
tech2023-06-10  107

Maps have become an integral part of our daily lives. They provide directions, help us plan trips, find establishments, visualize data trends and share experiences. Using a map on your website is a great way to help visitors find your business, and provide relevant information based on a user’s location. You can also create applications that present your content in a manner that keeps visitors engaged and coming back to your site.

地图已经成为我们日常生活不可或缺的一部分。 它们提供了指导,帮助我们计划行程,查找机构,可视化数据趋势和分享经验。 在您的网站上使用地图是一种很好的方式,可以帮助访问者找到您的公司,并根据用户的位置提供相关信息。 您还可以创建应用程序来展示您的内容,以保持访问者的参与度并回到您的站点。

In this lesson, Robert will walk you through how to setup and configure your first map using the Google Maps API. The lesson includes sample code, so you’ll be able to take what you’ve learned and start creating a map to include in your website. This is a sample lesson from the Learnable course Introduction to Google Maps API available now. As part of the course, we will be creating an interactive visualization to help you apply what you’ve learned.

在本课程中,Robert将引导您逐步了解如何使用Google Maps API设置和配置您的第一张地图。 本课程包括示例代码,因此您将能够掌握所学内容,并开始创建要包含在网站中的地图。 这是现已提供的可学习课程Google Maps API简介中的示例课程。 作为课程的一部分,我们将创建一个交互式可视化文件,以帮助您应用所学知识。

See what we will be creating at learnaboutmaps.com and let’s get started with Introduction to Google Maps API! Get started and code away.

在learningaboutmaps.com上了解我们将要创建的内容 ,让我们开始使用Google Maps API简介 ! 开始并编写代码 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/first-google-map-api/
