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In a previous article about tag management, I wrote about its advantages and gave advice on the best ways to put it to use. It seems like an obvious choice to use tag management to deploy and manage the various code snippets used by services like Google Analytics, Optimizely, Criteo and many others. Your IT department will more than appreciate the time they save on implementing code, and your marketing team will love the fact they can launch new revenue-generating campaigns without the hassle of going through tons of approval stages. It’s a win-win for both sides.

在上一篇有关标签管理的文章中,我写了它的优点,并就使用它的最佳方法提供了建议。 使用标记管理来部署和管理Google Analytics(分析),Optimizely,Criteo等服务使用的各种代码段似乎是一个显而易见的选择。 您的IT部门将不仅仅节省节省了实施代码的时间,而且您的营销团队会喜欢他们可以发起新的创收广告系列而无需经历大量审批阶段的麻烦。 双方都是双赢。

In that article I also introduced Tealium, an enterprise level specialist in tag management. As you can see in the comments from that article, the first question that popped up was, why should people pay for a service they could get for free from another vendor.

在那篇文章中,我还介绍了标签管理的企业级专家Tealium 。 正如您在该文章的评论中看到的那样,出现的第一个问题是,人们为什么要为可以从其他供应商那里免费获得的服务付费。

This is a question you could ask for almost any enterprise tool, since there’s almost always at least one free alternative in the same product category. I don’t mind paying for a product (even with a free alternative around), as long as the cost is justified.

您几乎可以使用任何企业工具都可以问这个问题,因为在同一产品类别中几乎总是有至少一个免费的替代产品。 我不介意为产品付费(即使有免费的替代品),只要成本合理即可。

What I want to see in an enterprise tag management product is vendor neutrality, robust privacy features, a strong service level agreement, an advanced feature set, and professional support. This article will cover eight essential reasons you should choose a paid or enterprise tag management product over a free alternative. Let’s take a look!

我希望在企业标签管理产品中看到的是供应商中立性,强大的隐私功能,强大的服务水平协议,高级功能集和专业支持。 本文将介绍八个基本原因,您应该选择付费或企业标签管理产品而不是免费的替代产品。 让我们来看看!

1.强大的标签部署支持 (1. Robust Tag Deployment Support)

For an enterprise tag management tool, widespread vendor tag support is of the utmost importance because it ensures that users can deploy their mission-critical solutions as easy as possible. This is one of the main reasons to opt for an enterprise tag management solution. In most cases, no matter how specialized the tool you wish to integrate, an enterprise product already has a current integration for it, or is flexible enough to allow for a custom-built integration.

对于企业标签管理工具而言,广泛的供应商标签支持至关重要,因为它确保用户可以尽可能轻松地部署其关键任务解决方案。 这是选择企业标签管理解决方案的主要原因之一。 在大多数情况下,无论您希望集成的工具多么专业,企业产品已经具有当前集成,或者足够灵活以允许定制集成。

Great vendor support in tag management means a true vendor tag “marketplace”, with hundreds of tags from every popular application available for turnkey deployment via tag templates. Enterprise solutions are the only ones that can offer such a larger array of major solutions. This is in stark contrast to free tag management solutions, which often cover just a narrow band of these tags, with some only offering support for their own products.

标记管理中强大的供应商支持意味着真正的供应商标记“市场”,每个流行应用程序中的数百个标记可用于通过标记模板进行统包部署。 企业解决方案是唯一可以提供更多主要解决方案的解决方案。 这与免费标签管理解决方案形成了鲜明的对比,后者通常仅覆盖这些标签的一小部分,而有些仅提供对自己产品的支持。

2.供应商中立 (2. Vendor Neutrality)

Vendor support is one thing, vendor neutrality is even more important. Not being limited to specific technologies or products gives an enterprise tool an enormous advantage.

供应商支持是一回事,供应商中立甚至更为重要。 不限于特定的技术或产品会给企业工具带来巨大的优势。

Free tools are often focused on compatibility with the free vendor’s other products. If those products are all you’re using, a free tool might not be such a bad choice, providing you’re certain you won’t want to use tools from other best-of-breed providers in the future. But what if you do want to remain vendor-agnostic, and use tools from a number of different providers? Your best bet is to opt for an enterprise solution.

免费工具通常侧重于与免费供应商的其他产品的兼容性。 如果您正在使用这些产品,那么免费工具可能不是一个坏选择,前提是您确定将来不希望使用其他同类最佳提供商的工具。 但是,如果您确实希望与供应商无关,并使用许多不同提供商的工具怎么办? 最好的选择是选择企业解决方案。

With an enterprise tool, you can be assured that superior integration efforts are given to all supported tools or technologies, not just the ones offered by the free vendor. This means far more flexibility for users and increased marketing agility.

使用企业工具,可以确保对所有受支持的工具或技术进行了出色的集成,而不仅仅是免费供应商提供的工具或技术。 这意味着为用户提供了更大的灵活性,并提高了营销敏捷性。

This is particularly true in the tag management space, which is all about flexibility. Sure, most free tools will let you add your own custom code, but if you’re a marketer you’ll need to get developers heavily involved to deploy and test the code, costing valuable time.

在标签管理领域尤其如此,这与灵活性有关。 当然,大多数免费工具都可以让您添加自己的自定义代码,但是如果您是营销人员,则需要让开发人员大量参与部署和测试代码,这会浪费宝贵的时间。

Vendor neutrality should be a huge priority when choosing a tag management solution. Not having it severely reduces the ability to use the applications you want to use, and the ability to deploy them as quickly as possible.

选择标签管理解决方案时,供应商中立性应该是首要任务。 缺少它会严重降低使用您要使用的应用程序的能力以及尽快部署它们的能力。

3.专门的客户支持 (3. Dedicated Customer Support)

Support can make or break a product. Without proper customer support, a product is almost useless. With an advanced tool like tag management, it’s very convenient to be able to call on a support desk — or in some cases a dedicated account manager — to help you out with a particular issue. You’re not entirely lost without customer support, but in most cases this means wading through search results and forum threads to find a solution for your problem.

支持可以制造或破坏产品。 没有适当的客户支持,产品几乎是无用的。 使用标签管理等高级工具,可以很方便地致电支持中心(有时甚至是专门的客户经理)来帮助您解决特定问题。 没有客户支持,您不会完全迷失方向,但是在大多数情况下,这意味着您会花时间在搜索结果和论坛主题中,以找到问题的解决方案。

Enterprise tools take support far more seriously, offering options like account managers, one-on-one technical and product support, user conferences or ‘universities’, in-person training and online learning communities.


Now compare that to free products: how many hours have you spent trying to track down answers to your questions, relying on agency partners, or struggling on your own during an outage or critical marketing campaign launch?


4.服务水平协议 (4. A Service Level Agreement)

A Service Level Agreement (SLA) often covers a number of things, of which uptime is the most prominent. Enterprise vendors know the value of a good SLA, making sure maximum uptime is achieved. A tight SLA shows a provider has enough confidence in its product that they can reach a nearly perfect service uptime. Free providers often don’t have any SLA in place, which means you have no recourse in case of downtime. It also doesn’t give them an incentive to aim for perfection, since it doesn’t affect their bottom line.

服务水平协议(SLA)通常涉及很多方面,其中正常运行时间是最主要的。 企业供应商知道良好的SLA的价值,从而确保实现最大的正常运行时间。 严格的SLA表明提供商对其产品有足够的信心,他们可以达到近乎完美的服务正常运行时间。 免费提供商通常没有任何SLA,这意味着在停机时您无权追索。 它还不会激励他们追求完美 ,因为它不会影响他们的底线。

Another major difference between an enterprise provider and a free provider is the risk that the free provider may suddenly discontinue its product. Offering a free product doesn’t always mean the provider is losing money – in most cases the free offering is subsidized by other products, advertising or with a paid version. However, when the cost of providing a free product interferes with monetization, the free product is often terminated. Even the largest companies do this if they don’t find the product viable, or simply decide to focus on their other products.

企业提供商和免费提供商之间的另一个主要区别是,免费提供商可能突然停产其产品。 提供免费产品并不总是意味着提供商会亏本-在大多数情况下,免费产品由其他产品,广告或付费版本提供补贴。 但是,当提供免费产品的成本干扰获利时,免费产品通常会终止。 即使最大的公司,如果他们认为该产品不可行,或者只是决定专注于其他产品,也会这样做。

While it is always possible that an enterprise company can go out of business, the likelihood that an enterprise solution will be terminated is very low, since the product sales represent the livelihood of the company. For example, just think of how many free Google tools and services have entered the Google Graveyard in the last few years.

虽然企业公司总是有可能倒闭,但是终止企业解决方案的可能性很小,因为产品销售代表了公司的生计。 例如,想想过去几年来有多少免费的Google工具和服务进入了Google Graveyard 。

5.全面的隐私控制功能 (5. Comprehensive Privacy Control Features)

As privacy concerns rise everyday, so does the level of complexity required to keep track of various regulations, along with the practices it takes to comply with them. When running a popular site, your approach to privacy is almost as important as your content. Without robust privacy control features, and without clear policies in place for data collection, you’re risking high fines and even a shutdown. That’s not a risk that a serious business can afford to take.

随着隐私问题每天都在增加,跟踪各种法规以及遵循这些法规所需要的实践所需的复杂程度也在不断提高。 当运行一个受欢迎的网站时,您的隐私保护方法与您的内容几乎一样重要。 如果没有强大的隐私控制功能,也没有明确的数据收集政策,您将面临高额罚款甚至关闭的风险。 这不是一个严肃的企业可以承担的风险。

With a plethora of tags used on your site, it’s easy to lose track of which company is collecting which data about your visitors. Making even small mistakes in this area puts you at potential risk with various compliance laws around the globe (after all, you’re responsible, not the vendor). A perfect example is the “cookie law” in Europe. Imagine the difficulty involved in keeping up with this law in every European country you sell your products in. In addition, you’ll also want control of what part of your visitor data is sent to third parties.

在您的网站上使用过多的标签,很容易失去对哪个公司正在收集有关您的访问者的数据的跟踪。 在这方面犯一些小错误都会使您面临全球各种合规法律的潜在风险(毕竟,您是责任人,而不是供应商)。 欧洲的“曲奇法”就是一个很好的例子。 想象一下在您销售产品的每个欧洲国家/地区要遵守该法律所遇到的困难。此外,您还希望控制将访问者数据的哪一部分发送给第三方。

Some enterprise tag solutions offer a privacy preferences widget, to help with the opt-in/opt-out process. They can also offer data validation tools to monitor data leakage, and site scanning features to hunt for unmanaged tags on a site.

一些企业标签解决方案提供了一个隐私首选项小部件 ,以帮助选择加入/退出过程。 他们还可以提供数据验证工具来监视数据泄漏,并提供站点扫描功能来寻找站点上不受管理的标签。

Don’t expect much from free providers here though. They’re focused on reducing liability, keeping all risks on your end and leaving you on your own if anything goes wrong.

不过不要对免费提供程序寄予厚望。 他们专注于减少责任,将所有风险置于您的掌控之下,如果出现任何问题,则由您自己承担。

6.全面的移动支持 (6. Full Mobile Support)

Another thing you should expect from an enterprise tag management tool is support of mobile apps and technologies. With mobile usage always on the rise there’s an increasing number of specialized marketing tools that are being used in mobile apps. Of course each of these tools has its own set of code to be implemented, and it isn’t as easy as putting a few lines of code on a web page.

您应该从企业标签管理工具获得的另一件事是对移动应用程序和技术的支持。 随着移动应用的不断增长,移动应用中正在使用越来越多的专业营销工具。 当然,这些工具中的每一个都有其自己的要实现的代码集,而不是像在网页上放几行代码一样容易。

Each platform, from iOS, Android, Windows to Blackberry (still popular with large enterprises), requires its own set of development libraries. Enterprise tools can cater to this via specialized SDKs, and some offer support for multiple mobile cross-platform development tools, such as Unity, PhoneGap and Titanium. Free tools offer limited mobile support or sometimes no support at all.

从iOS,Android,Windows到Blackberry(在大型企业中仍然很受欢迎)的每个平台都需要一套自己的开发库。 企业工具可以通过专用的SDK来满足此要求,并且某些工具提供对多个移动跨平台开发工具 (例如Unity,PhoneGap和Titanium)的支持。 免费工具只能提供有限的移动支持,有时甚至根本不提供支持。

7.高级定制和灵活性 (7. Advanced Customization and Flexibility)

Free vendors don’t offer anywhere near the level of advanced customization that enterprise products provide.


Some enterprise tag management services provide different methods of customization for your data and tags – all without having to write any code. For example, Tealium’s e-commerce extension allows you to automatically send consistent order completion data to all of your key digital marketing vendors. In addition, Tealium offers extensions for split segmentation, cryptographic hashing, content modification, jQuery handling, data validation and more. These customizations will save countless hours of custom programming and debugging.

一些企业标签管理服务为您的数据和标签提供了不同的自定义方法,所有这些都无需编写任何代码。 例如,Tealium的电子商务扩展允许您自动将一致的订单完成数据发送给所有关键的数字营销供应商。 此外,Tealium还提供了扩展功能,可用于拆分分段,加密哈希,内容修改,jQuery处理,数据验证等。 这些自定义项将节省大量的自定义编程和调试时间。

There are also important tags that require synchronous loading so as not to create a “flicker” on sites using A/B testing or personalization tools. Some free tag managers, such as Google, do not support synchronous tag loading so users are not able to leverage these important solutions.

还有一些重要的标签需要同步加载,以免使用A / B测试或个性化工具在站点上造成“闪烁”。 一些免费的标签管理器(例如Google)不支持同步标签加载,因此用户无法利用这些重要的解决方案。

Enterprise tag managers also support more sophisticated tag firing rules, which help to optimize your data collection and site performance by only launching the tags when they are needed, and not haphazardly on all pages of the site.


8.数据激活 (8. Data Activation)

Enterprise tag management solutions can offer complementary services like real-time segmentation and digital data distribution platforms, allowing marketers to take action based on the insights of their data collection or segmentation and increase results using their existing applications.


With tag management as a starting point, these services allow marketers to define and segment their key audiences, enrich all visitor attributes with information from multiple touch points, and then move this data in real time to their other marketing systems, such as email, retargeting and CRM vendors. The data that comes from your tag management service can go on to influence your whole marketing strategy.

这些服务以标签管理为起点,使营销人员可以定义和细分主要受众,利用来自多个接触点的信息丰富所有访问者属性,然后将这些数据实时移至他们的其他营销系统,例如电子邮件,重新定位和CRM供应商。 来自标签管理服务的数据可能会继续影响您的整个营销策略。

Data activation services like these take tag management further, providing the ability to drive action to increase results. This is in contrast to free tag management solutions, which help with managing a limited range of solutions, but don’t offer a way to put them to work in concert to deliver such services.

像这样的数据激活服务使标签管理更进一步,从而提供了驱动操作以提高结果的能力。 这与免费标签管理解决方案形成对照,后者可以帮助管理有限范围的解决方案,但没有提供一种使它们协同工作以提供此类服务的方法。

结论 (Conclusion)

As long as there are free and enterprise products available within a specific segment of a market, people will ask whether the advantages enterprise products bring make them worth the cost. Given the considerations listed above, it’s safe to say that for serious, growing businesses, enterprise tag management solutions are more than justified. Ultimately, it all depends on the functionality you need, the number of solutions you are using, the risks you’re willing to take, and the level of support you desire. An enterprise solution will help you achieve your digital marketing goals that much faster.

只要在特定市场细分中有免费的企业产品可用,人们就会问企业产品带来的优势是否使它们物有所值。 考虑到以上列出的注意事项,可以肯定地说,对于严肃的,正在成长的企业,企业标签管理解决方案是合理的。 最终,这一切都取决于您所需的功能,所使用的解决方案的数量,您愿意承担的风险以及所需的支持水平。 企业解决方案将帮助您更快地实现数字营销目标。

If you’d like to read about someone else’s experience in moving from free tool to an enterprise solution, please read this article, “Google Tag Manager Graduation Day“.

如果您想了解其他人从免费工具过渡到企业解决方案的经验,请阅读本文“ Google跟踪代码管理器毕业日 ”。

If you’re curious to see the difference an enterprise tag management vendor can offer first-hand, Tealium offers a free 30-day trial. You can also request a personalized demo.

如果您想知道企业标签管理供应商可以提供第一手的区别,Tealium提供30天的免费试用期 。 您还可以要求进行个性化演示 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/pay-tag-management/

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