大波,但是仍然引起了有趣的领导,正如有关Ember的演变的这篇文章一样。

Here is a look at the top mistakes developers make Using Ember and Rails, why Ember is for Designers and how to learn AngularJS by building a GMail clone.

这是开发人员在使用Ember和Rails时犯下的主要错误 ,为什么Ember适用于设计人员以及如何通过构建GMail克隆来学习AngularJS 。

Bonus link: Craig McKeachie (see above) also wrote about MV* frameworks for SitePoint recently in a post entitled the Anatomy of a JavaScript MV* Framework.

奖励链接:Craig McKeachie(见上文)最近还在题为JavaScript MV * Framework的解剖的文章中写了关于SitePoint的MV *框架 。


In keeping with all these anniversaries (ten years FireFox, eight years jQuery) this week also marked the fifth anniversary of the launch of the Go Project (the statically-typed programming language developed at Google). Their official blog post titled “Half a decade with Go” looks back at how the language has evolved over the past five years.

与所有这些周年纪念(FireFox十年,jQuery八年)保持一致,这也标志着Go Project(Google开发的静态类型编程语言)发布五周年。 他们的官方博客文章“ Go的十年 ”回顾了该语言在过去五年中的发展情况。

To celebrate 5 years of Go, over the coming month the Gopher Academy is publishing a series of articles by prominent Go users. Go check them out! (groan)

为庆祝Go成立5周年,在接下来的一个月中, Gopher学院将发布著名Go用户的一系列文章。 去看看他们! (呻吟)

Trying Out Go for the First Time is an interesting read about a front end developer and his first impressions of the Go programming language.


If you’re up on your programming languages, then you’ve likely heard of Rust, too. Rust and Go (why does that make me think of shampoo?) is a blog post by Adam Jacob (CTO at Chef) which compares both languages.

如果您精通编程语言,那么您可能也听说过Rust。 Rust and Go (为什么让我想到洗发水?)是Adam Jacob(Chef的首席技术官)的博客文章,比较了两种语言。

Want to dabble in Go? Here are some introductory resources for Go to get you started.

想要涉足Go吗? 以下是Go入门的一些入门资源 。

Or, if you prefer something more substantial, the Little Go Book is a free introduction to the language available in various formats.

或者,如果您更喜欢实质性内容,则可以免费阅读《 Little Go Book》,以各种格式获得该语言的介绍。

Finally, here is the long awaited talk by Brad Fitzpatrick (one of the Go team) on the current state and future of Go.

最后,这是Brad Fitzpatrick (围棋团队之一)关于围棋的现状和未来的期待已久的演讲 。

P.S. If you have any Go problems, remember that SitePoint forums has a Golang category.

PS:如果您遇到任何Go问题,请记住SitePoint论坛具有Golang类别 。

So that’s everything for this week. Thanks for joining us.
这就是本周的一切。 感谢您加入我们。

I’ll leave you with the shocking news that Twitter is about to make some major changes to its service, as well as a report of a German cloud company which is offering free heat if you have room for some of its servers.

我将给您留下令人震惊的消息,那就是Twitter即将对其服务进行一些重大更改 ,还有一家德国云计算公司的报告, 如果您有一些服务器的空间,该公司将免费提供热量 。

So which links caught your attention? Do you want to weigh in on the Ember vs Angular debate? Have you tried out Firefox’s developer edition? How did you find it? Either way, we would love to hear your thoughts.

那么哪些链接引起了您的注意? 您想参与Ember vs Angular辩论吗? 您是否尝试过Firefox的开发人员版? 你是怎样找到它的? 无论哪种方式,我们都希望听到您的想法。

Also, if you have any problems implementing anything covered here, or just want to discuss it some more, SitePoint’s forums are a great place to visit (you can sign in with your Google, FaceBook, Twitter, GitHub or Yahoo account).

此外,如果您在执行此处介绍的内容时遇到任何问题,或者只是想进一步讨论, SitePoint的论坛都是一个不错的访问场所(您可以使用Google,FaceBook,Twitter,GitHub或Yahoo帐户登录)。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/radar-week-firefox-mv-frameworks-go/
