
tech2023-06-10  118

设计 (Design)

Designers have been coming out of the woodwork since the new year and we’re inundated with many great articles, and Medium seems to be quite favoured recently which makes the writing experience quite effortless.


A lot of care and attention has been put into every detail, nicely expressed in the article Fixing Icons for Medium, which takes you through refinements to their SVG icon sets and Illustrating for Medium where some of the background illustration work is delved into. Meatier content is had too with Our Content Feed is Broken, which explores some potentially better ways for news feeds to occur.

每个细节都得到了很多关注和关注,在文章Fixing Icons for Medium中很好地表达了这一点,其中带您逐步完善了他们的SVG图标集和Illustrated for Medium ,在其中研究了一些背景插图作品。 我们的内容提要被打破 ,也使内容更加丰富,它探索了一些可能更好的新闻提要发生方式。

It can be challenging to foster a collaborative design process, but it’s made easier with the right people and inspiration from places such as 365 awesome designers that showcases something new and interesting every day.


3D窗帘和上帝登录 (3D curtains and the God Login)

Designers have been showcasing some interesting designs and techniques recently too, such as the 3D curtain template and useful text input effects. I’ve been intrigued too by the God Login, which takes us through ideas for what the perfect one might be, and if you’re after CSS-only icons then icono has got your back.

设计师最近也一直在展示一些有趣的设计和技术,例如3D窗帘模板和有用的文本输入效果 。 God Login也使我很感兴趣,它使我们了解了最完美的想法,如果您追求仅CSS图标,那么icono会帮助您。

Taking styles further, you can (ab)use CSS3’s :nth-child selector to invent new ones. Meanwhile we’re giving further details on Sass basics: the mixin directive and have a good screencast on how to speed up your web development process with Less.

进一步扩展样式,您可以(ab)使用CSS3的:nth-​​child选择器发明新样式。 同时,我们将提供有关Sass基础知识的更多详细信息:mixin指令,并提供有关如何使用Less加快Web开发过程的很好的截屏视频。

肮脏的把戏 (Dirty tricks)

This week we give a good introduction to the Beacon API, which makes it easier to send data back to the server when the page is unloading, which has us asking, do you need an API for your own project? The answer is no doubt a foregone conclusion but even with that in place, games development can have its tricky issues. We’re not proud of them but when faced with tricky game bugs, dirty coding tricks are sometimes employed, which can make the difference between successfully shipping or not at all.

本周,我们对Beacon API进行了很好的介绍 ,它使页面卸载时更容易将数据发送回服务器,这让我们问, 您是否需要自己项目的API ? 答案无疑是定局,但即使有了适当的结论,游戏开发仍可能会遇到棘手的问题。 我们不为它们感到骄傲,但是当遇到棘手的游戏错误时,有时会使用肮脏的编码技巧 ,这可能会在成功交付与根本不交付之间有所区别。

机器人变得越来越聪明 (Robots are getting smarter)

Someday we may have to bow down to our robot overlords, and the work that we’re doing here is likely to help in that regard. This robot is the best Limit Texas Hold’Em player in the world, and we’re attempting to have bots interpret art starting with the novice art blogger. We may have to do something if they start getting too smart and NASA has the right idea on how to deal with them – NASA robot plunges into volcano to explore fissure.

有一天,我们可能不得不屈服于我们的机器人霸主,而我们在这里所做的工作可能会在这方面有所帮助。 这个机器人是世界上最好的Limit Texas Hold'Em玩家 ,我们正在尝试让机器人从新手艺术博客开始解释艺术。 如果他们变得太聪明了,我们可能需要做些什么,而NASA在如何处理它们方面有正确的想法– NASA机器人跳入火山中探索裂缝 。

Which links caught your attention? What do you think of the 3D curtains? Have you needed to apply your own dirty tricks to get things done, and is the robot in the corner eyeing you up when you’re not watching? We would love to hear your thoughts.

哪些链接引起了您的注意? 您如何看待3D窗帘? 您是否需要运用自己的肮脏技巧来完成工作?当您不看电视时,拐角处的机器人是否在盯着您? 我们很想听听您的想法。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/on-our-radar-medium-better-than-dirty-tricks/
